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  1. #71
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    How'd I miss this thread for so long?

    My home defense gun looks exactly like a stock M2. 3" #4 buck. I've used it on coyotes for night hunting, and good grief...lets just say I couldn't have MORE confidence in that load as a man-stopper.

  2. #72
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    All this talk of shotguns is making me miss shooting my shotguns. And I wouldn't mind doing a light on either shotgun. To those that wanna get a saiga for the sake of having a project gun, just be careful of the 922(r) compliance issue. Oh, and the 12 rd magazines and 20rd drum are kinda nice too.
    Last edited by schr976; 02-24-2011 at 08:15 PM.

  3. #73
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    1897 riot guy here, too. Mine is of the Norinco variety.

    Since my double isn't tactical...

  4. #74
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    Haven't ever done photos in a forum so please forgive me as I try to figure this stuff out . If this does work, which I highly doubt since I am doing the pix as attachments, attached are the pix I said I would provide. Top is Benelli nova(pump) with mag extension & side saddle. Bottom is the Saiga 12 (somewhat modified). Modifications to the Saiga include (but not limited to): changing butt stock, moving forward fire control group, changing trigger gaurd, adding pistol grip, changing hand guard, adding fore grip. also included in the pix is a 12rd mag and a 20 rd drum.
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to schr976 For This Useful Post:

    eTom (02-25-2011), NoseWarmer (02-26-2011)

  6. #75
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    well done, the pictures are sharp and every detail I can see.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to eTom For This Useful Post:

    schr976 (02-25-2011)

  8. #76
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    It's a damn shame that GrateWhiteHunter is not posting anymore.
    I'm sure his gun would be interesting to see. I know he used to load a specific combination of shot and slugs, based on the most likely scenarios if he ever needed it.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #77
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Default Remington Model 11

    I also have a nice Remington Model 11 that was made in 1914. I cut the barrel to 18.5in. because there was a dent in the barrel. 4 in the tube one in the chamber. It will rock 'n' roll with the best of them. It will clear out the mag as fast as you can pull the trigger! Which, I must say, is a feat with 1oz. slugs.....I paid 60 bucks for it and put 60 into it. $120 dollar fun blaster!

  10. #78
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    Thanks eTom. The bottom pic was after got done with the conversion job. As you can see it had a terrible trigger guard (too thin and flimsy) and with the pistol grip screwing into the trigger gaurd, would bend when shooting heavier loads. Top two photos show with a new trigger gaurd installed (billet aluminum) that works with AR-15 pistol grips. Everything but the gas plug was acquired from Carolina Shooter Supply.

  11. #79
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    It's a damn shame that GrateWhiteHunter is not posting anymore.
    I'm sure his gun would be interesting to see. I know he used to load a specific combination of shot and slugs, based on the most likely scenarios if he ever needed it.

    That guy had something for everything you could imagine!
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  12. #80
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    I also have a nice Remington Model 11 that was made in 1914. I cut the barrel to 18.5in. because there was a dent in the barrel.

    We almost had an unfriendly meeting. If you had cut that barrel WITHOUT the dent in it I would've been irrate. I have one, from 1911 I believe, and while it needs a new stock it is in otherwise "perfect" condition (not "pristine"..."perfect"...meaning no pitting and that lovely even brown patina over the whole thing.)

    I've looked for barrels, there is something different between the Mo. 11 barrels and A-5 barrels that means you have to find an actual Remington barrel. I don't know if the Savage barrels will work. (I'm sure they'd be even HARDER to find.) I know the A-5 stocks won't work I wish they would!!!

    Hurray for technology that allows us to buy the cool new-fangled "pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-ploooom" guns that can saw trees in half, and the hurray for the classic "ploo-chick, ploo-chick, ploo-chick" guns that make you look forward to reloading!

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