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Thread: E-cigarettes

  1. #21
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Im sure taxation and heavy regulation are coming down the road. Truth is there is a significant drop in tobacco sales because of these things and its eating into the tax revenues of state governments. The genie is out of the bottle I would say due to how easy it is to actually blend e liquid yourself only need three things a nicotine base liquid some glycerine or and a food grade flavoring and that's it. the devices themselves are so simple I cant understand why this wasn't invented 20 years ago. Just a coil and some cotton with a battery thats it go figure.
    The first e-cig was invented in 1963 by American Herbert A. Gilbert, and a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik invented and patented the modern one in 2003...the big tobacco companies will eventually take over the e-liquid industry in my opinion and we'll end up soon enough paying the same prices. I can hear it now, "When the price of juice goes up one more dollar, I'm done!"

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    The first e-cig was invented in 1963 by American Herbert A. Gilbert, and a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik invented and patented the modern one in 2003...the big tobacco companies will eventually take over the e-liquid industry in my opinion and we'll end up soon enough paying the same prices. I can hear it now, "When the price of juice goes up one more dollar, I'm done!"
    Whats Juice?My wife uses the E cigs that use a small cartrage,has a batt you plug into your USB port when you need a re-charge.
    Have seen people that use these glass type tubes that create a huge amt of I guess water vapor,Is that Vaping?,seems far diff than what my wife uses.
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  3. #23
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Only have the two flavours thus far. Sampled a few at my local vap store. And settled for my own brew.
    I like a blend of 50% 7 leaves, and 50% luxury. These oils are created by a company called
    'laboratoires vapeur delice'. french I presume. The blend I concocted is reminiscent of a colts rum dipped tipped cigar.
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    Being able to use this in less windy areas come winter will be awesome! The unit my daughter bought me has variable wattage as well as different size air orifices. So once I dialed in the heat, and the back pressure it is nearly identical to a smoke sensation. Just wish it had a timer or vibe built in to say when you've had about a smoke's worth. Easy to loose track on a country drive and smoke more than a cig's worth at a go.
    Happy this gadget is working for so many of you. May be more than a gimic, and lasts for days on a charge.
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  4. #24
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Whats Juice?My wife uses the E cigs that use a small cartrage,has a batt you plug into your USB port when you need a re-charge.
    Have seen people that use these glass type tubes that create a huge amt of I guess water vapor,Is that Vaping?,seems far diff than what my wife uses.
    I believe the one like your wife has is the original models. Those ultimately would need refilling or oil replacement I would imagine. The new ones such as in my pic have oil reservoirs that hold your day's supply. I believe the technology is the same, but the originals were not fine tuneable or lasted as long on a charge. They are still available pre-filled in different flavours and are smaller, more cigarette like.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  5. #25
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Essentially its the same thing. The cigarette like object is essentially a battery the cartridge fixed to one end is an e liquid/juice soaked filler wrapped around a heating coil which is activated upon drawing on it. Advantages are portability and ease of use. the other types include a Battery which output is adjustable with an atomizer that can come in many forms and styles is attached to the battery. The atomizer itself can be filled with different e liquids for the sake of flavor variety or changing nicotine strengths. Advantages are better performance customizable to ones tastes and can have a much longer battery life depending on size. The only difference is that the output on the glass tank style atomizer can be tweaked to generate a lot more vapor.
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  6. #26
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    Anything that lets you quit smoking is good.
    nun2sharp likes this.

  7. #27
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    To quit smoking first you need a good incentive. I smoked for at least 45 years or more I really never counted it up and it really doesn't matter. When I quit I was smoking 2-3 packs of Marlbourghs on a good day and if I had a bad day or was drinking more. Bad things happen to other people not me or aleast that is what I told myself. 2001 May the 2 I got my left leg crushed in an accident at work. 3 weeks later they found that I had throat cancer. That was my incentive. I quit sitting in a chair at home with my left leg in an external contraption of bolts and pins. no cast which made scratching the itches easier. After saying this I will stat my first sentence again. To quit smoking first you need an incentive. look around you . do you have kids. wife. grand kids. I know you will find that incentive. all you have to do is look around you and give in to that incentive. (don't you just hate a quiter)

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    What do they say about ex-smokers being the most militant anti-smokers? Guilty as charged.

    Haven't smoked for coming up on 15 years. Looooonngg before E cigs.

    Now that they're available I can't imagine for the life of me why any smoker would NOT want to embrace E cigs and instead hang on to heaters. Almost $10/pack where I live. Don't know how you guys do it.

    I did love me a smoke back then. That was also back when they were affordable enough for a guy to actually smoke a brand that tasted good rather than so many of the smokers I see now that have to buy off off off off off brands of generics just to afford the habit.

    Glad I quit though! Started in gradeschool.


  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Tell ya what,Long time two pack a day smoker here.
    I bought one of those high vapers this a.m (9:30),been sucking on that thing since,I have zero desire to have a real cig at this time.
    4 hrs.longest I have quit in 50 yrs
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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

    engine46 (02-18-2016), Razorfaust (06-23-2015)

  11. #30
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    It annoys me that now in the UK, e-cigs are being banned to use indoors, as cigarettes already are. That is annoying. I don't want to have to go outside and stand with smokers, who (sorry if I offend anyone) stink of tobacco smoke. You don't notice it when you smoke yourself, but once you've stopped, wow! Yuk!

    As for flavours, I don't use any tobacco flavours, as that kind of defeats the object for me. I like a minty gum (tastes like chewing gum) and a lemon and lime. Quite refreshing.

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