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  1. #41
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    ...and here a Sig P226 based

  2. #42
    Senior Member buckeye's Avatar
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    nice guns

  3. #43
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Carry a .380 Astra or a Smith Model 36 or Taurus M85 Ultra Lite whenever I step out of the house.

  4. #44
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I carry a Glock 32 in .357 Sig. Nice pistol except the damn bullets are like 40 bucks a box!!
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  5. #45
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    If I had a dollar for every gun I had while I was working in enforcement..well I'd have some nice razors now...oh well I do.

    There was the Smith model 19 and the Hi Standard derringer 22mag and the Colt Combat Commander 45 and the Ruger security 6 and the Ruger 45ACP and the Sig p220 and the Glock 17 and the baby glock 40 and the baretta 40 and the American Derringer 45 long colt and the Walther PPk and the Sig 380 and of course the H&K 40 universal.

    Actually I found the Walther had a tendency to jam very easily which the sig did not.
    Smith Model 19, Combat Magnum .357 Caliber, Carried one for 6 years, loaded her with 125grain copper jacket hollow point magnum rounds. If I missed the target with the bullet, the muzzle flash burned em'. We were so busy that I wore the blue coat off the barrel and cylinder from holstering and un-holstering.
    What a great revolver!!!! Also dented a few heads with the barrel.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  6. #46
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    hi to all!!
    a little question...
    in us (i think that each state has own law ) what is the law for gun?
    in italy with the gun license "for sport,or trap etc.." i can buy,use at home for defence,and transport 3 "common" pistol (or rifle with caliber under 0.223 or lenght of brass over 40mm),6 pistol or rifle for "sport" and infinite rifle for hunt (shotgun etc ... and bolt and semi centerfire rifle)
    200 ammo for pistol or rifle(or slug)
    1000 for shotgun (not slug)
    5kg powder max (ammo included,1g each)

    es: common :
    -ruger .454
    -smith 629 44m 4"barrel
    -sharps 45colt
    -smith 357 mag with 2" barrel,
    -uberti cattleman 1873 45 colt

    -smith 357mag with 6" barrel
    -uberti cattleman 1873 45 colt "new" (the same revo)
    -unique alpine 308w

    -m96 carl gustafs
    -k31 swiss
    -maverick 88...

    ps: lucky you for the 2 tactical benelli!!!

  7. #47
    Member Longrange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rendoman View Post
    hi to all!!
    a little question...
    in us (i think that each state has own law ) what is the law for gun?
    in italy with the gun license "for sport,or trap etc.." i can buy,use at home for defence,and transport 3 "common" pistol (or rifle with caliber under 0.223 or lenght of brass over 40mm),6 pistol or rifle for "sport" and infinite rifle for hunt (shotgun etc ... and bolt and semi centerfire rifle)
    200 ammo for pistol or rifle(or slug)
    1000 for shotgun (not slug)
    5kg powder max (ammo included,1g each)

    ps: lucky you for the 2 tactical benelli!!!
    In general throughout the United States if you are 18 you may have a long gun (rifle, shotgun). If 21 or older you may have handguns. You may purchase ammunition at the age of 18 if it is soley used in long guns, handgun ammunition at 21. Keep in mind that some long guns fire handgun ammunition so the 18 year old have to be accompanied by a 21 year old guardian to stay within the law.

    Every state sets its hand gun carry law, however most states are a shall issue concealed permits (you need to not be a bad guy or gal to have one) after a background check.

    Some states are open carry (think old west) everyone can see the gun.

    Very recently Arizona went from Open Carry to Concealed Carry as well. In Arizona to conceal carry you only need to be 21 now. I think that the border problems had a lot to do with the new law.

    Please for you folks out there keep in mind that the first two words in my reply were (In general).

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Longrange For This Useful Post:

    rendoman (08-29-2010)

  9. #48
    Junior Member
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    thanks for your answer!!
    here,the hand gun carry law is difficult... the police requests a cause for the license(job,intimidates...) the renovation(tax) is annual,and every 5 years there is the revision of the license... it's not easy to have the carry license...

  10. #49
    Ne Conjuge Nobiscum Snipersnest's Avatar
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    Can't get a lot of good stuff here in Mass., because most are non-Mass. compliant. I did manage however, to aquire a Kimber Ultra Crimson in .45. 5-Shot leather made me a really great holster for it.

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