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Thread: 51 MG restoration.

  1. #2401
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Snow’s all gone and my box of parts arrived, complete with ‘Assembed in UK’ stamp on the box.
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    Sleeves fit like gloves, although I still need to load them down and check my top clearances,,
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    Aluminum pistons, flat tops, but 040” oversized!
    I can call her a big bore now, lol.. By British standards.
    This weekend is calling for rain, and greasy knuckles.
    Cheers gents!
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  2. #2402
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I figure Mike is digging it. He cand spend the time on the car instead of yard/pool!

    About done here. Back on with all new fuel hoses. Original clamps were tie-wraps.
    I went with safety wire. 21 of 'em.

    Attachment 352081 Attachment 352082
    Kindly pardon my ignorance Tom but, is there a reason not to use hose clamps?
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  3. #2403
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Looking Good Mike!

    Is the increase in volume going to have any affect on the calibration of the carburetors? Just wondering
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  4. #2404
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Good question Roy, and it should as they were tuned as purchased for a stock triumph 1.8.
    I’ll be going through the recalibration procedure as part of the post rebuild tune, but as it sits I’ll get idle and low speed accel out of the gate. My WOT values will need adjusting for sure.
    Have to make a few tubes to simulate the cylinder head so I can load down the sleeves to check gaps.
    Gonna be an initial build up weekend. Crankshaft and bottom end rebuild to start, and see how far I get.
    Timing the cam will be a whole different game, later on..
    Re-remembering all sorts of old skills on this job.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  5. #2405
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Should have just stuffed a 4 cyl Turbo eng out of a X3 BMW..from a junk it..
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  6. #2406
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    No sweat! Name:  vwtracter.jpg
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. #2407
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    A turbo 4. Mmmmm. Maybe next upgrade.
    For now this is coming back together.
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    Course now I realize I needed to order new thrust washers for my crankshaft end play.
    They no longer make .004 oversized for the triumph and .005 is too big.
    Luckily found a guy on eBay with some NOS stock so new washers en route.
    Will continue to build up the combustion zone while I await my next order.
    Maybe get the engine back together still before May.
    Fingers crossed.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  8. #2408
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Mike, I have worked on a few MG's and Triumphs. I guess newer than this. No removable liners.
    Obviously they are not pressed in. I reckon the head gasket seals the top. How is the bottom sealed?

    Explain building up the combustion zone?
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #2409
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    The cylinders fit through clearance holes in the block and rise above the top o the block about 4-6 thou.
    The head gasket and cylinder head press down from the top, like you say, and the bottom step sits on a figure 8 copper gasket.
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    Basically the oil is below the copper, and the water jacket above when in operation.
    Use aviation gasket goop on either side of the copper before you set the rings in the block, and those big washers on top of the sleeves hold everything in place til the head goes on. The torquing of the head squeezes everything together liquid tight I presume.

    And by build up the combustion zone I mean getting the rings on the pistons, and safely into the block and connected to the crank and all that before I get into the timing chain and all that indexing wheel fun.
    Biggest risk to contamination is while the engine is split apart so I’m eager to get this all buttoned up again.
    Cheers gents.
    Last edited by MikeB52; 04-17-2024 at 09:29 PM.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  10. #2410
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    No sweat! Name:  vwtracter.jpg
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    This looks like something from down South Texas way, not East Texas!
    sharptonn and MikeB52 like this.
    Semper Fi !


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