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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #731
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanjewell View Post
    You have a point there...I had the right/left/conservative/liberal discussion with my (German) lady and realized they mean totally different things across the pond. Democrats here closely resemble other parties there (green, maybe?) was thoroughly confusing
    That is what make conversations about these subjects very difficult for non-US people. The political field isn't even left/right only. Even those terms 'left' and 'right' aren't the same in Europe.

  2. #732
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Like some others hereI been meanin to answer the original question at hand on the "what's your opinion on automatic weapons".....ANSWER: Love'm ! Fired an M-16 way back in the day and threw a grenade.Funny part is I grew up with guns but was always a lousy pitch. I did terrible on the range but did excellent at the grenade range ..go fig heh heh ! Firing a full auto is a rush and a's like the cadillac of the gun world BLAMMO !!! I am a bad man tee hee !
    Wullie likes this.

  3. #733
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    Just where is this utopia of which you speak???
    Wullie --
    I don't know about utopia, but I can tell you Hell is in Michigan just NW of Queen Ann's Arbor.

  4. #734
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    Wullie --
    I don't know about utopia, but I can tell you Hell is in Michigan just NW of Queen Ann's Arbor.
    Hey there Brother ! Traverse city used to be home.

  5. #735
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    And who doesn't love the Hansen Brothers giggidy !

  6. #736
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    Just where is this utopia of which you speak???

    Remember, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.

    Appears to me that after 70 some odd pages of getting your rear end handed to you, you'd give it a break.

    You were right about one thing, the reason we still have guns is because we still have guns.

    Deal with it. ALL of your rectangular logic as to why you think WE don't need our gun is just your viewpoint.

    I can guarantee you this though. IF you were to go Knob Creek, or that OK Full Auto shoot and you were to push the button on a mini-gun and hose a few hundred rounds downrange in a few seconds, I GAURAN-DAMN-TEE you have a grin on your face that would be a WHILE coming off.

    Full auto is FUN when Uncles Sugar is buying the ammo. Personally, I have no desire to own any full auto stuff. I've melted out all the barrels I want to already.
    I have no doubt about the grin Wullie :-) NONE at all.

    Ass handed to me, now that's another opinion lol.
    Last edited by straightrazorheaven; 07-31-2012 at 09:03 PM.

  7. #737
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamburgO View Post
    Indeed, it is a fascinating world, and history a subject from which we can all learn much today - although we rarely do ;-) The institution and ratification of the Commonwealth was an important milestone in the transition from the British Empire's colonies, or dominions, to an organization of nations "equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs". After varying periods of British rule, the countries began to RE (!) -gain their independence, and the Brits had far fewer administrative headaches to deal with. That Empire was quite some organization to run!

    I find it significant that the Brits held on to control and their economic interests as long as they possibly could. I don't believe they were trying to be humanitarians in generously setting their former colonies free. By the 1920's they were simply stretched too thin across the globe, and the cost of colonial government exceeded the economic benefit. (Same thing happened to the Romans around 300 A.D.). Thus, over G&T's on the verandah, history was made: "By Jove, Harry old chap, I have an ideaah! Let's form a Commonwealth, that way we keep our hand in the till, and the bloody natives can bloody well rule themselves!"

    They did maintain their hold on India until 1947. Indian independence was inevitable, but it was the increasing violence between Muslims and Hindus/Sikhs, the influence of Gandhi, and the threat of a general uprising that prompted an acceleration of the process and a division of the country into Pakistan and India. The British Army of 1947 was in no shape to deal with a civil war in India. Another historical occasion besides our Revolutionary War in which an armed populace, in this case merely the threat that it posed, was helpful in abolishing a dictatorial government.

    Besides the Commonwealth, Indian independence, Scary Spice, and so much more, we also have the former British Empire to thank for the mess that we call the Middle East. I believe that could have been handled more wisely... but I digress.

    I responded to your post mainly because your gibe at the "uneducated American" stereotype didn't sit well. Trust me, I've been around: Stupidity and historical myopia are by no means limited to the US! And a good education, while a little harder to come by here, is not limited to Canada or Europe. Thanks for reading, -o
    Sorry I don't have a good education being a high school drop out and yes I do think that some Americans, certainly not all, have a myopic view of history. There were a lot of parts of the British empire that gained nation hood status at very different times. Canada got that in 1867, much later than the US and by a different route. You are happy with how you did it and I am content with the way we did it. There is no reason why things can't be done differently and no amount of lecturing that anyone would be better off emulating the way some other country does things things will help either. I do not advocate you emulate anyone but yourselves.

    There were quite a few colonial powers involved in the middle east and elsewhere. IIRC the terms of the Treaty of Versailles carved up the middle east to suit the victorious signatory powers, the US being among them. So you don't get away scot free there either. Yea, it could have been handle more wisely but it was not.

    Colonialism is still alive and well but it does not take the shape of it's former self. No need to physically invade and occupy a country. That is done by other means today.


  8. #738
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    Ass handed to me, now that's another opinion lol.
    I did a pretty fair job of it with The Federalist Papers.

  9. #739
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    I have no doubt about the grin Wullie :-) NONE at all.

    Ass handed to me, now that's another opinion lol.
    I'm still waiting to hear where things are so wonderful.

  10. #740
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    Wullie --
    Crickets chirping...

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