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Thread: Hunting Season 2013 - What are you after this year

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Hunting Season 2013 - What are you after this year

    Well gents it is that time of year again, who's hunting what this year,,

    Myself I pulled Elk and Black Bear, the Bear is more self defense then hunting we had one on the front porch the night before last so just in case he gets to be a real menace this month and I have to roll him I might as well do it legal...

    Heading out tomorrow afternoon after Elk, the wife's rules against hunting on our property still stand, so the 5x6 and the good size Spike I saw in the last couple of weeks in the front yard are off limits hehehe I wanted to head out in the Morninbg but I didn't get the Pole Barn door finished today for the Boat stall, so guess what I am doing instead

    I think I am going to take a nice leisurely ride up the backside of the mountains behind the house on the ATV and see what I might find, haven't been up that way all year..
    If I am hunting up here in the Panhandle I am planning on carrying my Marlin 45-70 1895G Guide Gun but if I head down to Salmon Idaho to camp and hunt for a few days then I am planning on the Weatherby 30-378 Accumark to reach out a bit down there...

    Please feel free to post stories and pics, but try and keep the pics tasteful, if they are too Bloody I will have to pull them

    Soft paths, safe travels, and good hunting to all

  2. #2
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    Good luck. Our Hunting Season in South Africa just finished. Bagged myself a blesbok with the 223 and a big fat kudu cow with the bow. Might need to do and do some culling this year still on my mother-in-law's ranch with the rifle though

    Good luck to all the hunters out there
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  3. #3
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    I am looking forword to this year as that I will be trying to bag a deer for the first time in 12 years, I leave for camp tomorrow. I will also have time for my true passion, Waterfowl for the first time in 5 years. My life is looking up!!!
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  4. #4
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotishcavalir View Post
    Waterfowl for the first time in 5 years. My life is looking up!!!
    beddum chh

  5. #5
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Knocked down about 8 squirrels so far this year. Really like small game hunting. Also going to deer hunt as the family is more inclined to eat deer meat than rodents. I got a 10 point whitetail last year with the 45-70 Handi Rifle with a 405gr. cast bullet. Not sure what I will use this year though. Been toying with the idea of carrying the .270 out, but still not sure. Would like it to be a cast kill or a handgun (SBH 7.5in. .44Mag) kill.
    gssixgun likes this.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Life is funny.Gave up my Duck club this year,partially because of the expense,mostley because I have lost the desire to kill anything anymore.
    I slogged the rice fields Of norcal for 55 yrs,was the most avid duck hunter on the planet.
    As I grow older (am 65) I do not like sitting in a cold wet blind all day,slogging thru the mud has become a painfull ordeal as my hips are shot and my back hurts all the time,
    Season opens next week in Kali,will be a sad day for me think I will put my winter garden in on opening day.

  7. #7
    "Whatever you are, be a good one" dtrain17's Avatar
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    Got a new Mathews compound bow I been sighting in in prep for deer season. I usually don't start hunting until the rut around the start of November when all the bucks are careless and horny.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Lince's Avatar
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    Always predators: coyotes, foxes, bobcats. Whitetail, lots of hogs, javelina. No bear or pronghorn this year.

    Good Hunting!
    gssixgun and vmathis12019 like this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Did a lot more hunting with Dogs from an early age, I no longer keep a working pack as I once did, legislation in the UK against hunting with dogs as pushed a lot of it under ground, I used Lurchers and Terriers to hunt Fox rabbits and hares, did a fair bit of rough shooting rabbits woodcock pigeon hares and the occasional duck, gave up my shotgun license a good many years back, I'm pretty envious of the guys in the USA and Canada regarding the big game hunting, wouldn't mind a crack at the Elk and Moose or one of those big horn sheep.
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    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  10. #10
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    After??... Excercise, a day in the woods, peace and quite, hot coffee, cold lunch, and a nap.

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