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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #11081
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    O.k Thanks for the info mate.

  2. #11082
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie17 View Post
    Sometimes it really tastes very good, the next batch is no taste or very little, when its good its very good. So I won't buy anymore for a while.
    My turn to weigh in...

    It seems as if 4noggins only sells the Mississippi River in bulk... Not tins... This could be some of the problem...

    I'm not sure how much you order at a time, but I would recommend buying a little more, cellaring it and revisit it at a later time...

    I have had this discussion with others, and we all came to the conscious that depending on how much, how it's bought and so on will/could change the flavor... a 1.5oz pouch of Captain Black White vs a 12oz can of the same, tastes different... I don't know why because it's the same tobacco...

    The only thing we (the others) could come up with is maybe air space in the package, and the aging process in the pakage...

    Another thing that might be happening is, the blend was/has not been blended well... You may be getting too much of one tobacco vs another... To much Latikia, Virginia, Turkish or Perique or not enough of the same...

    Just my two cents...
    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  3. #11083
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post
    My turn to weigh in...

    It seems as if 4noggins only sells the Mississippi River in bulk... Not tins... This could be some of the problem...
    When buying a well known brand at my local store the owner opened a new package that they buy bulk. D#$@@% when she smelled it and said they did it again. The package was mislabeled. I don't know who they use for a supplier but she wouldn't sell it to me and gave me a free bag of the mystery mix.

  4. #11084
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    OGS in the basket "Baby".

  5. #11085
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    I smoked everything in the cupboard and I'm waiting on a new order, so I decided to clean my pipes with salt and alcohol. I read that after a day the salt would turn brown, but this is one of them after about 15 minutes.
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    Should it happen that quick? I've never done it before, so I'm thinking maybe I just need to clean them more often.
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  6. #11086
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post

    Just my two cents...
    I will add two more cents and agree with everything said .
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  7. #11087
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Balken Pipe Dream: Having some nice Balken Peak Blend sent to me from a good man aaaaaand this nice ol Savinelli Churchwarden that is makin me feel more Hobbity by the minute but in a Slavic sorta way. A little Russian tea with Russian blueberry preserves....sadly, snow so's to hookup the Thank You S. Monkey Jon sir.....yer a good man. Ah but dear Stella has stole me heart lol Name:  031.jpg
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    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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  9. #11088
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Some pretty dry Sterling 1776 Old Dominion in a Capri stab stem pot
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  10. #11089
    Senior Member Mauri's Avatar
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    I use gross salt, not the fine one. It's easier to clean
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  11. #11090
    RJD is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezekiel81 View Post
    I smoked everything in the cupboard and I'm waiting on a new order, so I decided to clean my pipes with salt and alcohol. I read that after a day the salt would turn brown, but this is one of them after about 15 minutes.
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    Should it happen that quick? I've never done it before, so I'm thinking maybe I just need to clean them more often.
    I use kosher salt, as it is more coarse, & everclear because it tastes good. I leave a cleaner in the stem, fill with salt and booze, let it sit over night. In the AM, I knock the salt out, then let the pipe rest for another day before I smoke it. I only do this if a pipe is starting to taste sour. When I smoked a lot of Kingfisher, back when you could actually find if, I had to do this to my VA'Per pipes 2-3 times a year. Haven't had to do it in a while, wish I still had that problem. I miss kingfisher

    Tonight's smoke, JKP in an Autograph 4.
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