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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #12581
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post
    I had one, but I gave it away...
    I'm sure this one looks very similar to it. It was given to me by a very nice man in Iowa. [emoji5]
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  2. #12582
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    I have this silly notion in my head that I'm the only one who doesn't have a Nording Freehand ?? And that's not good when the end times come now is it ??!
    No comrade it is not . [emoji3] really nice pipe to sit down and read with . I hear PAD is pandemic this time of year.
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  3. #12583
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemonkeyjon View Post
    I hear PAD is pandemic this time of year.
    Ha....don't you start now ! I see through your little scheme.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  4. #12584
    lz6 is offline
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    In January of this year I asked nightblade for some advice as I was wanting to transition from cigars to a pipe. I took his advice and would like to pass along my experiences to date. I began by reading every post from SRP's pipe smoking category.

    I have been enjoying cigars for about 50 years now and about the last 20 years smoke a cigar a day. Habanos are my favorites. I understand the intricacies of enjoying a good cigar and since beginning pipe smoking have found that pace, sufficient time to enjoy, generally transfer to pipe smoking but with more time allowed for the pace of smoking. I tried out my new adventure with a few dominion corncob's and over the counter tobaccos from a local cigar/pipe store. Comoy's, Captain Black, etc. I quickly began to enjoy pipe smoking.

    I acquired an estate Boswell from Rachel Boswell on eBay. The pipe came with a nice sample of Boswell's best blend which I have truly enjoyed and finished the last of an hour ago. I also got a couple of very reasonably priced estate pipes from Mike Law. Both are Italian pipes.

    I am finding that one of the things I am liking more with pipe tobaccos as opposed to cigars is how much more mellow the nicotine settles into the physical self. I am not sure how else to explain it. I am, of course, a confirmed nicotine addict.

    I tried a few more tobaccos like Dunhill Standard and 965. Davidoff blue, Royal Yacht, and Larsen standard. I assume these are class "aromatic" tobacco mixtures? I have a 10 to 15 year old tin of penzance on the way from pipestud.

    I do not want to bore you gentlemen but I would greatly appreciate a recommendation for some pipe tobaccos that would not be aromatic. Just straightforward ribbon cut tobaccos without any smokiness, added liquor or other favors, Perique and so on.

    A last question. I do not like the idea of filters or screens but if you are smoking a tobacco format like flake or pressed or the ones that need to be broken up how does that work to keep the tiny pieces of tobacco that draw right into your mouth and throat?


    Name:  boswell.JPG
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    "God is a Havana smoker. I have seen his gray clouds" Gainsburg

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  6. #12585
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lz6 View Post
    In January of this year I asked nightblade for some advice as I was wanting to transition from cigars to a pipe. I took his advice and would like to pass along my experiences to date. I began by reading every post from SRP's pipe smoking category.

    I have been enjoying cigars for about 50 years now and about the last 20 years smoke a cigar a day. Habanos are my favorites. I understand the intricacies of enjoying a good cigar and since beginning pipe smoking have found that pace, sufficient time to enjoy, generally transfer to pipe smoking but with more time allowed for the pace of smoking. I tried out my new adventure with a few dominion corncob's and over the counter tobaccos from a local cigar/pipe store. Comoy's, Captain Black, etc. I quickly began to enjoy pipe smoking.

    I acquired an estate Boswell from Rachel Boswell on eBay. The pipe came with a nice sample of Boswell's best blend which I have truly enjoyed and finished the last of an hour ago. I also got a couple of very reasonably priced estate pipes from Mike Law. Both are Italian pipes.

    I am finding that one of the things I am liking more with pipe tobaccos as opposed to cigars is how much more mellow the nicotine settles into the physical self. I am not sure how else to explain it. I am, of course, a confirmed nicotine addict.

    I tried a few more tobaccos like Dunhill Standard and 965. Davidoff blue, Royal Yacht, and Larsen standard. I assume these are class "aromatic" tobacco mixtures? I have a 10 to 15 year old tin of penzance on the way from pipestud.

    I do not want to bore you gentlemen but I would greatly appreciate a recommendation for some pipe tobaccos that would not be aromatic. Just straightforward ribbon cut tobaccos without any smokiness, added liquor or other favors, Perique and so on.

    A last question. I do not like the idea of filters or screens but if you are smoking a tobacco format like flake or pressed or the ones that need to be broken up how does that work to keep the tiny pieces of tobacco that draw right into your mouth and throat?


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    Wow ! This is great,congratulations on your new endeavor. By the way,if you like Bosewells tobacco's , try their Northwoods English.Nice stuff for when you want a nice but not overpowering Latakia fix. For sounds like you might not be tamping your tobacco down enough as far as getting bits in your mouth.But if you are smoking filtered briars,hunt around as you can sometimes find pipe companies that sell adapters to convert filter stems to regulat diameters. Example here... Accessories -

    next.....I had just recently explained here that I liked Pipes and Cigars web site because of the way they catagorise and explain their tobaccos. They also have a pretty decent search engine to find what you want. Example.... Comoy's Cask Pipe Tobacco -

    Here is also some good reading on pipe tobacco for further edumacatin !...
    Guide to Pipe Tobacco
    Mac Baren Tobacco Company

    Again.Good job and enjoyment to your new hobby and welcome to the fold.
    Last edited by Nightblade; 03-02-2016 at 12:54 AM.
    Sailor, MickR, briarup and 3 others like this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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  8. #12586
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1456891112754.jpg
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Size:  34.8 KB so just got back from the antique store . And on the way out I found this savinelli . I think silver band . No numbers just savinelli extra lumberman. I assume it the same as a EX . Lots of cake to clean out but all and all I think a good find
    EMC45, lz6, Nightblade and 5 others like this.

  9. #12587
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemonkeyjon View Post
    Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1456891112754.jpg
Views: 124
Size:  34.8 KB so just got back from the antique store . And on the way out I found this savinelli . I think silver band . No numbers just savinelli extra lumberman. I assume it the same as a EX . Lots of cake to clean out but all and all I think a good find
    Nice find Jon...from what I can see , there doesn't seem to be a lot of wear on that bit? Nice color on the grain and bit also. Bravo Comrade ...the party is pleased ha ha.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Nightblade For This Useful Post:

    spacemonkeyjon (03-02-2016)

  11. #12588
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Nice find Jon...from what I can see , there doesn't seem to be a lot of wear on that bit? Nice color on the grain and bit also. Bravo Comrade ...the party is pleased ha ha.
    Spasibo [emoji3] . Got it all cleaned up and am smoking it now. Just one mark on the bit. Length on the pipe is almost church warden size .
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  12. #12589
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemonkeyjon View Post
    Spasibo [emoji3] . Got it all cleaned up and am smoking it now. Just one mark on the bit. Length on the pipe is almost church warden size .
    Churchwarden length ?? Really ? The Pic doesn't do it justice then ...hmm?
    MickR likes this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  13. #12590
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Down in Florida visiting my dad and today is his 83rd birthday. Sitting on the back porch with a bowl of Exclusive in a Castello Sea Rock.

    Smokingpipes has C & D on sale this month. I have 3 pounds of Bayou Morning, 3 pounds of Haunted Bookshop and a pound of Old Joe Krantz in the shopping cart. Need to wait til next week to order so that it doesn't get delivered before I get home.

    Sure is nice to be outside and not freezing.

    About to go in to shave and try some Tabac Cream. Always use Tabac soap and a skuttle, so this will be a change for me.

    Enjoy your day.

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