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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    About 6'1", 175 lbs. little. Mark is upset- he has FINALLY realized that I am the voice of reason.
    You edited your post on me Mr. Reason!

  2. #52
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Earthdawn View Post
    Exactly.... it was an email I got.... and was not an attack on Obama from me ... cause I dont know who to vote for now ....
    Earthdrawn everything in an email or on the internet does not make it true. Trust me there is plenty of garbage that goes around, trust me I know I have yet to hear back from the son of Nigerian finance minister who wants to send me some money. , I read in a subsequent email the son of the Nigerian finance minister was Obama's cousin.

    The sad part is people tend to believe all this bull sh%^t, and this only deepens the divide and polarize the country further.

    Clearly you have the right to choose who you want, but lets make sure it based some concrete facts.

    The biggest problem with the McCain's strategy has been that he had no strategy. All i heard him say was Obama sucks, elect him and you will get taxed terrorists will attack us and babies will be killed. Absolutely no solutions. Just mud slinging and fear politics.

    The 2006 elections should have been a big lesson to the republicans who are still held hostage to the right wingers (see Sarah Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc..). It is an unholy trio of corporate republicans , neo cons, and bible thumpers. The common string that binds these groups is instilling fear and questioning people's social,moral and patriotic values. They have left the country divided into red states and blue states.

    Lets get over this once and for all.

    BTW I got an email saying that Maestro Livi str8s ain't so great, so if any of you guys have some lying around I would be happy to take them off your hands.
    Last edited by Amyn; 11-02-2008 at 07:08 AM.

  3. #53
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Give me a break. It was funny for a second. Chuck Norris would probably be worse than Sarah Palin as President. He endorsed Mike Huckabee, saying “He doesn't abandon his values for what's expedient. Like our Founding Fathers, he's not afraid to stand up for a Creator and against secularist beliefs.” Against secular beliefs??? It's ridiculous and sad that so many Americans probably would find this quote to be a good one. Chuck would be just as bad as Huckabee who would be worse than McCain...
    I like your post. It's passionate, it's well thought out, and it's well written. It does this board proud.

    And yet it completely misses the point. Of course I don't want Chuck Norris as prez. No one really does. It's a protest vote, plain and simple. It's kind of embarassing having to explain it like this, but I guess people aren't getting it. I've prolly not been wording my posts as well as you have been.

    When I encourage people to vote for Chuck Norris, it is a touchstone (or metaphor, if you will) for my disgust with the two nigh-identical parties in power right now. When folks say, "Vote for Chuck Norris!" they don't want you to literally vote for Chuck Norris anymore than people who say "Who is John Galt?" actually want to know who John Galt is.

    Maybe it's a regional expression, I dunno. It's very common where I am. And it references Chuck Norris as an urban legend moreso than Chuck Norris the actual person.
    Last edited by jockeys; 11-02-2008 at 07:48 AM.

  4. #54
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    What happens if everyone decides to protest vote?

  5. #55
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Any one candidate needs 270 electoral votes if I remember correctly.
    Otherwise the choice for the President gets decided by house of representatives.
    If no VP has an electoral majority, his choice gets passed to the senate.

    But since the P and VP run together, I fail to see how it would be possible for them have a different number of electoral votes. Perhaps this is something from earlier days when they were not tied together?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Any one candidate needs 270 electoral votes if I remember correctly.
    Otherwise the choice for the President gets decided by house of representatives.
    If no VP has an electoral majority, his choice gets passed to the senate.

    But since the P and VP run together, I fail to see how it would be possible for them have a different number of electoral votes. Perhaps this is something from earlier days when they were not tied together?
    Actually the answer is you'd end up with an idiot like Chuck Norris as president.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    Actually the answer is you'd end up with an idiot like Chuck Norris as president.
    Somehow I doubt he's idiot enough to accept the job.


  8. #58
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    He probbaly wouldn't want to take he pay cut, and who would sell that work-out crap (the Total Gym I think) to us, they'd be a has-been short.
    Last edited by Hutch; 11-02-2008 at 06:15 PM.

  9. #59
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    What happens if everyone decides to protest vote?
    That would be hilarious. I'd keep my fingers crossed, but not enough people have a good enough sense of humor.

    Realistically, nothing would change. But maybe people would get the point, and start thinking rather than blindly following a given political party. But I'm always rather stupidly optimistic about these sorts of things. Prolly it would just confuse the masses and not change a thing.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I've not heard any politician call Obama a muslim. It is fact though that he was raised as such. Who Is Barack Obama?

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