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  • The Lone Gunman

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  • A conspiracy of some kind (regardless of who)

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Thread: Nov 22nd 1963 The Kennedy Assassination

  1. #21
    lz6 is offline
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    As much as I wish there would be a definitive end to it I have to agree there probably never will be but that will not change my wish for it.
    One of the mishandled immediate news item and pic was the Dallas Police Officer holding up "the rifle", it was not the carcano in question. The then effort with lack of expertise to cut and paste his head on the photo,that showed up right away, of him with the weapon is just an example of what kind of blatant crap the public can be led to believe. I was very well qualified by the military with weapons, expert in M14, M16, M60 and used all, many times, with the desired effect in nam. LHO just barely qualified in his last shoot with the military in 59.
    I don't even think that LHO had a clue with the exception of what his handlers had him do to finalize his set up.
    I do not believe he killed Dallas Officer Tippett, may he rest in peace, but I do believe he was told to sit down
    in that Dallas picture show and await further direction.
    What haunts me a lot is US President DDE warning us against the "military industrial complex".

    Edited to add, Glen, thank you for bringing up the topic. I think it is always important to keep the discussion going regardless of where one may stand on the nightmare.
    Last edited by lz6; 11-24-2011 at 01:30 AM.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Sad,that in a couple more decades nobody will care,will be like wondering about A. lincolns demise.
    But read the data that has been re-hashed in the last decade,computer data,It scares the hell out of me.
    Last edited by pixelfixed; 11-24-2011 at 04:33 AM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    I have always been interested in it and my opinion has changed only slightly over the years. I still think it was a conspiracy.
    Whats really great is that my son, now 14, is interested in it as well. We watched one of my favorite movies of all time JFK together. I dont know if we will ever know or find out everything but it sure has a lot of continued intrest.

  4. #24
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I don't know whether he did it or not. 50/50.

    What bugs me is that quite a bit of evidence has turned out to be fabricated.
    If he really was a loner and there was no conspiracy, then who fabricated the evidence, and why?
    And why was he shot by Jack Ruby?

    I remember my mother telling me about the assassination a few years ago. I was about 5 months old when it happened and my family lived n Dallas then. She said the morning of the day that Ruby killed Oswald, the Dallas Morning News (one of the Dallas newspapers) had the arrest photo of Oswald. He had a sort of half smirk in the photo. The shock of the killing was pretty fresh (especially in Dallas), and my mom said to herself "Someone ought to shoot that son of a bitch". I'm pretty certain she wasn't the only one to feel that way. I'm not surprised that someone with poor impulse control would have acted on that thought.

  5. #25
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Nearly every year with the new technological advancements, we see more and more, this years NatGeo special brought new HD vids with even the film under the sprocket holes in the 8mm being shown.. It was rather interesting to watch the new re-enactments with new info being added with each new innovation...

    I have read many theories, for and against conspiracies and two stand out to me, one for each side

    1.) The back story and evidence that was found rather quickly about LHO, the entire package of paperwork was a bit to neat for my palette.

    2.) I simply can't believe that the secret has been held for so long, considering the number of people that would have had to have been involved.

    BTW I read one account that the fatal shot was fired from a sewer culvert and a Remington XP-100 in 221 Fireball was used
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  6. #26
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    BTW I read one account that the fatal shot was fired from a sewer culvert...
    Yeah, I remember the sewer theory. It was pretty settled in my mind when it was revealed that sewer line leading to that culvert was less than 10 inches in diameter. He would have been a very slender rifleman.

    I think that LHO acted alone, but I'm still pretty open minded about it. So far, all the conspiracy theories I've heard have been pretty well debunked, but I'll always listen to new ones.
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  7. #27
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    I have been following this thread with some interest, I am old enough to remember the day of the assassination although the impact was not so severe here.

    I can't help drawing some parallels with the JFK assassination and the Princess Diana - Dodi Al Fayed incident, conspiracy theories abound in both cases. Our government has come to the conclusion that it was an unfortunate accident, the general public opinion is that they were 'bumped off'. I fear in both cases we will never get to the truth, once the seed of a cover up story is planted in the public mind it is very difficult to shift.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    2.) I simply can't believe that the secret has been held for so long, considering the number of people that would have had to have been involved.
    Thats the part that always gets me thinking the other way.... just how could such a complex operation remain a secret so long. I mean by now someone involved would have left the outline of what happened in there will or something. Something to be found after they have passed away, but nothing has ever come to light.

  9. #29
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    Truth is we will never know , barring ( as someone mentioned earlier in the thread ) a deathbed confession . 

    However this did remind me of what a friend said - he had finished reading a book about the 50s/60s in America and it touched upon JFK and the Cuban Missile crisis . Now the author of that book, (need to find that out) mentioned briefly about President Kennedy wanting to end the huge tax breaks the oil companies were receiving (still are perhaps !!!? ) and how it was a very unpopular idea within the US government . That was all that was said . The author did not delve very deep , into the murky waters of the JFK assassination (according to my friend) , just mentioned the oil tax breaks and that he was the first Catholic President . Not that those are prime reasons to be shot - but food for thought or more conspiracy theory fodder !

    Doesn`t make any of the event any clearer, but I thought it was an interesting point . Especially considering, the wars being waged over oil and natural resources now !


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  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Earthdawn View Post
    Thats the part that always gets me thinking the other way.... just how could such a complex operation remain a secret so long. I mean by now someone involved would have left the outline of what happened in there will or something. Something to be found after they have passed away, but nothing has ever come to light.
    Where is Jimmy Hoffa Sr. ? What happened to him ? If he was murdered, who did it and what did they do with the body ? Speaking of well kept secrets. It is interesting to note that the mafia associates of the CIA who were involved in the plot to kill Castro were all murdered shortly before they were to testify before the senate committee of Senator Church IIRC ..... Among them Sam Giancana, the leader of the Chicago mob, and Johnny Roselli a high ranking capo. There have been many other deaths of people who were possibly knowledgeable of details that were dangerous to their health.
    nun2sharp likes this.
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