View Poll Results: Who do you "pray" to?

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  • Flying Spaghetti Monster

    14 13.21%
  • Invisable Pink Unicorn

    10 9.43%
  • God

    62 58.49%
  • Allah

    6 5.66%
  • Myself

    17 16.04%
  • Earth Spirits

    9 8.49%
  • Indigenous Deities

    8 7.55%
  • "The Old Ones"

    9 8.49%
  • Some one living in the 9 planes of hell

    4 3.77%
  • Other

    17 16.04%
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  1. #91
    jcd is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    Here is some evidence you may want to look at...
    Again don't take my word for it look for yourself and see if anything makes sense.

    The Age of the Earth: Evidence for a Young Earth, Young Earth Evidences.

    Proof evolution is WRONG

    Missing Universe Museum home page

    Biological Evidence for Intelligent Design

    Creation Evidence Museum Online - General Information

    Creation Studies Institute | Creation Science and Origins


    Just in case your interested here is a little something different on the resurection of Jesus.

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Fact or Fiction?
    The content of those sites range from common misunderstandings to gross ignorance and incompetence and then some pure fabrications for good measure.

    It is amazing how nonsense like "the Earth's magnetic field is decaying proves a young Earth", and "there are no transitional fossils", and "carbon dating doesn't work", and "DNA proves we were descended from a single female (Eve)" gets recycled through creationist websites (Christian and Muslim, isn't it cute when the two unite?), as if these claims hadn't been refuted 100 times already.

    Don't get me wrong, if people want to believe something and claim it as faith, I have no problem. But the above links claim the faith is supported by science. This is a problem, because the claim isn't true. (Truth is important right?)

    Anyway, enough ranting. Anyone interested in answers to creationist claims about evolution and related topics should check out the Talk Origins Archive, or specifically An Index to Creationist Claims.

    Anyone who wants to see creationist claims debunked, and more importantly, be highly amused at the same time, needs to see all the videos on Potholer54debunks's channel on YouTube (highly recommended!). His sister channel has good educational videos: potholer54.

    Heres a taster, Carbon Dating:

    YouTube - Carbon dating doesn't work -- debunked

    shanedk's channel does some good educational videos. (Also some political ones the Libertarians out there would like.)

    DNA and Eve:

    YouTube - Who Was Mitochondrial Eve?

    Other recommended viewing:

    YouTube - Creation Astronomy Propaganda Debunked

    YouTube - Why do people laugh at creationists

    YouTube - Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism

    YouTube - cdk007's Channel

    YouTube - DonExodus2's Channel


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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    YouTube - Logical Fallacies 5: The Most Insidious
    Thanks for this. I've been watching his stuff for the last hour.

  • #93
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    Gotta say this is probably the most civil "religious" debate I've ever seen.

    Going back to my former comment though, regarding the whole name thing. (I haven't been able to watch the videos ENUF so sorry I can't comment on that). Lets assume that the Muslim "Allah" and Christian "God" are the same idea... one cannot fully believe in the Muslim faith and satisfy the expectations of the Christian God, nor can one follow the Christian faith, and satisfy the Muslim Allah. Therefore, one or both must be wrong, if you were to say you worship the Judeo/Christian/Muslim God, but somehow don't follow the exclusive points of any of those, then you are basically making up your own religion (ok maybe somebody else made that up already, but you wouldn't be a Jew/Chrstian/Muslim).

    The only options are that ONE religion/faith is right and all others are wrong, or ALL are wrong. Not really a politically correct thing to say, but I've never been very PC anyway.

    As far as faith, one pastor I know of summed it up well. Faith is not blindly believing something. Faith is surveying the evidence and determining that something is more likely than not. Sure there will be parts you have to "believe" but it is belief based on evidence. In much the same way that I can't see gravity, but I know it is there because I can see and feel its effects.
    Based on that, my own experience and investigation lead me to follow Christ. Everyone has to make their own decisions based on their own experience. In the end some people will be proven wrong.

  • #94
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    One other thing to check, I'm sure it could be viewed as Creationist propaganda by some, but the movie "Expelled: no intelligence allowed" by Ben Stein is very good discussing how the scientific community works to keep any discussion or debate out of their "system"

  • #95
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    For the interested:

    Expelled Exposed: Why Expelled Flunks

    At the very least people should look at the "expelled" list, and see why they were really "expelled".

  • #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcd View Post

    Good explanation of mitochondrial DNA

    Now, let me ask this:

    That gives a good explanation if you take the case of having multiple sets of ancestors.

    How about if you go all the way back to The Beginning? Science does a good job of suppporting "recent" history, but does not do so well at Genesis.

    Does the scientific explanation of the origin of life say that multiple sets of life happened to spring forth at once, thereby allowing for reproduction as we know it?

    From a state of non-living matter, by whatever combination of circumstances (primordial "soup", etc...) let's say life did spring forth by the utmost hapenstance in all it's complexity ("simple" cells are not so "simple" are they?).

    So, is the scientific theory that a single cell sprang forth and was able to self replicate, or is it saying that there were multiple cases of life spontaneously happening, and thus they could simply get it on and reproduce as we know have come to know reproduction? For either circumstance, the cell has to be at least complex enough to reproduce, which is no mean feat.

    Or is the position that reproduction was not needed as life formation was an easy/common process, and thus multiple early life forms simply came into being? If that is the case, how come we see no evidence of life simply coming into being anywhere else, under any circumstance?

    How scientifically valid are any of those positions?

    According to the above link, the mitochondrial trail has only been followed back, what was it? 170, 000 years. So, that is as far as the "evidence" goes. After that it is at best extrapolation, and at worst assumption and guesswork, however educated those guesses may be.

