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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #12231
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    The exclusive tobacco is quite good. Great flavor punch, a rich blend and goes nicely with a strong drink. I like pipe smoking with a good whiskey and it usually happens just before I hit the sack. Good tobacco I would recommend this to anyone who likes a solid full flavor smoke.
    Don't drink and shave!

  2. #12232
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    Two new pipes in the colection ha ha ha
    I howp you enjo them

  3. #12233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Nice day but chilly night warming up with some C&D Exclusive in the Peterson Killarney and Manhattan cocktail made with Bulleit Bourbon. Was looking at some estate pipes earlier online came across a strange looking thing called a Falcon. Kind of interesting that it had interchangeable bowls fitted on a metal stem. Anybody ever use one of these? Curious if they are any good or not.
    I ordered one very recently and it should be arriving any day. I'll let you know how it goes.

  4. #12234
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I cracked a year old tin of GLP Blackpoint yesterday and smoked 3 bowls while playing golf. The tin note was incredible, unfortunately i didn't find it too interesting until the last 1/4 of the bowl, that's when it gets really flavorful and gets some depth. Some nice cinnamon and anise notes start coming through, and its the only time I really notice the perique in it. Sorry no pics but definitely worth a visit if you haven't tried it. Its well balanced. I need to give my pallet a few days as I screwed it up by nosing too much smoke.

  5. #12235
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    Well close this Blacpoint into a jar and leave it like this for a week or 2 weeks to get a litle bit dryer
    After that you will find that note throu the 2/3 of the bowl
    briarup and jfk742 like this.

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    jfk742 (11-10-2015)

  7. #12236
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Another night with C&D Exclusive but this time with a dram of Highland Park 12 year scotch.
    Im due for a picture so here ya go.

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    Cheers and good night.
    Don't drink and shave!

  8. #12237
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Hi there piper shavers. Old schooling it today with a Zippo, a GW Sims straight grain, a pouch of Troost Aromatic Cavendish and the old leather jacket with MP brass for Veteran's Day. Troost is no more; get some soon if you love it and can find it.

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    (7/8 Kropp, Williams/Semogue 1305, Pinaud; Regular Army 1971-1977)
    "We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."

  9. #12238
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    So I found another interesting brick and mortar Pipe / Cigar and other curiosities store in my area. Very interesting shop, small and jam packed with cigars, humidors, hookahs, pipes, canes and even straight razors and shaving gear. A codger wonderland really. Looking around i spotted the very thing I was curious about in my previous post and Visa be damned had to leave with it. So much for impulse control.
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    Also picked up the pipe reamer, it was the only one they had I hope I made a good choice. Tried it on the Peterson in the picture and seems to shave off cake pretty well any way just wanted to share the new acquisition with ya and ill tell you if it smokes worth a damn later.
    Don't drink and shave!

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Razorfaust For This Useful Post:

    NoseWarmer (11-11-2015)

  11. #12239
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    So I found another interesting brick and mortar Pipe / Cigar and other curiosities store in my area. Very interesting shop, small and jam packed with cigars, humidors, hookahs, pipes, canes and even straight razors and shaving gear. A codger wonderland really. Looking around i spotted the very thing I was curious about in my previous post and Visa be damned had to leave with it. So much for impulse control.
    Name:  20151110_162604.jpg
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    Also picked up the pipe reamer, it was the only one they had I hope I made a good choice. Tried it on the Peterson in the picture and seems to shave off cake pretty well any way just wanted to share the new acquisition with ya and ill tell you if it smokes worth a damn later.
    Nice. I have a reamer like that and do really like the little "drill bit" which can be useful in the shank.

    Thought about your post today and pulled an old Falcon out of the box. It'll need a little work. Yours looks very nice, clean and shiny.

    We can share a bowl of Exclusive in our Falcons, tonight.
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  12. #12240
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    By Jove, the darn thing works. I packed a half bowl of squadron leader to start the break in and it smoked pretty dry. I think this pipe is like training wheels for a novice smoker. Not a bad little pipe was pretty cheap too. On the plus side the falcon is dead easy to clean also its very light if you like to hold a pipe in your mouth while doing work etc. its pretty effortless. Drawbacks I guess would be the lack of satisfaction holding a heavy chunk of Briar in the hand. Its different and very easy to use. I could definitely see myself traveling with it.
    Don't drink and shave!

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