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Thread: MOVEMBER 2015

  1. #171
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Good morning Mo Bros!

    Just thought I'd share a reminder of what this is all about: men's health.

    I just got back from the Dr. where I received reassuring news on the health front. What brought on my worry was that a good friend of mine whom I've know for over 40 years (we grew up together) recently suffered from Diabetic Ketoacidosis [DKA]. It damn near killed him. Twice. Now, months later he is still living with the effects of the DKA and all the associated havoc that it has wrought on his system including a couple of surgeries, pancreatitis, and a systemic infection. It has been a truly miserable time for him.

    Our lives have been in many ways parallel. We were born within 10 days of each other, grew up in the same neighbourhood, went to the same schools (for a while at least), we both have always struggled with our weight, and neither of us has been very good in terms of diet. And so when I heard what he went through, I asked for some tests, and have definitively found out this morning that my reaction to glucose is totally normal, that diabetes is not something that I need worry about right now, and that the relatively minor issues that did show can hopefully be addressed with some B12 and a bit more exercise.

    So to everyone out there, please don't do what I did for several years: join Movember, grow a mo, raise $$, and not do a damn thing about your own health. I did that and was very very lucky. My buddy was not. If he had the test I just had earlier, he might have avoided the hell that he has gone through.

    Look after yourselves Brothers!


    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
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  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Cangooner For This Useful Post:

    MikeB52 (11-12-2015), MJC (11-12-2015), sashimi (11-13-2015), Thug (11-12-2015), whoever (11-12-2015)

  3. #172
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    And Marshall, I rarely say this to another man, but you got a nice box bro!

    Snap On,, accept no substitutes...
    Cangooner, whoever and Thug like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  4. #173
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    Walking around at work counts, it's a "move"
    And you look a lot slimmer in this pic compared to your Mo profile...

    Let's Do This...
    I think I let the MO profile use my Facebook image, which is from several years back when I weighed 290 lbs. I'm down to 220 now , got another 30 to go.

    10 more payments and the box is mine lol.

  5. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    I think I let the MO profile use my Facebook image, which is from several years back when I weighed 290 lbs. I'm down to 220 now , got another 30 to go.

    10 more payments and the box is mine lol.
    Now that's impressive...Great work that will pay off for years to come...
    (loosing the weight and paying for your tools...)
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  6. #175
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    Good morning Mo Bros!

    Just thought I'd share a reminder of what this is all about: men's health.

    I just got back from the Dr. where I received reassuring news on the health front. What brought on my worry was that a good friend of mine whom I've know for over 40 years (we grew up together) recently suffered from Diabetic Ketoacidosis [DKA]. It damn near killed him. Twice. Now, months later he is still living with the effects of the DKA and all the associated havoc that it has wrought on his system including a couple of surgeries, pancreatitis, and a systemic infection. It has been a truly miserable time for him.

    Our lives have been in many ways parallel. We were born within 10 days of each other, grew up in the same neighbourhood, went to the same schools (for a while at least), we both have always struggled with our weight, and neither of us has been very good in terms of diet. And so when I heard what he went through, I asked for some tests, and have definitively found out this morning that my reaction to glucose is totally normal, that diabetes is not something that I need worry about right now, and that the relatively minor issues that did show can hopefully be addressed with some B12 and a bit more exercise.

    So to everyone out there, please don't do what I did for several years: join Movember, grow a mo, raise $$, and not do a damn thing about your own health. I did that and was very very lucky. My buddy was not. If he had the test I just had earlier, he might have avoided the hell that he has gone through.

    Look after yourselves Brothers!

    Everyone useing fast food instead of a kitchen doesn't help, and they refuse to heed the warnings
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  7. #176
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Star Trek - Move Movember 12 - Too Boldly Go to the Gym....

    Between sets, being a slacker....

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Views: 140
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    sashimi, MJC, harrygr and 2 others like this.

  8. #177
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Star Trek - Move Movember 12 - Too Boldly Go to the Gym....

    Between sets, being a slacker....

    Name:  Phrank_GymMove.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  33.5 KB
    I don't know about that, negative reps with that phone are boutle
    sashimi, MJC, Phrank and 1 others like this.
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
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  9. #178
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    Everyone useing fast food instead of a kitchen doesn't help, and they refuse to heed the warnings
    This circles close to one of my soapbox topics...
    Many of our evils (IMHO)can be linked to the end of teaching Shop (Industrial Education) and Home Economics (Home Ec)

    And I don't mean gender exclusive. My former wife was a Home Ec teacher and a competitive small bore markswoman.
    One of her classes was Home Ec for Boys. Since you had to have Hunter Safety Certification to get a hunting licenses if you where a minor she made it part of the class, along with basic cooking skills, sewing (they had to make a shirt, no small feat) doing the laundry, managing a household budget etc.
    Parents would approach her when we/she was out in public to thank her.

    The end of Shop class removes a chance to expose young people (both genders) to basic skills that can be expanded to provide for a productive livelyhood.
    In the US one of the fastest ways to be a millionaire is to start off as an HVAC technician.

    The end of Home Ec (for both genders) removes a chance to learn not only to cook but meal planning, nutrition, budgeting and the all important "how much you can save by making it yourself"

    How does this relate to Movember you ask?
    whoever's point - that our diet (of junk/processed/fast/sugar-salt-fat) is impacting our heath.

    - steps off of soapbox -
    Support Movember!
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  10. #179
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    Everyone useing fast food instead of a kitchen doesn't help, and they refuse to heed the warnings
    Full disclosure: I worked at a Taco Bell for about 2 & a half years. Moving on.

    Taco Bell, depending on what you get, is actually one of the healthiest fast food options readily available, especially late at night. Ironically, the taco salad is the least healthy on the menu (might be beat by the taco pizza, but my store wasn't allowed to sell/make that). Just avoid anything fried; guacamole is one of those fatty "health foods". To make it even healthier, ask for the items you order to be made "fresco", which means no dairy (cheese, sour cream, applicable sauces).

    Working at a Taco Bell didn't change in any way how I ate there. I had already stopped eating the ground beef product. The downside to this: the steak & grilled chicken are more expensive. But it is an investment in more efficient body fuel, & better health in the end.

    In the end, it's about common sense & moderation. A switch from regular soda to diet is a step in the right direction, but should be considered a stepping stone to getting rid of soda all together. This last summer, I used tang (mixed strong 'cause the tangyness is the tastiest part) to ween myself off soda because working the oven in a bread factory that doesn't get below 90 degrees Fahrenheit inside for months prioritized staying hydrated. A truck driver at work dropped like 20lbs when he switched to diet soda, & another 30lbs when he kicked it altogether with the help of tea.

    I'll shut up before I start to ramble.
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    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  11. #180
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Mark, mad props to your former wife for her noble career. Cannot agree more. Didn't realize it was banned in some areas. Our community has an older school and is still providing those course in the curriculum.
    I took all the shop classes willingly, but home ec was a compulsory course when I went through the system up here. In grade 7/8 if I remember correctly.
    As a 13 year old guy I didn't want to learn to sew, and cook, and read a receipt in it's entirety.
    Those skills allowed me to try, and appreciate food, cooking, and even repairing my own jeans etc as I grew up. Skills I still use today.
    Thanks for posting about it, and make room on your soapbox.

    Awesome fundraising for Movember too Bro. Great generation of donations so far..
    Last edited by MikeB52; 11-13-2015 at 12:35 AM.
    MJC, engine46 and whoever like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to MikeB52 For This Useful Post:

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