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  1. #31
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    I like the style of that movie, but Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady was far better as Henry Higgins.
    Hi there,

    You know, Rex Harrison WAS very good in that role. He seemed the perfect casting, plus he could sing......heh. Both actors played it their own their strengths, which were quite different from each others.

    Leslie Howard didn't have Harrison's good looks to help him out, but he still made some roles memorable as a leading man. He did a flick called 'The Scarlet Pimpernel', in which he was a swashbuckler of sorts...also a good movie and story.

    I'm glad the style (or feel) of those snippets appealed to you. It IS a different kinda feeling, with one being concerned mainly with telling a thorough, but non glossy version of the story. The other's good also, but in a much more 'Hollywood Extravaganza' kinda way.
    Thanks for the comment,

  2. #32
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Hmm, it seems that the very official take on her performances so far is 'Gotcha journalism'.

    McCain, Palin On Flak Video -

    And McCain feels the need to jump in and rescue her... I don't even know how to interpret positively his answer about her readiness and qualifications with 'the excitement she has generated in our party' and that people have underestimated before the capability of newcomers to win elections. Does he really believe that people don't think?

    I personally am not impressed so far... not at all.... but there's another debate in few days.
    I don't want to be cynical, and always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but how can you not be.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Hmm, it seems that the very official take on her performances so far is 'Gotcha journalism'.
    It also seems that some people are more easy to "get" than others with "gotcha jounalism"


  4. #34
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    Next time the local ATM wants to know if she wants a receipt after a withdrawal, Mccain will make a public announcement that the machine was either sexist or using gotcha journalism

    ... or possibly both

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Hmm, it seems that the very official take on her performances so far is 'Gotcha journalism'.

    McCain, Palin On Flak Video -

    And McCain feels the need to jump in and rescue her... I don't even know how to interpret positively his answer about her readiness and qualifications with 'the excitement she has generated in our party' and that people have underestimated before the capability of newcomers to win elections. Does he really believe that people don't think?

    I personally am not impressed so far... not at all.... but there's another debate in few days.
    I don't want to be cynical, and always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but how can you not be.

    God, how in the world does McCain think sitting next to Palin and defending her from the big, bad, journalists like he was her grandfather going to help his campaign??

    The only question now is which campaign has to shell out the bucks to hire the fat lady to start singing.

  6. #36
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chady View Post
    Next time the local ATM wants to know if she wants a receipt after a withdrawal, Mccain will make a public announcement that the machine was either sexist or using gotcha journalism

    ... or possibly both
    Of course, the closest ATM to Wassila is probably in Seattle, WA.

    What bothers me about they way they are handling her is it speaks to her being a slow learner. I don't care if someone has no experience if they are smart enough, capable enough, and willing to learn it over night. She clearly, to me, has trouble thinking on her feet and seems under-educated for the job she is trying to get. I really was leaning towards McCain until she opened her mouth and nothing came out. She might as well be Tina Fey for all the good I think she will do as a VP.


  7. #37
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    Well, NO one has come to the defense of the 'Hide the Palin' strategy. Even those die hard republicans who voiced their pleasure for her being PICKED can't open their mouths about the lack of access. Hehe, tough to be a true believer sometimes.

    So, I'm just gonna mention what I personally feel about these tactics, and how they affect me directly. Once again, I did have an open mind regarding Mrs Palin being the nominee, and was expecting her character to be fleshed out more in the month since she was picked. A month of this hiding thing is a loooong time, IMO.

    I'm insulted to be thought of as a target for this method of presenting her to the public. I feel like the GOP is trying to pull some kinda fast one on me, and I hate that. As a voter not associated with either party, my objectivity is easy to come by. Believe me, if praise was deserved, I'd offer it.

    To me, I am being considered a stupid person, one too dumb to think for myself. I'm supposed to totally disregard what's obviously an attempt to keep Mrs Palin from injuring herself or her party by opening her mouth. That doesn't include the few carefully scripted (and constantly repeated) talking points she's allowed to utter. No, I'm talking about who she really is as a person...... the 'less is better' approach seems to be the strategy being used.

    Here's what is really bugs me (besides being asked to act like an incurious sheep) about the way things are being done. I feel like I'm being CONTROLLED, and I flat out hate that. There are people trying to take advantage of me, trying to do something sneaky and deplorable. They think I'm so dumb that I'll accept any weirdness or strange behavior without question. I hate the thought of someone purposely hiding information about a VP pick because the 'less seen the better' is thought to be the best strategy. Hehe, do I sound paranoid? Not at all........that's politics, and BOTH parties play that game well and often.

    I've noticed many more people in news related fields complaining recently about this lack of transparency. We'll see how that plays out after the debate Thurday......see if she's allowed out more. Meanwhile, it seems like many others think something's just plain wrong here.

    I guess I DID ask a question that couldn't be answered. It's too bad though that not one person who defended her as a pick can defend the way she's being treated. Not one even commented on being upset about that either, so I guess they're happy as clams about things.

    You know, I started this thread to try and understand the situation a little better before I made my final decision about the campaign techniques being used. It turns out that the most obvious reason is the correct one. These Republicans are so scared of showing their VP pick to the world that they have almost completely kept her from the public's eye. That's the plan with the most chance of success. Hehe, not exactly dealing from strength is it?

    I thank the members who responded to my question,
    Last edited by De Layne; 09-30-2008 at 08:17 PM.

  8. #38
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    McCain sitting beside her and interjecting during questioning was just way too over the top for me. Give me a break that was bad, it looked bad, and I can't believe no one on his campaign team advised against that, or if someone did, it just shows that McCain can't take good advice from those that know more than he does. Who wants a president who thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't, and will act impulsively on his bad ideas and judgement. Even Bush took advice, and seems to know the limits of his knowledge.

  9. #39
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, for the gift that keeps on giving...

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by De Layne View Post

    To me, I am being considered a stupid person, one too dumb to think for myself.

    Here's what is really bugs me (besides being asked to act like an incurious sheep) about the way things are being done. I feel like I'm being CONTROLLED, and I flat out hate that. There are people trying to take advantage of me, trying to do something sneaky and deplorable. They think I'm so dumb that I'll accept any weirdness or strange behavior without question.

    If you like that, I have a 733 billion dollar payout I'd just LOVE to get you to buy...

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