    They have done a god job at supporting evolution in regards to change over time, but there is plenty of non scientific hand-waving going on when it comes to where life came from to begin with.

  • #97
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    Darwin's Demise - Why evolution can't take the heat

    The Dating Game by David Menton

    Carbon dating

    CSC - A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of the Theory of Intelligent Design

    I've studied the data on both sides of this issue that's where my assurance comes from not because I study one side while refusing the other I spent many years in the evolution camp but the search for truth can not rule out Intelligent Design just because their faith is in themselves. Everything around us is just too complex no matter how much time is involved. Stop for a moment and think if evolution is survival of the fittest why would something that can reproduce itself ever de-evolve to something that needs 2 to reproduce? And since it does take 2 to reproduce how many thousands or millions of years were there between the sexes? And if it were for the betterment of the species wouldn't you think both male and female would more eaually matched instead one one being more dominant?

    Here's more to Think about...

    YouTube - Famous Athiest Antony Flew Changes Mind, Believes in God

    Antony Flew Abandons Atheism
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  • #98
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    A very Interesting thing about this is also that proof of god is possible. Proof is revelation, if I reveal something to you I subjectivly prove it to you because seeing/experiencing is believing.
    Now for a beliver or someone who has had revelation of god they cannot then promise that that is possible for everyone they speak with. Some are simply not worthy or at a level where they will be able to percieve the revelation. When I say not worthy I mean their senses are not at a level to enable the revelation to occur, in the same way a ninja(highly conscious/aware) would run rings around a drunk(awareness/consciousness impared).
    So people cannot promise to show god to someone else becuase even though they had the eyes to see it that doesnt mean the next person they meet will.
    If you are one of these people who is unworthy how do you go from being unworthy to being worthy?
    Well its also the same as how do you go from being a drunk to a ninja...
    Discipline, openmindedness to learning, giving up things that promote unconsicousness so you can raise you consciosuness to a level that will allow you to be a ninja or god conscious, whichever one your aiming for.

    With that in mind please watch this short clip even though its not in english.
    Just try to gain the message without the language.

    YouTube - 3 Iron aka "BinJip" Part ( 7/9)
    Last edited by GregJDS; 08-04-2009 at 06:40 PM.

  • #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    That gives a good explanation if you take the case of having multiple sets of ancestors.

    How about if you go all the way back to The Beginning? Science does a good job of suppporting "recent" history, but does not do so well at Genesis.

    Does the scientific explanation of the origin of life say that multiple sets of life happened to spring forth at once, thereby allowing for reproduction as we know it?

    From a state of non-living matter, by whatever combination of circumstances (primordial "soup", etc...) let's say life did spring forth by the utmost hapenstance in all it's complexity ("simple" cells are not so "simple" are they?).

    So, is the scientific theory that a single cell sprang forth and was able to self replicate, or is it saying that there were multiple cases of life spontaneously happening, and thus they could simply get it on and reproduce as we know have come to know reproduction? For either circumstance, the cell has to be at least complex enough to reproduce, which is no mean feat.

    Or is the position that reproduction was not needed as life formation was an easy/common process, and thus multiple early life forms simply came into being? If that is the case, how come we see no evidence of life simply coming into being anywhere else, under any circumstance?

    How scientifically valid are any of those positions?

    According to the above link, the mitochondrial trail has only been followed back, what was it? 170, 000 years. So, that is as far as the "evidence" goes. After that it is at best extrapolation, and at worst assumption and guesswork, however educated those guesses may be.

    They have done a god job at supporting evolution in regards to change over time, but there is plenty of non scientific hand-waving going on when it comes to where life came from to begin with.
    Some of these questions relate to Abiogenesis (origin of life) and not Evolution (diversification of life); these are two different fields of science. This doesn't invalidate your questions, I only point it out to make it clear that deficiencies in one area would not impact the other.

    How life began from non life is unknown. Further, proving that one particular mechanism was the actual one which happened on Earth may be impossible.

    However, "unknown" shouldn't be taken to mean "completely clueless about". Abiogenesis is a young science, and unlike Evolution, there is competition within the field about which hypothesis is the correct one.

    You have some misconceptions about Abiogenesis (eg. the first life were not cells, simple or otherwise. Also they did not reproduce sexually). You also allude to spontaneous generation, which hasn't been in a scientific theory since the 1700s. (Ironically, religious abiogenesis does have spontaneous generation, cause by an incantation "Let there be...").

    I hope this vid is useful:

    YouTube - 3 - The Origin of Life Made Easy

    "According to the above link, the mitochondrial trail has only been followed back, what was it? 170, 000 years. So, that is as far as the "evidence" goes."
    This is not the case. Markers within the genome have been used to create the phylogenetic tree all the way down (billions of years). The female at 170,000 years is simply the most recent common ancenstor on the female line. It's just a lable. It doesn't mean nothing is known previous to her.

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  • #100
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    As long as we're likening the "unworthy" to drunks, let me say this: heightened consciousness has nothing to do with how willing one is to accept that which cannot be detected by the senses. Instead, in my experience, it has everything to do with how gullible one is. Because, even through all of this talk in this thread and the other busy thread right now, there is still nothing concrete to prove your case. These are the sensory equivalents to hallucinations. Moses saw a burning bush that spoke?

    So, if I'm a drunk, then believers are tripping (figuratively speaking).

    Scientific explanations for the parting of the Red Sea, the 10 plagues, and the burning bush. - By Michael Lukas - Slate Magazine

    Again, I'm not being confrontational, I'm just playing point/counter-point.



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