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Thread: Hats, New and/or Old!

  1. #31
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    Wow, what an absolute shame about that hat. I don't understand why people do things like that...

    Well, I've only had one hat. I've had it since I was in the midst of puberty, 13 or 14 maybe - possibly earlier, I can't remember. It doesn't really have a special story of when I got it - I bought it at some mall.

    What made it special is where it's been. Even though I had it through the most turbulent part of life for one's identity and sense of style, that hat always matched with everything I owned, even if that changed radically year to year.

    I took it to debate camp. I took it road-tripping. I took it traveling abroad. And over the years, the hat I bought at some suburban mall picked up meaning along the way.

    I can't imagine ever getting rid of it.

    This is me at... 15? I was debate camp, cutting evidence (yeah, I get my nerd on). The sign, if you can't read it, says "DON'T TALK TO ME SO I CAN FOCUS" - I was a very distracted kid, as I am an adult I suppose.

    The second's me at Abbey Road. I was 18.

    The last is me at a Halloween party in Wellington, this year just passed. Excuse the smeared make-up. I never wear it, so I don't really know how to keep it from getting everywhere... and it was about 2am.
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  3. #32
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    Hey Mistress, you're cutie.
    Well Gent's, Here's my cover: Name:  Photo 5.jpg
Views: 425
Size:  74.7 KBr: I took it off a girl I don't like at work over white elephant party with the Salon during x-Mas. I alterated it a bit before donning it back to her face. Everyone on Earth sweats it outside of my job. F'em'

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  5. #33
    Senior Member AnarchoPhil's Avatar
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    I've always been fond of a bowler. I bought one when I was in the Army but now my hair is thicker and it doesn't fit right. I'll try to find it.

  6. #34
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    Mistress Nomad and Johnnycake,

    While you may like the way you look in hese lids, I just want to point out they are caps, not hats.


  7. #35
    Gentleman Wannabe Blazinrazor's Avatar
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    Default Nice

    Great thread,I love hats.I have a Akubra myself .Don.

  8. #36
    Mack mackie's Avatar
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    Yes, a cap has a bill, a hat has a brim. All the way around.

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  10. #37
    Senior Member Yorkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stubear View Post
    I've got a brown leather Jacaru hat that I got in Sydney that I use when I go shooting and its hammering down with rain.

    Its absolutely brilliant and the wide brim keeps all the rain away form my collar as well!
    I've got an Aussie bush hat as well, a Barmah. Absolutely fantastic when it's slinging it down and keeps the sun out of my eyes as well..

    ..and my daughter's.

    and my avatar on a few forums..

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  12. #38
    Moe is offline
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    I needed something to go with my Lederhosen :-)
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  14. #39
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    This is a Hopkins Baltimore. It is older (not sure how old I can't find any info on it) The Bowler is in great shape. Nice pencil rolled brim, the liner is silk and in great shape. I will see what I can do about getting a better pic of it.
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  15. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to sbrouwers For This Useful Post:

    AnarchoPhil (04-05-2010), Blazinrazor (03-30-2010), ecrus (03-31-2010), icedog (03-30-2010), NoseWarmer (02-12-2011)

  16. #40
    Junior Member ecrus's Avatar
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    Default Wool Flat Cap

    Here is the cap I have been wearing lately. Its wool flat cap, in-lined and from the Henschel Hat Co.
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    Last edited by ecrus; 03-31-2010 at 01:48 AM. Reason: To add signature

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