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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #141
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    We put down the dog I grew up with last year after 15 good years. Princess the Sheltie (my mom picked the name). My stepdad brought his Lab/German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix named Bailey into the family a couple years ago. She was a rescue dog and we aren't really sure how old she is although I'd guess around 5-6. She's still a little skittish with strangers but a bit of a petting slut with anyone else.

    I've decided once I get a decent sized apartment or a house, I'll be getting a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. A photographer I worked with a few years back had one and it was the most striking dog I've ever seen and extremely well least when he wasn't barking at me through his massive chest.
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  2. #142
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    right now i have a female black Labrador and on Dec. 13th ill have a male chocolate Labrador ,, ive had treeing walkers , springer spaniels , beagles , and wiems , out of all of them i havent enjoyed any of them as much as the labs ..

    Last edited by gooser; 11-23-2012 at 04:12 PM.

  3. #143
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    My baby.

  4. #144
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    112llb of mush,but at 12 next month,she still keeps strangers at bay
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  5. #145
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    There's a new sheriff in town or at least new Briard puppy in the house. Aged about 12 weeks. The name is Tartu, named after a city (in Estonia) she was born.

  6. #146
    Senior Member maddafinga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dogs!

    This was my incredible rottweiler Chesty. Best dog I've ever known. Smart and well trained and behaved and sweet and loving and protective of our house and family to boot.

    I took him to play disc golf with me several times a week, and for rides all the time. He used to sit in the back seat behind me and rest his head on my shoulder while I drove. Sometimes he would sit leaning against my leg and set his giant head on my knee and look at me.

    I loved that dog to death.

    The guy came to read the meter and left the gate open and he got out while everyone was at work for the afternoon. I found him dead on the side of the main street near the house. He was 5 years old.

    I still don't understand how somebody could hit a 135 pound rottweiler in broad daylight. He wasn't so stupid as to run into traffic, we used to walk along the road all the time. But it's done either way.

    I still keep his tag on my key chain and have his collar framed and hanging in my house.

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    The last two are him playing with his good friend cadence the pitbull. Cadence is 75 pounds. Chesty was a gentle giant and my best friend.

    I still miss him

    Cadence didn't eat for two weeks after Chesty died and hasn't been the same since.
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    Last edited by maddafinga; 12-01-2012 at 09:50 PM.
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  7. #147
    Senior Master Tinker WhiteLion's Avatar
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    In my sixty years on this earth I've had the privileged of owning several dogs. They all became family to me. Some died wandering out into traffic no matter how hard I tried to fence them off. Others died of old age. No matter the cause of death, it struck me hard each and every time; like loosing a brother.

    The last dog I owned was a Yorkie, very old and previously abused when my wife and I rescued him from the streets is a cold pouring rain. We found the owners and all they could say was "good riddance". "Tinker" lived another five years, an amazing accomplishment, and she was at times like a puppy again. She became incontinent and we were forced to put onto a screen porch with the door ajar.

    A funny story a neighbor told us about: We had been accustomed to walking Tinker around a park a block from our house. We would always make two laps totaling about 1/2 mile. At the end of the walk, I would let Tinker off the leash and she would run like the wind to our home's front porch and then taunt us by running around the yard, to the porch and then the same again. Like she was saying..."I beat you guys, again!!!" At any rate on with the story. As the neighbor reports it (after we had put Tinker onto the screened porch) one day she crawled under the fence. Did she run away? No, she hobbled herself around the park not once but two times and then returned home and crawled back under the fence. I got a lump in my throat. I thought she was okay having the run of the back yard and didn't need walking any more. Boy was I wrong. Tinker died about two weeks later.

    I am too old to get emotionally invested in a dog again. So now a days the only dogs I own are hot dogs. And when I take them for a walk it is with plenty a chili, onions and cheese directly to my mouth.

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin

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  9. #148
    Senior Member buckeye's Avatar
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    My pup loves to play football.
    Leonburger plays football - YouTube
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  10. #149
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    I just agreed that the house dog would be moving to across town with one of my roommates next year (she doesnt actually live here but her boyfriend does). So I've begun looking for a new dog breed.

  11. #150
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
    I just agreed that the house dog would be moving to across town with one of my roommates next year (she doesnt actually live here but her boyfriend does). So I've begun looking for a new dog breed.
    If you are someone who has time for your dog,and can give it plenty of exercise,and be the boss,may I suggest a Doberman Pincher? I have been around this planet for 57 years and have always had one in my life,along with many others,but they are my personal favorites and will never be without one,Loyal to a fault,smart fearless,and because of unfounded fears,nobody who is'nt invited will ever come into your house. Many dogs fit this decription,butin my experance they are the Supercars of dogs,although I might be a little predjused (sic)
    scap99 likes this.

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