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  1. #41
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Something else that might be useful:
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    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Glenn24's Avatar
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    Here are my 2 cents:

    I don't think you need to film anything, you feel a presence, weird things are happening. Your gut is telling you that there is someone in the house. My experience tells me that your gut is almost always right. So let's assume there IS a spirit in the house.

    From what you describe, this spirit is completely harmless. It sounds like a kid, or someone who can't help himself from pulling off practical jokes.

    I don't think the solution here is to necessarily try and get rid of it. This might sound crazy, but I think you should embrace it. I doubt the spirit wants to be feared, it might just want some attention. It might be lonely, scared, who knows. By letting it know you accept its presence, who knows, it might calm down a bit and might act as a guardian angel one day & protect you.

    Anyways, the only way I think this presence will leave is if it wants to leave. So might as well be nice to it & keep good relations as long as its there.

    Good luck !

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  4. #43
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn24 View Post
    Here are my 2 cents:

    I don't think you need to film anything, you feel a presence, weird things are happening. Your gut is telling you that there is someone in the house. My experience tells me that your gut is almost always right. So let's assume there IS a spirit in the house.
    Yes, well...

    While I don't automatically disbelieve, I do believe that usually (as in the case of the electric toys in my house) there is a rational explanation that can be tested (by changing the batteries in my case).

    It would seem close minded and unreasonable to refuse to look for rational explanations even if you also look at the spiritual side. Especially since NO amount of sage, holy water or blessing is going to solve the problem if there is indeed a more worldly explanation for the things that are happening.

    And while I am a firm believer in gut feelings myself, people's gut feeling also made them burn thousands upon thousands of people as witches. So as far as gut feelings go, they have their failings too.
    Last edited by Bruno; 01-04-2011 at 11:31 AM.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. #44
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    hey guys.. just woke up and decided to check the thread before i started my day..

    thank you all for the replies.. i do without a doubt think that something is up.. aside from the old spice incident.. i myself witness hangers start to jingle around in a closet that was empty.. and no breeze or whatever were around to blame..

    my friend, jessica is her name.. is a completely honest women.. she and i have been friends since young teens and i've always known her to be upright and honest.. i could genuinely sense her concern when she told me about the soda can flying off the table.. there really was no reasonable explaination.. she described it as if someone had come along and batted the can right from the center of the table.. she was visibly upset by the incident and asked me.. "can this thing really follow us?"

    as for what to do about it.. i just don't want to feel messed with in my own home.. i don't let the kids dump valuable shave products down the toilet.. so i'd expect the same out of anyone else in the home.. living or not.

  6. #45
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    No freight trains running nearby or that sort of thing?

    If stuff like that really happens in your house then I would most definitely get it on camera because it would be world news to capture paranormal activity on camera. I don't mean the usual grainy 'with some imagination you can see something' clips but genuine high res pictures of unexplained motion like an AS bottle pouring itself.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  7. #46
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm the weird one to suggest this, but one option you have is to ignore spilled milk, noisy toys, and wiggling hangers and go about life as usual
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  9. #47
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    Once I knew a guy who owned an Inn.
    This Inn was in existence since the early 1800's and was just a restaurant when he owned it.
    Anyway, the Inn was haunted by a woman who was killed while working there when the Inn was around 20 years old.
    This Inn gained local notoriety, in particular for her haunting.
    This ghost's modus operandi was to dump the silverware out of the cupboard and onto the floor.
    Thats all she did.
    My friend owned this Inn for 15 years and dealt with this occurrence on a daily basis. He would often speak to her outloud ( not knowing if she was there or not lol) and ask her nicely to stop, we mean you no harm, etc ... while picking up the silverware.
    Funny, but none of the workers wanted to pick up the silverware.

    After he sold the Inn, my friend would often find the silverware in his house dumped all over the kitchen floor; almost daily.
    He waited a few months to contact the new owners of the Inn about the ghost.
    The new owners claimed the ghost was not present - at least not acting up - at the Inn because none of her usual antics were happening.

    My friend surmised that the ghost followed him to his house.

    One day when I was visiting him, I actually saw the silverware tray floating above the island in his kitchen.
    I just thought he was trying to freak me out ... but when I put my hands above the silverware tray to check for wires, the tray suddenly dumped over and the silverware spilled out all over the island and floor ... etc...

    True story.

    It can happen ... but I haven't the faintest on what to do about it.
    For what ever reason, the ghost likes you.
    Also, if it is in fact a ghost ... it could be alot worse, you know.

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  11. #48
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    well.. i didn't get a chance to see the aftershave pouring itself..

  12. #49
    Poor Fit
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    That's just creepy! I've never had anything like that happen to myself or anyone I know but who knows who/what is around us watching. My Mom tells me my grandfather used to say I'll believe it when it happens to me or I see it. Is a strange coincidence that it followed though..must be an association with something.

  13. #50
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    In case it's a child, try playing with a ball. Roll it out, see if they will roll it back. Video tape it. Try EVP's with a digital recorder.

    Call Jessica's mom, where the stuff came from. See if her ghost is gone.

    Pull all the batteries from the powered toys. See if anything will power on unexpectedly then.

    I would call a clergyman. Explain what is happening and that you'd like your new home blessed.

    Best of luck, chief.

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