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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by droche View Post
    I just glanced at the Morris article. It seems to me he is saying Obama will do this and Obama will do that, all of which will make us a Socialist country. He further says that if Obama does all of these things, then the Republicans will win in 2010 and 2012.

    Unless Morris has some source somewhere that knows what Obama is going to do, Morris is speculating and trying to scare people. I do agree with him though that if Obama does do all of these things it will prove to be a disaster for his Presidency and his Party. Obama won the election due to moderates; they will abandon him in a second if he abandons them. I think he knows that- he is no dummy.
    Yeah, what he said.


  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristofferBodvin View Post
    When was this??!!!
    That was (I think) 1979. I was a Missile Technician on the USS Bejamin Franklin, SSBN 640. We went into the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine to be upgraded from C3 posiedon to C4 Trident missiles (ahh the Cold War). While in drydock we had alot of free time so I got a job as a bouncer in a bar in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I began dating the woman who would eventually become my first wife. For a multitude of reasons she was the wrong chick to get involved with but the first reason was that she was the girlfriend of the Executive Officer (2nd in command) on another boomer in the shipyard. When he found out his wwoman was banging an enlisted man on the Franklin, he called the Executive Officer on my ship and they worked out a plan to make my life miserable. Well aside from being accused of sabotage, I was also charged with drinking alcohol on board when the Exec found an empty gin bottle in my locker during a surprise search ( I wonder how that got there?). Well that woman was a piece of crap and the biggest mistake of my life. After eleven years of marriage she slipped me a mickey on Easter Sunday and when I woke up the next day she had emptied the house and disappeared.Sorry.

  3. #83
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    If politics is for for anything is increasing the reputation of some members of this forum ;-)

    Al raz.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    That was (I think) 1979. I was a Missile Technician on the USS Bejamin Franklin, SSBN 640. We went into the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine to be upgraded from C3 posiedon to C4 Trident missiles (ahh the Cold War). While in drydock we had alot of free time so I got a job as a bouncer in a bar in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I began dating the woman who would eventually become my first wife. For a multitude of reasons she was the wrong chick to get involved with but the first reason was that she was the girlfriend of the Executive Officer (2nd in command) on another boomer in the shipyard. When he found out his wwoman was banging an enlisted man on the Franklin, he called the Executive Officer on my ship and they worked out a plan to make my life miserable. Well aside from being accused of sabotage, I was also charged with drinking alcohol on board when the Exec found an empty gin bottle in my locker during a surprise search ( I wonder how that got there?). Well that woman was a piece of crap and the biggest mistake of my life. After eleven years of marriage she slipped me a mickey on Easter Sunday and when I woke up the next day she had emptied the house and disappeared.Sorry.
    I got out in 1980. Sounds typical and I bet things haven't changed much. Duty, Honor, Country reigns supreme, as usual.

  5. #85
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    [quote=Bruno;316036]If you look at our history, you'll notice that we've been at war with ourselves for over a 1000 years, culminating in 2 world wars.
    We now have an unprecedented 64 years of peace, only because we decided after WWII that talking was the only long term survival strategy.

    Black and white as in Iraq?
    The US went into Iraq alone because we didn't want any part of it, seeing as there was no proof to start it.
    Sure, Saddam gave the UN the finger. So we put sanctions in place and talked, and he still gave us the finger. But he was contained. Whatever it was he was doing, he was doing it inside his borders, he had no WMD, and he was not involved with Al qaeda.]

    I don't do this often, but I'm going to do it here... I am going on record as telling you all that I personally found, photographed, and reported WMD in Iraq in a bunker complex just east of Fallujah in 2004. Within 40 minutes of submitting my report I was fielding questions from Washington which I couldn't answer because 1: I'd already put everything I knew about it in my report and 2: I didn't have test kits with me (Nor did I ever see any) to be able to specifically identify what it was I was photographing. What I did get were pics of metric tons of chemical weapons and hundreds and hundreds of expended Iraqi army autoinjectors on the ground. While in the complex I was in my promask, but everywhere I had exposed skin, I was burning. Now, what he did NOT have was a weapons system large enough to carry out a direct attack on U.S. soil. But that he had WMD and used them is an indisputable fact, and any argument to the contrary is easily muted by simply googling "Halabja". I do remember saying to the rest of my team right before submitting the report that if "I just got Bush re-elected I'm going to be really f'ing ****ed." Why the official denial of WMD continues is beyond me, but due to that, it makes it easy for the world to do so, sadly. Also, as has been reported in open media, and to which I'm a witness, two nerve gas IED's were detonated on Hwy 6 in southern Baghdad in 2004. He did, indeed, have it. And sorry this comes so late, I've not been on the site for a few days. Oh, I've also spoken to friends who were there in OIF I who also reported finding all sorts of WMD too.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to maplemaker For This Useful Post:

    jnich67 (01-27-2009), kilowattkid (01-27-2009)

  7. #86
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    Oh, BTW, the above post should in no way construe my support or disagreement of the President's decision to invade. Personally, however, I think Tenent had the right idea...

  8. #87
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing this with us.
    I don't understand why your report (and presumably others like it) have never been officially mentioned.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #88
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    I don't either. One can usually say "follow the money" and find an answer, but I've not found an answer for that yet. Too embarrassing to the U.S. and France for giving it to him in the first place, maybe? But then why use that as the excuse?

  10. #89
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    you really can't judge any war (or it's origins) until years have passed. by the same token, you really can't judge a president till a few years have passed.

  11. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by loueedacat View Post
    you really can't judge any war (or it's origins) until years have passed. by the same token, you really can't judge a president till a few years have passed.
    There's a lot of truth to that. Take Reagan. He's been regarded by a lot of people as a good president. But now that Reaganomics has come crashing down around our ears, perhaps there will be a new view. Add to that all the things that were neglected or outright screwed up on his watch -- the AIDS epidemic, dependance on foreign oil, the environment, the national infrastructure (the list goes on), perhaps Iran-Contra might not look like such an aberration.


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