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Thread: What types of watches do you like?

  1. #171
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    HamburgO, thanks for the backup. However, I don't think you have priced and Eterna lately, but the model. All dial, isn't cheap, at least a couple grand. And do your homework guys the 7750 was invented by a Rolex watch maker back in the 30s or 40s, maybe a little later but I've read it several sites and on several sellers of watch movements.
    Probably Rolex affectionados. They seem to think Rolex invented everything re watches. the 7750 is a valjeux movement. If Rolex had invented the thing it would be a Rolex caliber and they would never sell it to another outfit. Also if that was the case why would they not use it in the Daytona instead of buying the El primero Mvmt from Zenith? it just makes no sense.

    The first auto chrono watch was the Autavia which was what is now Tag-H developed by a consortium of companies. Rolex was never involved and that was probably in the 1960s. The 7750 came out as I recall in the 1970 maybe later as an inexpensive hardy chrono mvmt made for modern sport watches. Back in the 30's or 40s watches were tiny by comparison and any watch made until the 60s at least, the 7750 would never fit in the case.

    Up until a few years ago Sinn was unknown and unavailable in the U.S. You could buy their basic models for maybe $500 or so. I had an EZM3 which cost me around $800 when I bought it 10 years ago. Now it's become the in watch and the prices have gone through the roof. yes they are nice technologically advanced watches but still use the typical Swiss mvmts. You can buy a Dasko (spelling?) watch which is a mirror image of a Sinn and in fact used to make their cases for them when they were still ice hardened stainless for a fraction of the price of a Sinn. They are also German.

    As far as expensive watches go for most it's just a piece of jewelry or a status symbol. That's why the outfits advertise the way they do and have brand ambassadors so you associate with the person.

    You know, you strap on a 9 grand Rolex and you instantly become a smart, successful, self assured, upwardly mobile individual. Others want to be like you including the crooks who would like to take your watch away from you.
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  2. #172
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    I love my Rolex. When I hear what other people pay to change batteries, or what they have to pay for a new watch; every year - I just grin.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
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  3. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post

    Up until a few years ago Sinn was unknown and unavailable in the U.S. You could buy their basic models for maybe $500 or so. I had an EZM3 which cost me around $800 when I bought it 10 years ago. Now it's become the in watch and the prices have gone through the roof. yes they are nice technologically advanced watches but still use the typical Swiss mvmts. You can buy a Dasko (spelling?) watch which is a mirror image of a Sinn and in fact used to make their cases for them when they were still ice hardened stainless for a fraction of the price of a Sinn. They are also German.
    Wow! That EZM3 is still available, but now for $1850 new... (PS: All the Sinns cost a little less, 10-15%, in Germany).

    I looked up the other brand, it's actually Damasko, and the models are very similar to the Sinn pilot chronographs (no line of dive watches). Their prices now start at 1,000 EUR and go up to 3,500 EUR

    Looking at the prices on Timezone, a busy watch forum, it seems like just about everything is being traded for top dollar these days. I wonder if the market is going to be so saturated at some point that prices have to go down. It seems a little strange that with the global economy generally slow, there's such a brisk trade in used watches from $2000 - $20,000. Perhaps some people see it as an investment?
    Last edited by HamburgO; 08-10-2012 at 04:37 PM.

  4. #174
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I sell at all the major NAWCC shows,the asians are driving the currant market,all they want are gold and platinum watches.
    They fly into town with an interpretor and wads of cash and go back home with the best of the best watches.
    Never to be seen again in this country,just like what happend to all our great vac tube sterio equip in the early 70s,a deed I was quilty of
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  5. #175
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Watches are very bad investments unless you are talking vintage or antique very rare pieces. Of course Rolex is an outlier, if you buy one and keep it you can always get your money back plus. But for pretty much everything else it's kind of like a car. As soon as you leave the showroom with it the value drops more than a third and by one year it drops by a half and that's if it's in mint shape. You see that on the sales forum on Timezone. Some watches lose even faster, it's all a matter of a watch being in demand and it has little to do with the quality of a watch.
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  6. #176
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    Well, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. The prices of it has increased, quite a bit.
    If one is lucky enough to find someone that is willing to part with theirs.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
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  7. #177
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Some might find watches over a certain amount to be bad use of hard earned cash, others don't. It is as simple as that. I for one enjoy my Panerai a lot, And could care less about the second hand value of it, nor what others might think about the expense. From what I understand, it has gone up compared to what I once paid, but it will not be sold, so that is of very little value to me. The simple fact is, it checked all the boxes for me when I researched a watch to buy, including a simple and classic look, an in-house movement and a sturdyness that will, if properly serviced, last for the remains of my days
    That's really all there is to it..
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  8. #178
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    In the end it's your money so if you have it to spend whether you buy custom razors or luxury watches or a sports car or a diamond ring it really doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy the item.
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  10. #179
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    deeds, not words Grizzley,or should I call you jack lets see something that supports your erronious claims.
    Would never be so rude as to call B.S on the unknowing.
    pixelfixed, after my last comment, I feel you deserve an apology. After some careful digging on the web I found that I was completely wrong. My bad, and fallen on my sword. However, I have lots of watches with the 7750 and a Rolex and IWC and lots of others and a well tuned 7750 will hang out with the best of them.IMHO

    P.S. I really hate when this happens....

  11. #180
    Senior Member Costabro's Avatar
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    I've always been a sucker for watches that I can't afford. I've particularly been a sucker for Breitlings, so, it stands to reason that on our 10 year anniversary a few years ago I LET my wife get me a Breitling when we'd both previously decided to upgrade our wedding rings. I mean, why spend several thousand dollars on a men's wedding band embedded with diamonds when you can have a nice watch that'll be a nice heirloom one day, right?

    I usually just wear a fossil or timex to work; but, any other time I wear this:

    Name:  breitling.jpg
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    HamburgO and earcutter like this.

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