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Thread: so I've had a heart attack...

  1. #1
    Senior Member hipsley's Avatar
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    Default so I've had a heart attack...

    So I've had a heart attack guys and a stent put in, is this the end of shaving with blades? At the moment my hands are a bit shaky and my vision is a bit blurred. I'm more worried about cutting myself than ever before due too blood thinning meds. Anyone have any advice or am I being a post heart attack pussy. I don't want to stop and have enjoyed my time on srp. I might be a bit slow at replying to any new posts as this bugger took me 10 mins to write. Thanks guys hipsley.
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  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Of course the most important is that you've survived it - good to have you with us!
    I'd take it slowly and wait until you recover better, but we've had members on blood thinners who still shave with straight razors.
    May be in some time you'll feel comfortable enough to do it again, but even if you don't I think you still could enjoy the rest of the hobby even with an electric shaver - from what I've seen many of them could be used with lather as well.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you are still with us,,,,,,,anyone who lives through a heart attack & feels as you do, is not a pu$$Y, as you put it, but they are a Survivor. I would say, slow down, to let your body catch up. Your motor skills will most likely return & SRP isn't going anywhere,,,,,,,,,,
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Very sorry to hear that. Based on my father's experience with such surgery 10 years ago, if I were you I wouldn't as long as I'm on post surgery blood thinners. On the other hand maybe the drugs have changed since then. If they take you off the meds or reduce your dose in a few weeks, I'd suggest talking to a doctor before starting back up.

    Hope you feel completely well again soon.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your health problems. I'm sure with our membership being as large as it is you will have experienced advice soon.
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  6. #6
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Very sorry to hear that, hipsley. I would say don't despair. I feel that this too shall pass and strong confidence will return. I know when seven years ago I went through 4 months of intense chemo, when it was over I was seeing it recurring in every sign that didn't seem right. Well, I mentally shook myself by the scruff of my neck and said, "Enough, this too shall pass. Get your mind out of the black and back into the sunlight." I'm not Norman Vincent Peale by any stretch of the imagination, but the power of positive thinking actually works wonders.

    One step at a time, one day at a time. Use a DE or SE till you hand steadies and your vision clears. And remember, as I do, when I nick myself, I immediately stop shaving and grab the God given styptic pencil. I'm sure you clot faster then you think.
    Hirlau, HARRYWALLY and hipsley like this.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Sorry to hear about your close call but the big thing is you made it. Now relax and concentrate on a full recovery to clear the vision and still the shakes. The razors aren't going anywhere and neither is the forum. When you feel right again ease back into it.

    hipsley likes this.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day hipsley and welcome to the survivors club.
    I had a similar experience Nov 2013 and haven't had a cigarette for over 35 weeks now (geez I miss them).
    I have found that the medication makes any bleeding more of a pain to control, my cut-throat shaving still calms me and reminds me that I'm still here and annoying people ....hehehehe.
    If my condition is anything to go by, it'll sort itself out in time - just concentrate on your technique as you shave to avoid any nicks etc. (the mantra 'I'm shaving smooth and light' helps to focus the mind for me)
    I also wear contact lenses and (when I don't have them in) shave by feel so the blurriness is not so much of a big deal for me, however YMMV.
    Hang in there my friend
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yep, the common sense advice is recover fully and then decide what you can do. Worse comes to worse you could use a DE which isn't really a negative at all. it will depend on how much blood thinner you are on.

    Good Luck and change your lifestyle and eating habits and get some good exercise.
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  10. #10
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    If you can hold the razor, you can still shave.

    I suffer from severe to violent tremors in my hands. My left hand is the worst. Took me a while to back into shaving one handed.

    Find something that is relaxing for 20 or 30 minutes even if it is TV(not the news) prior to your shave. Do not do anything that works your hands. The main thing is to not use your hands prior to shaving. I have found it to reduce the tremors during the shave. If I do not relax, the tremors will keep my from shaving

    Take your time and have a calming shave

    You already beat the hard part, so you can overcome this
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