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  1. #21
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Wielder View Post
    . As this clip demonstrates, she's quite helpless when it comes to thinking for herself and memorizing what it is she should say. Fortunately, she will now have the luxury of cue cards!
    Sarah is saving money to buy herself one of this, and she'll be ready to be President

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  3. #22
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    Guys, she said that Fox "values" fair and balanced news, not that FOX actually presents fair and balanced news.

    See, she's shrewder than she looks!

  4. #23
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    I do not have a cable and i'm too lazy or uninterested to watch news (well maybe BBC every now and then) from the internet so i do not see Fox here. Is there something i'm missing?
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  5. #24
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    One is jsut as likely to get fair and balanced news out of her mouth on Fox than out of any of the left leaning "news" people I choose to listen to.
    That is to say, not friggen likely.

    I have decided that the only way to get news that even MIGHT be accurate is to say NOTHING that they report, and just flat out make it up. MAYBE then it could be accurate, but I KNOW it's not accurate if THEY say it.

    So, today's headlines, from SmokelawNews: President Obama and Nancy Pelosi were out hunting prairie dogs with hi-cap semi-auto's (black ones...with flash suppresors!!) this afernoon when the discussion turned to "Global Warming." Nancy said "You know, Al Gore and I were in his coal-fueled inter-galactic steamer ship last wednesday marrying Men to Men dressed in full Klan regalia, when he mentioned that the greatest threat to the global environment is actually colorblindness. I have introduced legislation that will create complete-blindification camps in the deserts of New Hampshire in order to put out the eyes of the colorblind, thus we can SAVE THE WORLD!!! Of course, we will do so in a completely budget nuetral way. let's cut the payments to social programs for the neediest!"
    The president plopped another family of vermin with a tracer-armor piercing-incidiary triple tap, and said, "you know Nance---that's a fine idea." Then they made out.
    And in Sports, the Royals extended their win streak to 13. They have now beaten every tee-ball team in bergen County NJ. Tonight, they are at home versus Manchester United.

    Stay tuned for reruns of MASH.

  6. #25
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    I don't trust any of the main stream media.

  7. #26
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miner123 View Post
    I don't trust any of the main stream media.
    Subscribe to SmokelawNews. All the news that's printed to fit! We are somewhat not less untrustworthy than at least some of most of the other guys!!

  8. #27
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    I see that Faux is still contributing to the dumbing down of the viewers. One more reason that I kicked the tv to the curb.

  9. #28
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    I do not have a cable and i'm too lazy or uninterested to watch news (well maybe BBC every now and then) from the internet so i do not see Fox here. Is there something i'm missing?
    yep, you're missing history in the making. you should check it out some time, a lot of stereotypes may suddenly make sense

  10. #29
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Very little that is reported, either in print or broadcast, is not slanted in some way. A lot of the news isn't so much biased as blatantly untrue.
    People have become more wrapped up in their own lives and and less wise about the world and the way it works.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  11. #30
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by denmason View Post
    I see that Faux is still contributing to the dumbing down of the viewers. One more reason that I kicked the tv to the curb.
    Yeah, I hardly watch TV anymore. I turn it on a couple of times a week to watch House, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, and The History Channel, but that's about it. Oh, and if I see a good documentary. I don't get the Food Network, but I did, that'd make up most of my viewing, aside from the shows I mentioned.

    Anyways, the great thing about the internet is that you're not limited to one or two sources at 11:00 each evening. Whatever the story, there are going to be professional news sites and amateur blogs that will document it from a host of different viewpoints. It's pretty amazing how much freedom we have when it comes to this. What would have been science fiction a few short years ago has now become a part of our daily lives. It's not only available to us, but if you have a cell phone that can surf the net, you have an unprescedented amount of information (again, not all of it perfect, but you have to weed out the bad) at your fingertips. Yet instead of using the internet to become a more informed, people are still using it to argue the merits of a joke "news" program, simply because they blindly consider themselves to be of a certain political way of thinking, and think that because their network identifies themselves (very broadly) as the same, they have to defend it as a matter of honor. Pathetic.

    "They're not the only news program that embellishes for their side!" comes the childish reply. Well no kidding! But who cares? That Keith Oberman guy is as much of a douche as O'Reilly.

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