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Thread: Flashlights

  1. #21
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    Recheargeable batteries should offset the price right? Also from my readings they can output higher intensity than regular nonrechargeable batteries.
    I guess the price of high intensity on a tactical flashlight is higher priced consumables.
    You have a good point.

    I like the idea that if i used the flashlight last time .5 or 1 hour I don't have to think about how much battery life is left the next time. Or carry a set of spares on me.

    Big lights use batteries big time. Being able to recharge them 10 times pays for the recharging.

    How many DE blades would you have to buy over the life of a straight?
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  2. #22
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Excellent thread...i'm a bit of a boyscout and appreciate a good flashlight.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    I use rechargeables in everything I can, mostly 18650s and 123s, the new Li's and poly Li's stay charged for years, don't care about the cold, no memory effect and cheaper than dirt if you get them from China.
    Just make sure the regulator in the flashlight can deal with them, they give a little higher voltage, some are up to 4,7V.
    Length and width can also vary a little.

    On the backside, Li batts can give you a nasty fire...
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  4. #24
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    I use rechargeables in everything I can, mostly 18650s and 123s, the new Li's and poly Li's stay charged for years, don't care about the cold, no memory effect and cheaper than dirt if you get them from China.
    Just make sure the regulator in the flashlight can deal with them, they give a little higher voltage, some are up to 4,7V.
    Length and width can also vary a little.

    On the backside, Li batts can give you a nasty fire...

    I am not opposed to rechargeable battery's, but I hate products that work only on rechargeable battery's. I like knowing I can zip over to the store at say 8pm and be able to head out on my hike as soon as I am done...

    Alas all these new battery sizes are so new to me, I nearly blew it on this purchase being my hatred for rechargeable only (the flashlight runs on 2 18650s). Frankly; as much as I know they are awesome, if a battery isn't labeled using the first 4 letters of the alphabet or start with a 9, I am lost lol! Hence, when I ordered the Barracuda, I clearly had no idea that 18659s only came in rechargeable format. Sigh.

    Of course, the flashlight will also take 4 - 123s as well, so I am covered lol. Whew. I really need to learn more about these new formats. I am sure I'll get more out of my flashlight by doing so.

    I bought a charger and two protected 18659s battery's (RediLast 3400mAH 18650 Protected) for my new flashlight. I figure they'll do 99% of the "heavy" work, and a 9 pack of 123's to back-up the 18650s.

    I hope I didn't blow it as those two battery's and the charger weren't exactly free! They were dear enough to keep a man in smokes for a good week or two lol... sigh.

    Hey how do you make a fire with the Li batts?
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  5. #25
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I use a SupraBeam Qxr7.
    This thing is a beast.
    Small enough for riding on your hip in a sheath, with an extro room for a spare-battery.
    And still it puts out in excess of 800 lumens.
    I simply do not go to any job or trek without this puppy
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    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #26
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Li batts catch fire if you; short them out, punch a hole in them, heat them or they're just having a bad day...
    The Li reacts with the oxygen in the air, it you really want the fire going you should let it react with water, hehe.
    Sand is the best way to go, let the reaction go on, just insulate it from the surroundings.

    That said I have used them for 20+ years and never had an accident, except for a brand new laptop that melted.

    Lithium Ion Batteries - Fire and Explosions - YouTube
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  • The Following User Says Thank You to Lemur For This Useful Post:

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  • #27
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Hi earcutter; Being involved in SAR for close to 20yrs these are the best spot lights I’ve used. You can get into some range in Kansas. You could spot your friend more than a mile out with one of these. Portable Systems Maybe the Aussie’s can chime in, some restrictions prohibit use in the U.S.
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  • #28
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I have a couple Surefires, several Maglites and a Streamlight penlight that is LED and super bright. Runs on 2 AAA batts.
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  • #29
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    Li batts catch fire if you; short them out, punch a hole in them, heat them or they're just having a bad day...
    The Li reacts with the oxygen in the air, it you really want the fire going you should let it react with water, hehe.
    Sand is the best way to go, let the reaction go on, just insulate it from the surroundings.

    That said I have used them for 20+ years and never had an accident, except for a brand new laptop that melted.

    Lithium Ion Batteries - Fire and Explosions - YouTube
    Hey that's a great thing to know!! In a survival situation; it'll sure beat rubbing two sticks together lol!! WOOT!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MODINE View Post
    Hi earcutter; Being involved in SAR for close to 20yrs these are the best spot lights I’ve used. You can get into some range in Kansas. You could spot your friend more than a mile out with one of these. Portable Systems Maybe the Aussie’s can chime in, some restrictions prohibit use in the U.S.
    Oh dear... this is becoming a sickness lol!! I want!! ^^^ Thanks for the heads up lol!! Maybe I should have posted before buying lol!!

  • #30
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    I use a SupraBeam Qxr7.
    This thing is a beast.
    Small enough for riding on your hip in a sheath, with an extro room for a spare-battery.
    And still it puts out in excess of 800 lumens.
    I simply do not go to any job or trek without this puppy
    I can't find that light anywhere on line - I messed around with the spelling of suprabeam. 800 lumens is impressive and I would like to see it.

    Do you have a link?

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