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Thread: Lighters
08-09-2008, 11:12 PM #1
In my experimenting with pipes and cigars, I also did a little experimenting with lighters. I thought I'd share some information I gathered from my experiences, and I'd encourage others to share what they know as well.
I was smoking cigars before pipes, so my first lighter was a cigar lighter. It is a relatively inexpensive lighter made by Vector/KGM. It's a single flame, torch style lighter, and it's not a flint lighter (electric? quartz? I don't remember). It's rather small, which means it has a pretty small fuel tank, but it's pretty sleek and I like it.
I then started smoking pipes, and needed a new lighter. Lighting a pipe with a torch style lighter is a terrible idea; you will burn your pipe and the "wind" off the flame will prevent a proper light.
I started off using matches, and they are a great option if you get ones that are wood. Make sure you let the surfer burn completely before trying to light the pipe, or you'll end up with the scent contaminating your bowl. Also, you'll likely need to use a few matches to get the pipe going. The two main selling points of matches, in my opinion, is that they are cheap and you can get the flame all the way into your bowl for late relights.
The next thing that I tried was a Zippo. The older Zippo fuel would contaminate tobacco with it's fumes, but the new fuel claims that this won't happen. That is a lie. While the new fuel might not be as bad, I still ended out dumping the tobacco I light with the Zippo and I had a mild taste for a few bowls after. I had a normal style Zippo, not the pipe version; my gf actually gave it to me. Looks like I wasted $4 on Zippo fuel, but it's still a decent lighter to have for other purposes and the actual lighter was free.
I then thought I'd turn to trusty old Ebay to see what was out there and if I couldn't get my hands on something I'd like. The result was the purchase of a pipe lighter made by a company called JJJ. I haven't found any info on them, other than that they are based out of Japan. I've got to say, I quite like this lighter. It has a thumb rolling flint system, and produces a small, soft flame that I find works great. The flame adjustment is easily accessible as well, and that is a plus. I'd imagine that it doesn't hold much fuel, but since it is a soft flame it still lasts for quite a while (I haven't actually refilled mine yet). The downsides are that it sometimes takes a few attempts to get it lit (I think it's just an old flint) and it's quite hard to light in any wind. All in all, I really like it.
While I was impatiently waiting for my JJJ, I came across a Zippo lookalike by Vector/KGM that uses butane and produces a soft flame. It's called the Thunderbird. I decided to get one. I bought a pipe version, so the hole is on the side of the chimney. Since the lighter was advertised to fit into any Zippo case, I gave it a try. It does indeed fit into my Zippo case, but the Zippo does not fit into the Thunderbird case. Oh well. It's a great lighter, but there are two things I don't like. The screw to adjust the flame is located on the bottom of the lighter, so it has to be removed from the case to make an adjustment. Also, the flame can only be turned down a certain extent, and it's still a bit higher that I'd like.
Here are some pictures, so you can see what I'm talking about.
08-10-2008, 03:04 AM #2
For matches I always enjoyed the large cigar matches- sulfur free you see. And they burn for quite an extended period ensuring a good light on the bowl.
As for lighters; I was just about posed to buy on ebay an imitation corona- luckily I was snipped at the last minute.
I finally made it down to my local tobacconist and asked if they had one.
The feel was unsubstantial and the strike rather coarse... why I feel lucky missing my bid. At first it felt a tad self indulgent buying a hundred dollar Old Boy. I got enough free fuel to last me over a year....big deal that's still a lot of bics.
I dig my lighter so much, it is the Cadillac of pipe lighters I'd say, that should I ever loose it I would get another in an instant. (It too sucks in the wind however) holds much fuel
(Note To Self: Do Not Loose The Lighter)
I have a Zippo pipe that I'd be willing to trade for something... free fuel included.
While my Dad smoked he had a lighter quite similar to your JJJ. He gave it up
08-10-2008, 03:17 AM #3
Could you post some shots of your Old Boy in action? I was looking at them, but I just couldn't justify that much on a lighter at this point. I would, however, love to see what they're all about without having to track one down in person.
08-10-2008, 03:28 AM #4
Early next week okay?
I couldn't justify it either.I looked at every lighter in two pipe shops. The old boy was the only one that really touched my heart. I mulled it over for a couple months; picked up the Zip as a christmas gift. I didn't mind the low odor fuel I just couldn't get a decent light unless it was ~dripping fuel. When I saw how crappy the approx. $40 knockoffs were it didn't seem like such a leap
08-10-2008, 03:40 AM #5
Of course next week is ok. Many thanks in advance. Oh, I forgot to ask, but could you put something near it so I get an idea of the size? The JJJ fits nicely with my pipe and tamper in my tobacco/pipe pouch, but the Thunderbird is too big and has to go in my fifth pocket.
I agree on the bit about knockoffs. I got that JJJ for something like $20 shipped on the Bay, and I felt ok with that. When it does come time to replace it, I'll probably step up to something like the Oldboy and keep the Thunderbird as a backup/travel lighter.Last edited by holli4pirating; 08-10-2008 at 03:44 AM.
08-11-2008, 01:46 PM #6
I have 2 zippo's for cigars, and got a Lotus for pipe..
I bought a cheapo something off ebay (think it was an old-boy knockoff as well)... that was complete and utter junk. did not work at all, occasionally if I was lucky I could get a blowtorch like flame out of it... which would burn off all the fuel in about 2 secs.
I threw it away and got the Lotus which has been very nice and reliable.
As far as fuel contaminating the tobacco, the pipe shop I've been too says the trick is to not let the actual flame touch the tobacco, just the heat from it. I find that this works pretty well (although if it's a tough light, I'll just torch it)
08-11-2008, 04:14 PM #7
for stogies I use a large 5 burner Rocky Patel table lighter. for everything else, I use one of my zippos, which have been retrofitted with the Zplus butane system.
08-11-2008, 05:35 PM #8
Ah, that could well be the case. I did find that I can smell my Zippo when it is burning, so I don't think I'd even give this a try even though it could work. When I smoke cigars, for which this would be applicable, I usually spend a fair amount on them (I reserve cigars for special occasions). But thanks for sharing your experience.
I did see those, and I'm glad to hear that they work well. Certainly a good option for cigars, but, if anyone is looking into one for pipes, steer clear. These produce a torch flame (unless I'm thinking of a different insert). I considered one, but I thought the soft flame would be more versatile and would allow me to keep the Zippo in it's case instead of swapping it out.
Thanks for sharing guys; lets keep the information flowing. Pics are always good as well; part of my problem in searching is that I wasn't always sure what type of flame lighters produced and, sometimes, what type of fuel they used.
08-11-2008, 06:03 PM #9
yes, they are torch types. i use torch lighters on my pipes all the time and haven't had a problem, but i guess ymmv. i'll post up some pix of it tonight if i can find my camera.
i'll close by saying stay away from quantum lighters, they are very expensive, break easily, and their customer service isn't great when it comes to having them fixed.
08-18-2008, 05:32 PM #10
I managed to get my old camera to work. what a fossil
Sorry I didn't spend much time on quality or even resizing. For scale 70mm cig paper and business card.
let me know if you need anything else.