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  1. #51
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    It should be very clear to even the most casual observer that we are approaching a series of environmental crisis. The oceans are overfished. The easy to obtain oil and coal has been depleted. The food supply for the steadily increasing human population is increasingly difficult to maintain. The lifegiving rainforests are being destroyed at alarming rates. The polar ice caps are receding. The oceans are rising and the list goes on extensively. I question the utility of splitting hairs about the validity of the global warming theories. Clearly we should be treating the Earth and her resources as valuable, delicate and (most importantly) limited. Clearly we should be teaching our children that our planet's resources are the very source and preservation of all life and those resources can be exhausted if not properly and carefully managed.

    It is foolish and selfish when one knows right from wrong to make smug statements refusing to do right because others are doing wrong. There is no argument here. Only the obvious choice to conserve our limited resources and live life while doing the right things for our planet and her bounty. Wells have run dry. Lakes have been killed. Habitats have been destroyed. Species have been hunted to extinction. If you don't believe you are either part of the problem or part of the solution, you are already part of the problem.
    You are right to say that we are the problem.In fact one could put all the problems on one species of life.Human life.The best thing humanity can do to help the planet is to slow our growth.To quote agent Smith"Human beings are a disease, a plague, a cancer of this planet".The more we grow as a species the more we destroy our planet.Global warming is the least of our concerns.

  2. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanx View Post
    You are right to say that we are the problem.In fact one could put all the problems on one species of life.Human life.The best thing humanity can do to help the planet is to slow our growth.To quote agent Smith"Human beings are a disease, a plague, a cancer of this planet".The more we grow as a species the more we destroy our planet.Global warming is the least of our concerns.
    We're the problem? A cancer of the planet? In other words we should exterminate ourselves?? That's just crazy talk. Why do you hate yourself so much?
    Last edited by honedright; 10-16-2009 at 08:46 PM.

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  4. #53
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    We're the problem? A cancer of the planet? In other words we should exterminate ourselves?? That's just crazy talk. Why do you hate yourself so much?
    No no no no, you don't understand; only MOST of us are a cancer, a fetid boil plaguing our most revered mother so horribly, that we should first self-flagellate then self-annihilate. As Ted Turner has said only 300 million of us should be allowed to grace this Terra firma. Oh, and I'm absolutely certain that he means that the 300 million most disadvantaged, poverty stricken lot should prevail rather than say, the 300 million wealthiest individuals on the planet. I mean give the guy SOME credit.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

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  6. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisL View Post
    No no no no, you don't understand; only MOST of us are a cancer, a fetid boil plaguing our most revered mother so horribly, that we should first self-flagellate then self-annihilate. As Ted Turner has said only 300 million of us should be allowed to grace this Terra firma. Oh, and I'm absolutely certain that he means that the 300 million most disadvantaged, poverty stricken lot should prevail rather than say, the 300 million wealthiest individuals on the planet. I mean give the guy SOME credit.

    Chris L
    No no no no, YOU don't understand. If there were only 300 million then all the rich people wouldn't need to worry about running out of anything, nor putting up the lower classes taking up space at the beach or other natural beauty spots. And Al Gore would be KING!

  7. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasBob View Post
    No no no no, YOU don't understand. If there were only 300 million then all the rich people wouldn't need to worry about running out of anything, nor putting up the lower classes taking up space at the beach or other natural beauty spots. And Al Gore would be KING!
    Oh, I see, create their OWN Garden of Eden upon which to frolic and fancy. Why didn't I think of that, it's so perfectly logical.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

  8. #56
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Once Gneral Custer saw the Indians it was too late. He was a dead man. Once we have enough proof of Global warming to convince the non-believers we'll be like General Custer.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #57
    Senior Member RazorPete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    this ought to get some great comments. most of you know i enjoy a great debate. so here goes.
    i for one do not believe in any type of global warming/climate change as the facts are just not there. all the hype is based on computer models and not real science. just like the acid rain a few years back, which was proved to be just hype(no skin burns/paint peeling off cars/gravestones being dissolved). i believe it is cyclic. it is pretty easy to look up the weather charts and see the cycles in 20 and 50 years(roughly).
    researchers are coming out more everyday stating there is no proof. in fact russian research teams are predicting a mini ice age. since 1998 there has been a slight cooling to the oceans and atmosphere.
    one of the biggest claims is the polar caps are melting. what they are not saying is that over the last 15 years or so that the caps were growing and now are going back to their original size.
    Al Gore and his crew do not like to be questioned as they have been more and more lately about facts and get quite upset when facts are presented. i guess i would be upset too if i had made millions using scare tactics on the general public and now stand to be disproved.
    one side note. Al has one of the most energy inefficient houses here in middle tennessee, using up to 10 times what other homes the same size use. this has been documented here through public records. also his jet flights all over the world put out more so called green house gas than 1000 normal people would put out in a year. this by a man calling for the end of the internal combustion engine in his mostly disproved book.
    so not lets hear what all you have to say
    All of our leading scientific journals and organizations agree that global warming is real and that man is contributing to it. Point of fact, there is not a single scientific journal, or organization which disputes this. I am glad you brought this thread up. Its important for people to better understand this issue. Its important to continue research into this area.

    American Association for the Advancement of Science
    The National Academies of Science
    The journal Nature
    More than hot air : Article : Nature
    Scientific American
    Is Global Warming a Myth?: Scientific American
    National Geographic
    Global Warming Solutions, Stop Global Warming, Is It Real? - National Geographic

  10. #58
    Troublus Maximus
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    Question ?

    A week ago in the national news Miami Beach reported something like a 75 year record low tide. How do you get that with rising ocean levels? I have, as many many do, a special fishing spot at the Texas coast near Corpus Christi which is very recognizable and memorable and have stood on the same rock to cast a line for 30 years. Is someone moving that rock? It's right at the shoreline with waves splashing on it, and it's not under water.

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ControlFreak1 For This Useful Post:

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  12. #59
    Senior Member RazorPete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post

    A week ago in the national news Miami Beach reported something like a 75 year record low tide. How do you get that with rising ocean levels? I have, as many many do, a special fishing spot at the Texas coast near Corpus Christi which is very recognizable and memorable and have stood on the same rock to cast a line for 30 years. Is someone moving that rock? It's right at the shoreline with waves splashing on it, and it's not under water.

    Here are the actual numbers, I dont see a record tide here, can you show me where it is?
    October Tide Table
    Last edited by RazorPete; 10-17-2009 at 05:46 PM.

  13. #60
    Troublus Maximus
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    Question ?

    The difference may be the same, but where is the rising level? So where's the record high tides? Where are the actual reports of rising sea levels? I've only heard claims of this, and my rock in Corpus is still there. The report was a quick mention on the national news along with record low temps at some airports around the country. ?.? It surely didn't jive with any claims of warming, melting glaciers and rising sea levels. And this past year was filled with reports of record low temps and extended winter months. The record high temp year was 11 years ago. And now they are changing their tune and approach. And they have many dissenters defectors and skeptics.

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