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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #91
    Troublus Maximus
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    In your attic, waiting for you to leave
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    Many great pics of many beautiful dogs.
    We've had raised and bred many over the years, many AKC, mostly German Shepherds (my overall personal favorite), also Doberman Pinscher, Collie (Rough/Long-haired), Black Lab, Irish Setter, Dachshund, we love dogs, they are wonderful intelligent beautiful and faithful, the way that I (and maybe some of you) wish that more people were. None right now though, after I get a fence up, probly a tri-color Shep.
    ScottGoodman and lz6 like this.

  2. #92
    Senior Member wpfontenot's Avatar
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    I have a Rat Terrier

  3. #93
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Default Dogs!

    Been awhile since I first posted on this topic, my two Goldens at that time have since past on, and now Ella and Oakley, litter mates fill our house.

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    lz6 and Hirlau like this.

  4. #94
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    We have Lindy, an Australian Cattle Dog that we rescued from the NYC animal care & control in Brooklyn back in 2005.
    Name:  dog.jpg
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  5. #95
    Junior Member Xavyor's Avatar
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    This is Gaz. Animal control had him listed as a "Hound Mix" when we adopted him but he looks very similar to an Istrian Shorthaired Hound. He is about a year old and is still a giant ball of energy.

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    lz6, Hirlau, Devilpup and 1 others like this.

  6. #96
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    This is Azula, she'll be 11 weeks old Friday.
    Name:  azula 2.jpg
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    This was back at 8 weeks.

  7. #97
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    I have a labrashepard, half black lab half german shepard that i got from the spca she was beat and left to die im not a fan of mixed breeds but she took my heart her name is lady, we (by we i mean the rest of my family) have 2 full blooded german shepard pups 8 months old there names are coke and princess, i wanted coke to be named copenhagen but the idea was turned down lol
    AndrewJM likes this.

  8. #98
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Default DAWGS

    After browsing through the post called pets, I think there should be a thread just for man's best friend as my avatar shows you my dog is my best friend. As I just had to get this computer overhauled. I lost all the pictures of the comet, not permanently just on this computer, but that's not the point. The point is, I think we need a thread of our dogs, and more importantly, our favorite breeds and why. Hybrids need not apply, this should be a thread for us guys that like our pedigree dogs and you know why they were bred and what they were bred for and use them as such. It seems as if we have a lot of guys here the same interests and a pretty high level of knowledge. So if we all like watches, guns, motorcycles, cars and such is a good chance there are a fair amount of us here. As you can see by my avatar [pictures soon to come] my dog of choice is the Doberman pinscher. I've had one in my life for my entire life as my old man passed his preference on to me and now my sons are both on the same team. I love Dobies because out here in suburbia the job I need from my dog is poetector of the house,and there are none better. My dogs job is to protect the family and just the sight of her make strangers decide they don't want to come here, which is great because all the kids in the neighborhood know she's a meatball and play with her constantly. A well bred Doberman will protect children with their lives and are very aware of strangers on the block and I felt very safe when my children were young, as did most of my neighbors. Once they got to know her. As I said I know there's more of you out there. Let's hear about them see some pictures.
    Last edited by Grizzley1; 10-05-2012 at 04:24 AM.

  9. #99
    Senior Member jaycey's Avatar
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    Does the dog in your avatar have it's ears clipped?

  10. #100
    Member rkw216's Avatar
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    Default My guard dog

    This is my best friend and ever vigilent protector hard at work.
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    nun2sharp and Hirlau like this.

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