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  1. #141
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I agree with everything you've said except that point.
    Dropping her would have been campaign suicide because by the time the really bad stuff happened, the elections were less than 2 months away.
    We was damned if he did and damned if he didn't, but maybe if he had dumped her sooner and explained his mistake and replaced her with a moderate he may have done somewhat better, probably still would not have won. It's all academic now, we'll never know.

  2. #142
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    I predict she'll be less noticed that Geraldine Ferraro. Ferarro? However she spells it, I can't remember now. See? Gone.

    For the young and uninitiated, G.F. was the first female V.P. nominee in U.S. history.

  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I'd say more relevant than ever. She's going back to Alaska, but the republican party will have to reshape. They cannot ignore Palin and the effect she had on significant part of their base, and Palin may be many things but she is not stupid to not realize the strength of her current position. If past is any indication she will try to use it to further her political carreer.

    But yeah, very relevant, I'm quite interested to see what happens to the political right.
    I saw an interesting interview on CNN...the Conservative speaker stated that the GOP has gone from the party of small government, low taxes, individual liberty, and strong defense to the party of "we want to tell you how to live your life and to judge you".

    The GOP is going to have to decide if they want to continue to beat people over the head with Fundamentalist morality (while they themselves fall one after another to personal scandals) or if they are going to return to their roots.

    Many fundamentalist religious leaders are bemoaning the loss of the GOP, but reveling in the victory over gay marriage, claiming that it shows the electorate’s real view. (I am baffled at the amount of money spent to fight the issue, given the economic climate and the wars. Also, no one has ever made a sentient argument as to why it is a bad thing, other than spouting religious views. I have yet to see any tangible link between the issue and the supposed negative impacts on the "American Family". Last time I looked, divorce, infidelity, immaturity, and finances were the main causes for the break up of families, not having two gay people living next door.) However, in Colorado, the Fundamentalists tried to get an Amendment passes declaring that life begins at conception, which failed a margin that could only be termed a "spanking." So where does that leave their argument?

    This all goes back to the issue of the GOP leading the nation towards a theocracy by allying itself with people who seem to revel in judging and condemning others who really have little or no impact on the lives of these supposed "Christians", other than the fact that the mere existence of anyone who does not agree with their world view makes the froth at the mouth. They claim to be Biblical literalists, and yet they only apply Biblical context as befits their needs, cherry-picking the scriptures that suit their purposes. Otherwise, they would be following Leviticus verbatim. They would not be shaving, women not cutting their hair, no blending of fibers to make material, no pork, lobster, crab, no marrying divorced men or women....the list goes on...but they only select the passages related to gays to harp about.

    As for Palin, I think if she chooses to continue in national politics, she will be the standard-bearer for an arch-conservative branch of the GOP which would be only slightly left of the Taliban (I saw a comparison between Christian and Muslim Fundamentalist views on "moral" topics (abortion, homosexuality, education, religion in government, freedom of the press).....the biggest difference was women being allowed to vote/hold office...other than that, they were almost identical.)

    I cannot imagine any world leader taking her seriously and she has already shown her view on what she thinks she is entitled to.

  4. #144
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    Hi All,

    Well, everyone now knows who Sarah Palin is, and what she was recruited for. She was amazingly effective with the Republican base, but most other voters found her less than an appealing VP pick. She's now well known by all, and much appreciated by some. She came out ok (so far), considering what she has to work with. Yeah, she ain't too smart is she?

    I think most of us are compassionate when it comes to winning and losing contests. Most readers will feel a bit sorry for the loser of a hard fought it a small, but noble part of our humanity. I know I'll try and make things less painfull, and gloating is out of the question when I'm victorious in some way. Just the way I'm wired.

    Anyway, I don't feel sorry for Mrs Palin in the least. That woman tried to trick not just me, but all of America! She was an accomplice in a plan that would have been a travesty had it been successful. She knew damn well she was totally incapable of handling the VP position, but her ego got in the way of reason. Unfortunately for her and Mr McCain, most voters weren't stupid enough to be 'energized' by that pick. She insulted me and millions of others, by trying to pull a fast one.

    Hehe, I could go on a nice rant without any problem, but I'll skip that. I'm happy in the way the election turned out, and leave it at that for now.

    Oh........I have this link I don't quite know what to do with. I read the article (twice) a few days ago,'s truly fascinating that someone could actually write these ideas.......that someone might actually think this way.

    Hehe, this is a writer defending Mr Bush and the bad rap he's been getting for a while now. I'm tempted to start a thread called 'In Defense of Mr Bush', and use this as the first post. It would be nice to have something the Republican members could respond to........

    Anyway, see what you think, and sorry to derail the thread a bit.

    The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace -
    Last edited by De Layne; 11-07-2008 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #145
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maplemaker View Post
    I predict she'll be less noticed that Geraldine Ferraro. Ferarro? However she spells it, I can't remember now. See? Gone.

    For the young and uninitiated, G.F. was the first female V.P. nominee in U.S. history.
    I think I read her name somewhere on wikipedia. If I remember correctly, she was not well regarded.
    Palin will probably suffer the same fate.
    third time's the charm.
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  6. #146
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I think I read her name somewhere on wikipedia. If I remember correctly, she was not well regarded.
    Neither was Mondale. They lost in a true landslide
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  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by De Layne View Post
    Oh........I have this link I don't quite know what to do with. I read the article (twice) a few days ago,'s truly fascinating that someone could actually write these ideas.......that someone might actually think this way.

    Hehe, this is a writer defending Mr Bush and the bad rap he's been getting for a while now. I'm tempted to start a thread called 'In Defense of Mr Bush', and use this as the first post. It would be nice to have something the Republican members could respond to........

    Anyway, see what you think, and sorry to derail the thread a bit.

    The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace -
    It's the Wall Street Journal, so I'm not surprised. I wonder how much of their subscriber base benefitted from the Bailout? Hmmmmmm.....

  8. #148
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    I'd wager it's a pretty even split between the Obama and Bush rich cronies that benefited, now that he's called on Bush today for an entirely NEW bailout to occur before he takes office.

    "Meet the new boss... Same as the old boss..." How does the rest go? Oh, yeah. "...get on my knees and pray.... WE DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN."

    Maplemaker, third-party voter and proud of it, signing off.

  9. #149
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maplemaker View Post
    I'd wager it's a pretty even split between the Obama and Bush rich cronies that benefited, now that he's called on Bush today for an entirely NEW bailout to occur before he takes office.

    "Meet the new boss... Same as the old boss..." How does the rest go? Oh, yeah. "...get on my knees and pray.... WE DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN."

    Maplemaker, third-party voter and proud of it, signing off.
    My Brother, my brother, we would get along all to well!
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  10. #150
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    Maybe if we ever meet in one place at the same time, spacetime will split and the very fabric of life will tear and we can look to see who's standing on the other side of the curtain. And then ambush them when they stick their head to to see what tore their pretty universe. And for the disbelievers (not that anyone has said anything, but in case...) the bailout request was all over the mainstream television news yesterday here in SLC.

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