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Thread: President's Speech

  1. #51
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razorjoe View Post
    We need a third party in this country, and a leader that will direct us back tto the Lord Jesus Christ![/B]
    Agreed on the third party: I think we should name it REASONABLE......"if it ain't reasonable, we ain't doing it" will be the motto.

    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post

    How about a leader that will continue to ensure you are free to worship as you choose to?

  2. #52
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    See this is where you and I part ways, you just made it quite clear that you base morality on the Bible, and the Christian one at that...

    How would you feel in the 2016 election if the most qualified candidate was a Hindu ???? or let's get a bit farther out there and say 2020 and he/she is practicing Voodoo ???

    I find it very disturbing that you and I are going to most likely vote for the same people for many years to come for very different reasons...

    I also find it very sad that so many people in this country allow their emotions to cloud their Political sense and actually vote on social issues intead of voting for the person most qualified to run the country...

    I like your thoughts. I do have one thing to add from a very, very smart man I once had the pleasure of knowing. You may or may not agree.

    "The masses are asses" He had advanced degrees (Ph.D) in both Mathematics and Economics and I saw him complete the NY Times cross word puzzle in under thirty minutes.

  3. #53
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Not unless the individual governments give up their control over their banking systems, which for most of them is equivalent to committing suicide and not just for the party leadership but their whole parties.
    Actually that is not needed at all. The EU can simply withdraw whatever European subsidizing is going on for that country if the yearly budget is out of balance by more than 2 or 3 percent. I know because they did this to Belgium

    I think every country in the EU is receiving a sizable amount of subsidizing, and it is in the interest of all Euro countries to keep the economies of the participating countries stable. Greece is a disaster because its problems have been unchecked for years and years. the current crisis has removed all apathy. I am fairly confident that for the foreseeable future, there is going to be a close eye on the individual budgets.
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  4. #54
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanjewell View Post
    Or if the 2012 candidate is Mormon...

    I was a little taken aback for a bit when quite a few "Born Again" Christians informed me that Catholics and Mormons were not "True" Christians, I thought to myself Shi'a-vs-Sunni...
    Bruno, hornm and alb1981 like this.

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  6. #55
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I was a little taken aback for a bit when quite a few "Born Again" Christians informed me that Catholics and Mormons were not "True" Christians, I thought to myself Shi'a-vs-Sunni...'d think they could all get along with having the whole Jesus thing in common...but some people like to argue details...and some just HAVE to be right...

  7. #56
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanjewell View Post'd think they could all get along with having the whole Jesus thing in common...but some people like to argue details...and some just HAVE to be right...
    They don't say they're details

    I've seen born again Christians argue that Catholics (and various other branches) are going straight to hell because they believe that the trinity (father, son, holy Ghost) exist(ed) as separate entities, rather that being different manifestations of the same 1 God. Jehovah's witnesses are convinced you go to the lake of fire for accepting a blood transfusion. Etc. The Catholic church claim that they are the only valid church, appointed by Jesus himself, and that the others are posers. Then there are the Anglicans who are headed by the English Monarchy.

    The list goes on. Christians would shoot each other on technicalities. Sadly.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  8. #57
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    The devil is in the details...

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  9. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    And your country's founders took great care to make a separation between church and state.
    I am not afraid of people mentioning God, but I am convinced religious leader are extremely unqualified to be political leaders. They also tend to be bad at actual practical problems.
    The words "separation of church and state" does not appear in the US Constitution. What it does say is that the US shall establish no religion. People use the words "separation of church and state" as a club against Christians here.

    The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, NOT freedom FROM religion. I'm getting sick of the anti-religion movement. It doesn't seem to apply to Muslims.

  10. #59
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The words "separation of church and state" does not appear in the US Constitution. What it does say is that the US shall establish no religion. People use the words "separation of church and state" as a club against Christians here.

    The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, NOT freedom FROM religion. I'm getting sick of the anti-religion movement. It doesn't seem to apply to Muslims.

    Actually it does apply whenever one Religion is pushed as "The Religion" There shall be no "State Church" each individual in the US is afforded the RIGHT to practice any religion they so chose and the RIGHT to not practice any.. But in reading the OP's first post to this thread the "Shall not Establish a Religion" clause in the US Constitution would kick in and apply in this case...

    It is a actually a Double Edge Sword not a club, and if wielded correctly it stops ANY religion from pushing their beliefs through Government in this country, but remember anytime one religious group asks for an exception, that exception applies to all religious groups..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 06-14-2012 at 03:59 PM.
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  12. #60
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    I think most people are good at heart. It doesn't take religious teachings to make a person good. Your natural ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes makes you good. There have been studies with children that show that almost all of them will share what they have with others that have nothing.

    On the other hand people that are unable to empathize turn out to be the ones that become merciless killers. Time and time again it has been shown that serial killers simply can not understand another person's pain.

    At the same time I think a religious background tends to teach kids the difference between right and wrong in situations that have nothing to do with emotion.
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