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Thread: Australian Shaving Supplies

  1. #231
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    For the Perth guy's. There is a hobby shop in Mt Lawley called Stanbridges that sell stuff for pinning. I picked up 1/16 brass rod, .010 brass shim sheet and brass tubing for collars. 1 of the tube packs has the tube to go over the 1/16 rod and the 2 consecutive sizes all about 1 foot long.

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    bongo (08-16-2015)

  3. #232
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    In coming months I will be in the market for what was a Naniwa Superstone 8K. Does anybody have any updates as to where we can source Naniwa products, since they changed their marketing and packaging. I have seen ebay offers but not sure of them. I have looked at Tools from Japan and their website hasn't been updated for the new Naniwa's. I haven't contacted them. As I said, Anyone with any ideas?

  4. #233
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I got my choosera from tfj after the new stones came out so he may still be selling the old ones. I also used
    bongo and stanko like this.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  5. #234
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    I know he's not too popular here, however, 330_mate on EBay has Naniwas at a really competitive price and (IIRC) free shipping.
    That's where I got mine and I'm happy.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  6. #235
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    Geoff, is that the new 20mm size nani, the so called 'specialty stone' or is it the one we are used to the 10mm mounted versions. I have found the 8k superstone a terrific lead in to the Suehiros, now that I have worked them out. Not so much for this page, but if you had to pick a stone to have a go at 1 stone honing, I think I'd take the nanSS 8k! Cheers mate, Bob

  7. #236
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    Hey All,

    Just signed up and first time poster, soon to be first time Straight Razor owner... with your help

    I don't own a straight razor, but I really want to get a Dovo (preferably with a light wood handle) and while I'm at it looking to get the whole set (brush, strop, cream etc.) and possibly even hone...

    I live in Sydney, but I have absolutely no lucky in finding a Brick and Mortar store that stocks razors in Sydney. Does anyone know of any?

    Also, does anyone know of a good store that can do a good deal on bundled items for all the above?

    Thanks in advance!

    P.s. has Himage gone offline? I've checked previous posts in this thread that recommend it but can't seem to connect....

  8. #237
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Unplanned maintenance it says re: Himage. Also, I'd highly recommend a razor from here. Nice and vintage (i.e. interesting), plus it's likely shave ready. Every razor but my first (I was lucky) is from here, or from guys from here.

    I feel bundles always seem to shave the edges of something ('scuse the pun) and I'd rather get exactly what I want and maybe spend a tad more...

    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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    RazorSyd (09-09-2015)

  10. #238
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    They either have regular unplanned maintenance or I'm very unlucky, because I checked the other day and it was down...

    When was the last time anyone was able to use their services?

  11. #239
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    I was just going to suggest Sol Levy's. It's a tobacconist that sells all sorts of 'men' things, including a couple of good razors, DEs, creams, soaps and brushes and strops - but I just checked to get you the link and it says they've closed down. If you're in George St you might check - just to make sure.
    Otherwise Crabtree&Evelyn sell soap/cream and Edwin Jaeger brushes. And the Shaver Shop has everything - Stores
    Otherwise you might try a walk along Oxford St - I'm sure someone is selling them there.

    PS - I've never bought anything from the Shaver Shop, but I have seen the razors they sell. Just my suspicion, and I might be quite wrong, but I doubt they're shave ready.

    +1 on using the classifieds or good seller on ebay.
    Last edited by Frankenstein; 09-09-2015 at 01:23 PM.
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    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

  12. #240
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Trying to buy in oz can sometimes be more expensive than importing. From what I have seen in store the shaver shop sell overpriced dovos that only have the factory edge and will need honing. Soaps and brushes from the can be gotten for a decent price but the strops were a bit expensive imo. Mensbiz and shaverhut were 2 more to try. I have ordered from both srd and the superior shave in America and both had great service and products and deliver shave ready razors. 1 of our Aussie guys sells on ebay but no sure of the name pf the top of my head. Good luck
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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