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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #181
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    That won't always get you home. I saw a video recently where the man cooperated and they still pulled the trigger, more than once. The only thing that saved him was the gun was so cheap it wouldn't go off.
    Yeah. I know. I'm being simplistic. I just don't want to end up like that guy in that move 'Falling Down'. I'd be dangerous with a weapon. I have bad road rage, and I would have been incarcerated YEARS ago if I lived in America...It'd be a bit like a Mad Max scenario here in the Adelaide hills if I'd be allowed to carry a weapon..

    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 02-15-2012 at 08:59 AM.
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  2. #182
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default Cap and ball pistol

    hey guys i was wondering if any of you knew weather a cap and ball pistole would be leagle for me to open carry when huntign and checking traps since its a replica antique gun and it doestn officially count as a firarm in the written laws since it is a replica of a gun made before 1898, any info would be nice i may just have to call the courthouse and ask. Im not old enough to get a permit to carry so i was thinking this would be a way around that for sportsmans uses.

  3. #183
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    hey guys i was wondering if any of you knew weather a cap and ball pistole would be leagle for me to open carry when huntign and checking traps since its a replica antique gun and it doestn officially count as a firarm in the written laws since it is a replica of a gun made before 1898, any info would be nice i may just have to call the courthouse and ask. Im not old enough to get a permit to carry so i was thinking this would be a way around that for sportsmans uses.
    A firearm is a firearm regardless of the ignition system.
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  4. #184
    Plays well with others! Link8382's Avatar
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    I am a ccw holder and regularly carry a Glock 23, 40cal. Like a few others, I am also in Arizona which is very liberal with gun rights.
    Last edited by Link8382; 02-15-2012 at 02:27 PM.

  5. #185
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    A firearm is a firearm regardless of the ignition system.
    Actually, say for example a felon gets out of prison. He is not allowed to buy a firearm, correct? Also firearms cant be mailed to you unless lyou have your FFL.
    Now a Blackpowder rifle can be both mailed and purchased in the previous scenarios. How accurate are they? Mine groups in a 6 inch circle at 300 yards.
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Str8Shooter For This Useful Post:

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  7. #186
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    thats what i was gettign at str8shooter and i dident know if that loop hole extends to a minor being able to have one for hunting and trapping.

  8. #187
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    thats what i was gettign at str8shooter and i dident know if that loop hole extends to a minor being able to have one for hunting and trapping.
    18 Pa.C.S. § 6110.1: Possession of firearm by minor

    I would trust that information over any opinion you get on a forum.
    Grizzley1 likes this.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to HarleyFXST For This Useful Post:

    JimmyHAD (02-15-2012), JohnnyCakeDC (02-15-2012)

  10. #188
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post

    Actually, say for example a felon gets out of prison. He is not allowed to buy a firearm, correct? Also firearms cant be mailed to you unless lyou have your FFL.
    Now a Blackpowder rifle can be both mailed and purchased in the previous scenarios. How accurate are they? Mine groups in a 6 inch circle at 300 yards.
    I might be wrong, I was wrong once before ..... but if a fellow is a convicted felon he cannot legally own, or possess, a firearm no matter what the ignition system is ..... AFAIK. IMHO, even if there is a loophole there, where a black powder firearm didn't come under regulations, an individual policeman or game warden would probably arrest him and confiscate the weapon until the legalities were sorted out. What I think anyhow.
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 02-15-2012 at 02:57 PM.
    Grizzley1 likes this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  11. #189
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Black powder fire arms can be bought over the counter and through the mail, because of it being in the antique/curio category it is not viewed the same as modern firearms with smokeless powder. If he wore one while in the woods checking traps I doubt if any conservation agent would care any more than he normally would. Anytime there are legalities to be considered I would ask someone familiar with the law and not a bunch of guys on a razor forum.
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  12. #190
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i may make a call to the courthouse to see because it not that i dont trust you it that id rather not find out the hard way

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