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Thread: Brian's First Blade

  1. #111
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Envirotex or something spelled similarly. I've used it before on curly maple and it worked well. Tim, you and I are going to have to talk about your steam punk scales......

  2. #112
    Senior Member tumtatty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by medicevans View Post
    Envirotex or something spelled similarly. I've used it before on curly maple and it worked well. Tim, you and I are going to have to talk about your steam punk scales......
    If you wanna trade scales for blanks...let me know Bud!

  3. #113
    Knowledge Sponge Tattooface's Avatar
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    Usually with Glues like super glue, or model glue, they cure with the absence of Oxygen. Hobby stores sell a spray that sets the glue, not sure how this will affect the finish. Example would be you get a drop of glue on your finger, and it doesnt stick till you press it against your thumb.

  4. #114
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Got the back scale remade. I searched high and low and high and low for my dang carpet tape so I could attach the scales together, but couldn't find it so I used regular double stick tape. It didn't work very well, but I got it done. Then, when I opened my tool box, it was right there. I REALLY need to clean my shop. It's getting bad.
    Got the wedge epoxied to the front scale. Tomorrow I will get the wedge shaped and everything cleaned up, then stained.
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    I achieved a slight degree of scale bow, but my wedge isn't quite steep enough. It will work fine though. Hopefully the scales still bow when the thrust washers are in place.
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    I'm still uneasy about this whole pinless wedge thing. I just about drilled a hole for a pin tonight, but didn't at the last second. Time will tell I guess. I haven't known what I'm doing the rest of the time, why start now?

    Also, there in the background is a prototype I'm working on for a gentleman's fixed blade. It's designed to replace a pocket knife for day-to-day light duty. Planning on flat ground, satin finish, with ebony and burl scales. Feedback appreciated.
    Last edited by medicevans; 12-12-2011 at 04:35 AM.

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    RayCover (12-12-2011)

  6. #115
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Hey Brian,

    I like your concept of a gentleman's fixed blade. There is a friend of mine named Don Cowles who makes little knives along the same concept with a small sheath made to be carried in a pocket. I have one of Don's that I use for a trout knife.


  7. #116
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    I didn't think about a pocket sheath! I was planning on practicing sheath making by doing a low ride/scandi-ish style, a mid/high ride with a forward cant, and a small of the back carry for work.

    I will have to look at some of Don's knives. Love seeing custom blades.

  8. #117
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Default a little more done.

    All the oxides are off and it's up to 1000 grit. I am going to polish it up to 2000 then Mother's.
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    Picked up a quart of the General Finishes stuff today, so I will be using it tonight after taking the scales to 3600 with micromesh. I buffed a small section with the MM. The grain is going to be AWESOME!

    And as always, remember, this stuff is sharp! Bet it ain't the last time it bites me before this is all over.
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    groovyd likes this.

  9. #118
    Member Str8Raz0r's Avatar
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    Brian, if you have the micromesh, you should use that on your blade as well before the mothers. I think you will get a better result, JMHO.

    ScottGoodman likes this.

  10. #119
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    Looks like my fingers... just finishing up 8 restores, 3 of which are W&B wedges ;() Sending them off to Glen to put a pro's touch and some scales to them.

  11. #120
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Looking forward to seeing those Groovy. They will bite you given a chance!

    Last update for about 36 hrs. Getting close to over!! I polished up to the 3600 micromesh. I missed some lower grit scratches, so I've got to go back to 2000 to catch them, but it mostly done. First coat of the finish I on the scales. Wipe on poly is great stuff.

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    Oh, and I decided to just go with a pinned wedge. My first lined wedge and my first pinless wedge all at once wasn't going so well. I could have done it, but I want to show it off at family Christmas this weekend, and to make that self-imposed deadline I had to make the decision an move to a traditional lined wedge.

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