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Thread: Legalize Pot... ?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Themproblem is regulating it.. It is the wild west out there with those pharmacies and until they can figure that piece out they probably shouldn't pass it..

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Themproblem is regulating it.. It is the wild west out there with those pharmacies and until they can figure that piece out they probably shouldn't pass it..
    Why regulate it? you walk into a federal pharmacy,pay the toke for a pure known dose of the drug of choice,pay the tax.Go home and chill any way you want.
    Should you overdose yourself and die,so what? makes for a better gene pool down the road.
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  3. #13
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lz6 View Post
    I believe marijuana should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol.
    OK, but provided that -- as with alcohol -- an individual can grow cannabis freely, for his/her personal/family use. More than, let's say one-pound per/month, would constitute commercial use, and require whatever licensing/fees/etc. that the law requires for commercial-quantity home-brew (beer, wine, mead, spirits, etc.)

  4. #14
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    It's been fun to watch this thread play out and I wondered how long it would take for the rather glaring reality that we are perhaps missing out on a source of income lol. Of course Lynn nailed that on the first response. But there is more to it than just tax revenue.

    How much do we spend on the war on drugs? Even if we reduced it by 10% and forget about pot - that's HUGE bucks! So not only are we making money... we are saving money. Never mind how much we would save on imprisoning those who smoke and distribute. Heck - even the savings to the legal system would be HUGE!

    Taking all those savings alone would be reason enough if you were to look at it in a purely fiscal way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Wouldn't it be nice to have a resource for tax revenue that would allow the unrealistic taxes being imposed on Cigar tobacco to be left alone..........just sayin...........
    Then if we really went all out and followed the constitution back before prohibition bastardized it and took away Americans rights to ingest what they wished like pixel says we would not only save on policing and bl, bla, bla... we would remove a segment of our society all together. The criminal element around drugs. Plus, we would be saving nations like Mexico and Colombia the headache of drug cartels! Win-win...

    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Make legal every currant illicit drug known to man,than the criminal eliments of selling it will be gone along with the profits for the bad guys.
    Tax the crap out of it like booze and cigs which are far more dangerous than USP heroin.But first and formost,allow people to make ther own decisions on how to navigate there own lives.
    But then tiddle brings in the 800 pound gorilla lol. The do-good people. And those who have their hands in the cookie jar. The do-good people have a point but one I think is born out of ignorance but then... I don't believe that smoking a joint will turn you into a raging lunatic either.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiddle View Post
    It should, but will never happen nationally. Bible thumpers opposing, and too many hands in the cookie jar making profit i.e.: law enforcement, defense attorneys, and the states. Regardless of what they say, the seizures of moneys and goods go to the states, just like the so called non profit traffic tickets...really...REALLY?! It works like the pharmaceutical industry, "There's more profit in treating something than curing it; by treating you ensure repeat customers."
    I don't know what the answer is, but it drives me bonkers that we are as a nation of drug takers, are funding some pretty shady cartels! I would rather those who take drugs fund our own government thank you. Moreover, that my government also pays other governments to combat it on their lands, is an even bigger ARG! It's loose, loose!

    I say support our own - stop funding cartels and aid those of ours in need instead of looking outside all the time... YMMY
    Last edited by earcutter; 11-06-2012 at 03:25 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Must read:cocaine nation,nuff said
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  6. #16
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Must read:cocaine nation,nuff said
    You don't even need to read something as glaringly depressing as that bro! It's all so freaking... sad! And the worst part of it all is, the average American is getting the shaft while some pig is farting cash!!

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Make legal every currant illicit drug known to man,than the criminal eliments of selling it will be gone along with the profits for the bad guys.
    Tax the crap out of it like booze and cigs which are far more dangerous than USP heroin.But first and formost,allow people to make ther own decisions on how to navigate there own lives.

    And what will we do with that new money? Pay down the national debt? Throw more of it down the black hole of education? The assumption is that the next available dollar will FINALLY go to a noble and just cause. No, it'll be pissed away just like all of those before it. Why tax the hell out of anything and give the corrupt gov't more fuel? I'd rather legalize it without tax and I'm really not in favor of legalizing it in the first place.
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  8. #18
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    And what will we do with that new money? Pay down the national debt? Throw more of it down the black hole of education? The assumption is that the next available dollar will FINALLY go to a noble and just cause. No, it'll be pissed away just like all of those before it. Why tax the hell out of anything and give the corrupt gov't more fuel? I'd rather legalize it without tax and I'm really not in favor of legalizing it in the first place.
    Hey I am not trying to be funny, but it sounds like you are so disenfranchised that you have just about given up! Not that I don't get that, but well that black hole you call education in my opinion is America's only saving grace and a hole we need to continue to throw money at!

    As for not legalizing it - I get that - that's your opinion but talk about throwing money down a black hole!! Policing the drug war is costing you way more than education! For the love of Pete bro - don't give up!

  9. #19
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    I'll be voting "Yes" on ammendment 64 to legalize pot. Stop wasting all the money on enforcement of the prohibition on something far less problematic than alcohol and earmark some of the sales tax for infrastructure (jobs).
    earcutter likes this.

  10. #20
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk View Post
    I'll be voting "Yes" on ammendment 64 to legalize pot. Stop wasting all the money on enforcement of the prohibition on something far less problematic than alcohol and earmark some of the sales tax for infrastructure (jobs).
    It will be interesting to see what your state does. I was kind of surprised when Cali voted it down. You got to respect the democratic process though.

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