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  1. #21
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    That you don't seem to realize that every single element in that image was in fact the utmost exaggeration -- the terrorist garb, the gun, the Muslim outfit, the burning flag, the picture of Bin Laden -- gives me serious pause.

    It might be exaggeration but it only takes things he has said or done or intimated at one time and plays them up. Now if there was a white guy in slave garb serving them drinks I know it wold be a picture of his dreams not just a little cartoon in a magazine.

    I wouldn't leave a dog in his care let alone the country I live in.

    In case you couldnt tell he would be my third pick in a two horse race.

  2. #22
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    That's the funny thing about the US elections.
    The whole election campaign revolves around finding dirt on the other candidate, and convincing the voters that a candidate's biggest asset is not being the other one.
    Republicans badmouthing the democrats, the dems badmouthing the republicans, everyone badmouthing the liberals and the environmentalists.

    Then there is ALWAYS something about military service, and how heroic a candidate was (or wasn't)
    Then there is the propaganda and endorsments (WHY do TV networks, companies, teamsters... endorse candidates? This is like buying votes.

    Maybe they should summarize the campaigns each day, and then air them on MTV, next to 'sweet 16' and 'the osbornes', because that's the level at which the campaigns are run.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #23
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    The artist claims he was depicting how Obama's right-wing critics have tried to portray him -- not necessarily how the artist personally felt about him.

    Both the McCain and Obama campaigns have denounced this as tasteless and offensive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    It might be exaggeration but it only takes things he has said or done or intimated at one time and plays them up.
    Really? When was Obama's wife a terrorist?

    I'm surprised that 12~13% of the country still believes Obama is Muslim -- even though there was that huge media fiasco regarding his former [albeit loony] CHRISTIAN pastor (Wright). -By comparison, McCain got a pass from the media on his relation with his own loony pastor, "Hitler was fullfulling God's Will" Hagee.

    This is all garbage. I hate negative campaigning, but they know it works. Heaven forbid we discuss things of actual importance to the country...
    Last edited by Alexander; 07-15-2008 at 06:55 AM.

  4. #24
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Every country deserves its government. And all this finger pointing and 'the other guys are the scum of the earth' attitude, that the political threads here abound of convinces me that the posters should actually consider themselves very lucky to have the presidential candidates they have right now and not somebody in the likeness of say 'my dear friend Vladimir'.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    You might say thank you for showing me the truth.Of course that might be akin to lighting a fuse A la Thomas Jefferson(who said no such thing) Best regards Gary(rated 60 grit)
    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    My point exactly. Truth to tell, I've never in my life met anyone who believed what was just described as "liberal" belief. The people I know who describe themselves as "liberal" are some of the most patriotic people I've ever met. I don't always agree with them, but find that it's pretty easy to have a respectful discussion with them. Wish I could say the same for "conservatives."

    What can you say to someone who believes that Obama is a Muslim and if you disagree, you're a traitor?


  6. #26
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    No . . . too feeble even for a spark. Funny though.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    Al least as the New Yorker sees them:

    Pretty accurate don't you think?
    Why don't you list specifically just which parts you think are accurate??

  8. #28
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    I'm quite moderate on most things and libertarian on others.

    I'm taking the libertarian stance with Obama.

    Has anyone here ever toasted a child molester?

    Has anyone here ever toasted a rapist?
    No takers?

    Has anyone here ever toasted a terrorist?

    I don't see your hand Mr Obama.


  9. #29
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    That's the funny thing about the US elections.
    The whole election campaign revolves around finding dirt on the other candidate, and convincing the voters that a candidate's biggest asset is not being the other one.
    Republicans badmouthing the democrats, the dems badmouthing the republicans, everyone badmouthing the liberals and the environmentalists.

    Then there is ALWAYS something about military service, and how heroic a candidate was (or wasn't)
    Then there is the propaganda and endorsments (WHY do TV networks, companies, teamsters... endorse candidates? This is like buying votes.

    Maybe they should summarize the campaigns each day, and then air them on MTV, next to 'sweet 16' and 'the osbornes', because that's the level at which the campaigns are run.
    They do it that way because it works. Isn't it sad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    McCain got a pass from the media on his relation with his own loony pastor, "Hitler was fullfulling God's Will" Hagee... ...I hate negative campaigning
    Hagee was never McCain's pastor though. Choosing to listen to someone for twenty years who still stands by his "God damn America" speech is above and beyond the call of loony

    Quote Originally Posted by I am Spartacus View Post
    Has anyone here ever toasted a...
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 07-15-2008 at 01:04 PM.
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  10. #30
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Kind of like the Federation of Belgian Enterprises in your country. No?
    With campaign's lasting a much shorter time, and being a highly unionized country, I can't imagine that labor organizations don't greatly influence your elections too. Even if they aren't directly endorsing candidates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    That's the funny thing about the US elections.

    Then there is the propaganda and endorsments (WHY do TV networks, companies, teamsters... endorse candidates? This is like buying votes.

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