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Thread: MOVEMBER 2015

  1. #151
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    In case I neglected to post it in this thread, but should have, here is a link to my Mo page.

    Also, an update on my 5 o'clock shadow... now roughly 6 days in the making
    Attachment 218335
    the pic should be turned, but I can't do it from my phone, & it's bedtime!

    I'm fairly active at work, but between being blessed with a trainee for the day, and a momentary battery issue this morning, I didn't switch on the Google Fit app on my phone until ten of my twelve hour shift was over. So it only recorded about 3k steps, that was more than likely close to 8k steps. In an effort to gear my body from "active", to "precision machine~ish", I will be doing exercises to strengthen & reinforce my joints & core, mostly. I'm 29 now, and a viral thing, like a light flu, I had about a month ago made me cough hard enough to pull a Intercostal Muscle. That was a first on that intensity of pain on my ribs: I though I dislocated a false rib.

    Anyway! I ended my 12hr shift with one set of palms-away pull-ups... which meant three or four. Something I've always wanted to keep up on, but never do. And tomorrow, no trainee. So as long as I remember to turn on my app, I should log between 15k & 22k steps at work. That is in addition to the manual labor the app doesn't catch, like: lugging a few 50 lb. bags of ingredients, screwing around with bread pans that weigh between 10 & 20 lbs each, and whatever else isn't counted because it's not a footstep. Also: more pull-ups, plus improvised exercises.

    Catch y'all on the flip side!
    When you view the pic on your hone , there under edit, try rotate left, it may look wronf on phone but when you upload it should have the correct orientation,
    Manage pic you uploaded with edit post >>goadvanced
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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to whoever For This Useful Post:

    MJC (11-11-2015)

  3. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Still using the straight mark, I have a mo connected to mutton chops (think lemmy from motorhead)
    And here I thought that you had this natural perfect border at the top of the chops...

    But now that you mention it I note that you have done the "cleana uppa you neck" (insert heavy Italian accent) as Grandpa would say...(order, yell, command)

    Making great progress...
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  4. #153
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    Progress is being made, albeit rather slowly...

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  5. #154
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thug View Post
    Progress is being made, albeit rather slowly...

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    Join the club, brother! I didn't create a "Semiweekly Shavers" club for no reason. I am incapable of shaving more often . It really lengthens the learning curve. And by the end of the month, y'all will see that my forum signature isn't merely a punchline. My beard very well could be grey before it's even a beard lol.
    Chevhead, MikeB52 and Thug like this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  6. #155
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Join the club, brother! I didn't create a "Semiweekly Shavers" club for no reason. I am incapable of shaving more often . It really lengthens the learning curve. And by the end of the month, y'all will see that my forum signature isn't merely a punchline. My beard very well could be grey before it's even a beard lol.
    I actually have to shave on a daily basis but because of the grey and remnants of light brown, the overall effect appears as if it's slow growing.

  7. #156
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thug View Post
    I actually have to shave on a daily basis but because of the grey and remnants of light brown, the overall effect appears as if it's slow growing.
    Ah, I see. That's understandable.

    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    When you view the pic on your hone , there under edit, try rotate left, it may look wronf on phone but when you upload it should have the correct orientation,
    Manage pic you uploaded with edit post >>goadvanced
    Sadly, I've tried this several times before. I have even done the rotation in an editor app, and the forum still puts the pic on it's side. It has to do with the meta data that my phone saves to the file, regarding how the phone assumes how people naturally hold it when taking a picture. The website, I assume, only reads that bit, rather than how the phone displays the image in relation to the original orientation of when the picture was taken. Confused? It's okay, I almost confused myself in detailing that lol. Gugi should understand...
    edhewitt likes this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  8. #157
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Join the club, brother! I didn't create a "Semiweekly Shavers" club for no reason. I am incapable of shaving more often . It really lengthens the learning curve. And by the end of the month, y'all will see that my forum signature isn't merely a punchline.
    I too can shave about once a week without noticing much.

  9. #158
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Slightly creepyName:  IMG_20151111_114927.jpg
Views: 94
Size:  28.4 KB
    Last edited by whoever; 11-11-2015 at 09:37 PM.
    lz6, sashimi, MikeB52 and 1 others like this.
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
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    remember all, each thanks given will ... (virtual ego +1)

  10. #159
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Ah, I see. That's understandable.

    Sadly, I've tried this several times before. I have even done the rotation in an editor app, and the forum still puts the pic on it's side. It has to do with the meta data that my phone saves to the file, regarding how the phone assumes how people naturally hold it when taking a picture. The website, I assume, only reads that bit, rather than how the phone displays the image in relation to the original orientation of when the picture was taken. Confused? It's okay, I almost confused myself in detailing that lol. Gugi should understand...
    I don't know about the techy bit but from everything I have tried you are correct, basically you have to take the photo in landscape with the button to the right if you are posting direct from a phone, not sure about tablets but probably the same, however laptops etc can rotate pics as you want them.
    whoever likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  11. #160
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    And here I thought that you had this natural perfect border at the top of the chops...

    But now that you mention it I note that you have done the "cleana uppa you neck" (insert heavy Italian accent) as Grandpa would say...(order, yell, command)

    Making great progress...
    Above the chops is my natural hairline, I shave my chin and the jawline down. I secretly really like the chops but almost no one else does, I have grown them in for periods of to lime before now, just without the mustache (that is a movember thing)
    MJC likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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