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  1. #31
    Sass Monster LilithParker's Avatar
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    It's stuff like this that makes me ashamed to be an American. While I'm glad to have a certain degree of freedom, I'm utterly embarrassed by my countrymen. Too many Americans believe and perpetuate lies about anything and anyone without checking facts. Too many Americans turn philosophical differences into character judgements. Too many Americans would rather be right than good.

    How has it come to this? Is this stupidity the price of freedom?

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  3. #32
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Clearly the drawing is meant as a satire of the way that so-called "Conservatives" have characterized Mr.Obama and his wife. In fact, conservatives are the butt of the joke and should be insulted by it.

    Apparently there is no satire out there so broad that someone won't mistake it for reality. There have been several instances where foreign press have run "news" stories with The Onion as their source (for those of you not familiar with that newspaper, just check out People, who are otherwise very intelligent, will believe what they want to believe, in spite of the facts. It's pretty much human nature.

  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post

    Toast (honor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    damn I wish I could find who reported that story....

    oh wait, it was a frontman for saddam

    ok, so has anyone ever sat through one of these sermons?

    anyone? anyone?

    BARRY !!

    YouTube - MORE VIDEO of Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright

  • #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilithParker View Post
    It's stuff like this that makes me ashamed to be an American. While I'm glad to have a certain degree of freedom, I'm utterly embarrassed by my countrymen. Too many Americans believe and perpetuate lies about anything and anyone without checking facts. Too many Americans turn philosophical differences into character judgements. Too many Americans would rather be right than good.

    How has it come to this? Is this stupidity the price of freedom?
    if byt stupidity you men stuff like this video clip, then I would say YES

    YouTube - Jeremiah Wright: Promoting The Hate

  • #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by I am Spartacus View Post
    if byt stupidity you men stuff like this video clip, then I would say YES
    So when one of McCains policy advisors says something stupid, only McCain speaks for McCain, but Obama is not allowed to have that out?

  • #36
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    Preachers in African-American congregations have made a stock in trade of being provocative for decades. It's how they generate debate and fire up the crowd. I've been in black churches and I'm not sure I'd have taken that sermon as more than an effort to get me thinking. I think, frankly, that people have to lighten up a bit.

    I sat in Catholic church for years listening to all manner of things from the priests. I don't think that means I supported everything I heard -- quite the contrary.

    Does being a Catholic today mean that you support the molestation of children?

    As far as Obama toasting criminals, that speaks to what it takes to live a political life. If you're saying that Obama knowingly honored the criminal acts mentioned, I think you have a lot more proof to show. He didn't know those details. Politicians often find themselves in such situations-- in a public forum with people whose backgrounds aren't entirely known. You shake hands with a stranger only to find that the guy is a lunatic and the picture is all over your opponent's advertising.

    Remember four or five years ago when dozens of Congressmen from both sides of the aisle attended an event here in DC, unaware that it was sponsored by Reverend Moon, who used to forum the have himself coronated King of the Universe. There were guys in tailored suits throwing themselves out windows that night, you can bet.

  • #37
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Joe, what gets me is that this picture is exactly what Obama predicted Republicans would draw I guess the writer got tired of waiting and decided to do it himself?

    Nord Jim, the reason I said it is above and beyond the call of loony is because the specific provocations that Wright has been spewing for decades is loony but not loony enough for Barack Obama to leave until of course it appeared to him that he could lose the Presidency because of it. He claimed to be quite close to Wright and was not ignorant of the things the news media brought up recently. That's why it's not comparable to shaking hands with people one doesn't know or listening to a priest who is doing things without one's knowledge or attending an event unaware of who it is sponsored by.

    Obama knew what Wright's message was and what Wright's audience wanted, and that's exactly why he attended that church.
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 07-15-2008 at 03:25 PM.
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  • #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post

    Does being a Catholic today mean that you support the molestation of children?

    there is a big difference here. the priests that molested those children are sick individuals that deserve to be forced to castrate themselves with a rusted spoon. Further they were actions done in secret and not openly sanctioned by the "church." However, in this situation, we have a presidential hopeful who routinely attended church services that spat forth this rhetoric, that is absolutely demeaning to white people, and should be utterly offensive to every American. Furthermore, it was sanctioned by Mr. Wright's "church" and congregation. (I will never call him Reverend because he is not revered by anyone that I know of, and he is the most anti-Christian "reverend" i have heard). (with the one exception of that nut in Topeka Kansas that pickets and protests the funerals of our fallen soldiers saying that IED's are God's judgment against America for supporting gays. HE IS A NUT!).

    A church is not a place for political rhetoric. You go to church (at least a Christian church as Mr. Wright claims to preside over) to learn about God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. How in the world does the justified use of nuclear weapons against Japan in WWII have anything to do with the Bible and its teachings, and alleging that the 9-11 attacks are America's chickens coming home to roost? In the end, if he could instigate a general, violent uprising against whites (and i don't mean the Government, but whites) he would be rejoicing and sitting on his hands.

    It is amazing to me how the ones that most instigate the racial divide in this country are those "reverends" (Wright, Jackson, Sharpton, ...) that allegedly seek to abolish the divide. However, if they actually succeeded in their self proclaimed mission they would be out of a job, so they continue to perpetuate the racial tensions in this country.

    Last edited by mhailey; 07-15-2008 at 03:27 PM.

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  • #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    It's how they generate debate and fire up the crowd.
    US of KKK A ?

    come on man, you can't be serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    Does being a Catholic today mean that you support the molestation of children?
    I went to a Catholic school.
    Never heard the father screaming about
    " Rape them little boys, I say pound their little butt holes to oblivion ! US of ASSrapin A !!"

    we are talking about two totally different matters here.

    Now, if there was a cantidate who was running, who was Catholic, and attended a church with a molester priest, and had been molested, and maybe a good part of the population of the country was Catholic priests..... then I could see how your comparison might hold water

  • #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    there is a big difference here. the priests that molested those children are sick individuals that deserve to be forced to castrate themselves with a rusted spoon. Further they were actions done in secret and not openly sanctioned by the "church." However, in this situation, we have a presidential hopeful who routinely attended church services that spat forth this rhetoric, that is absolutely demeaning to white people, and should be utterly offensive to every American. Furthermore, it was sanctioned by Mr. Wright's "church" and congregation. (I will never call him Reverend because he is not revered by anyone that I know of, and he is the most anti-Christian "reverend" i have heard).

    A church is not a place for political rhetoric. You go to church (at least a Christian church as Mr. Wright claims to preside over) to learn about God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. How in the world does the justified use of nuclear weapons against Japan in WWII have anything to do with the Bible and its teachings, and alleging that the 9-11 attacks are America's chickens coming home to roost? In the end, if he could instigate a general, violent uprising against whites (and i don't mean the Government, but whites) he would be rejoicing and sitting on his hands.

    It is amazing to me how the ones that most instigate the racial divide in this country are those "reverends" (Wright, Jackson, Sharpton, ...) that allegedly seek to abolish the divide. However, if they actually succeeded in their self proclaimed mission they would be out of a job, so they continue to perpetuate the racial tensions in this country.

    The church covered up the crimes for years. Years and years and years. They're still doing it. Why are they in court, parsing lawyerly phrases, rather than doing public penance? Based on the analysis you mention, every Catholic should quit.

    Churches have engaged in political rhetoric forever. The Catholic Church now denies the sacraments to politicians who espouse non-church points of view. Pastoral letters get into politics routinely. Remember Father Coughlin? I saw the guy preach. Ever heard of Pat Robertson? James Dobson? Jimmy Swaggert? Jerry Falwell? Need I go on?

    Don't talk to me about Al Sharpton. I grew up outside Wappingers Falls, New York, where that whole Tawana Brawley fiasco went down. I knew some of those people. There's no level of hell low enough for that guy. And Jesse Jackson -- who, to be fair, has done some good things in his life -- only opens his mouth these days to change feet.


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