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Thread: MOVEMBER 2015

  1. #181
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Full disclosure: I worked at a Taco Bell for about 2 & a half years. Moving on.

    Taco Bell, depending on what you get, is actually one of the healthiest fast food options readily available, especially late at night. Ironically, the taco salad is the least healthy on the menu (might be beat by the taco pizza, but my store wasn't allowed to sell/make that). Just avoid anything fried; guacamole is one of those fatty "health foods". To make it even healthier, ask for the items you order to be made "fresco", which means no dairy (cheese, sour cream, applicable sauces).

    Working at a Taco Bell didn't change in any way how I ate there. I had already stopped eating the ground beef product. The downside to this: the steak & grilled chicken are more expensive. But it is an investment in more efficient body fuel, & better health in the end.

    In the end, it's about common sense & moderation. A switch from regular soda to diet is a step in the right direction, but should be considered a stepping stone to getting rid of soda all together. This last summer, I used tang (mixed strong 'cause the tangyness is the tastiest part) to ween myself off soda because working the oven in a bread factory that doesn't get below 90 degrees Fahrenheit inside for months prioritized staying hydrated. A truck driver at work dropped like 20lbs when he switched to diet soda, & another 30lbs when he kicked it altogether with the help of tea.

    I'll shut up before I start to ramble.
    I disagree, , after '96 , everything is made and prepped off site, and only redheaded an assembled. If you want anything close to healthy late at night. Plan ahead to buy it or go to a 24 hour grocery store.
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  2. #182
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    I disagree, , after '96 , everything is made and prepped off site, and only redheaded an assembled. If you want anything close to healthy late at night. Plan ahead to buy it or go to a 24 hour grocery store.
    I didn't say it was healthier than making it yourself. My argument is that: if one is going to eat fast food, there are much worse options than Taco Bell. And yes, it is all varying degrees of processed food stuffs. The shredded cheese (as of a few years back when I worked there) is real cheese, though. Had a chunk almost as big as my fist drop out of a bad cause that bit didn't get shredded like the rest of the baf lol.
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    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  3. #183
    Junior Tinkerer Srdjan's Avatar
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    First, a little throwback to Movember 2013. Let the mocking begin!

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    As the time passes, so we learn.

  4. #184
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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  5. #185
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    Right... LOL... I just shaved the beard off.
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  6. #186
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Mark, mad props to your former wife for her noble career. Cannot agree more. Didn't realize it was banned in some areas. Our community has an older school and is still providing those course in the curriculum.
    I took all the shop classes willingly, but home ec was a compulsory course when I went through the system up here. In grade 7/8 if I remember correctly.
    As a 13 year old guy I didn't want to learn to sew, and cook, and read a receipt in it's entirety.
    Those skills allowed me to try, and appreciate food, cooking, and even repairing my own jeans etc as I grew up. Skills I still use today.
    Thanks for posting about it, and make room on your soapbox.

    Awesome fundraising for Movember too Bro. Great generation of donations so far..
    I wouldn't be surprised is they got rid if auto shop too
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  7. #187
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    I didn't say it was healthier than making it yourself. My argument is that: if one is going to eat fast food, there are much worse options than Taco Bell. And yes, it is all varying degrees of processed food stuffs. The shredded cheese (as of a few years back when I worked there) is real cheese, though. Had a chunk almost as big as my fist drop out of a bad cause that bit didn't get shredded like the rest of the baf lol.
    I would still say if your going to that wendy's, hardy's Carl's Jr. Would be better
    Last edited by whoever; 11-13-2015 at 03:44 PM.
    Crawler likes this.
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
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  8. #188
    MJC is offline
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    Default Movember Dallas event 12 NOV 15

    So I get an email from Tom Whiteside with Movember US earlier this week reminding me about the meet up.
    Yoga at 1800 hours (not that I don't like Yoga when I try it but not today) followed by a meet up across the street at a hip and trendy place - Blind Butcher...
    They serve a fantastic Poutine...too dark for food porn...

    Ted is #5 from the left, light colored shirt, I am all the way to the right with the Mo...
    Fantastic meeting, traded cards, got some fund-raising tips and I was glad I went.
    There where more there but we lost them and the Mo-Sistas from the Yoga studio that joined us.

    Some of the MoBros had been involved in other fund-raising events and the common theme was how much of the money raised with Movember goes to support the effort for mens heath.
    That 80% to fund research and outreach compares to some high profile programs that are putting less than 15% to work...

    Best thing I learned?
    Visa Checkout - Explained better in the FAQ
    I received two $25 donations today from "Visa Checkout" and I asked Ted what that meant.
    Turns out that if someone makes a donation using VISA - Visa makes a $25 donation to the same person.
    Visa has committed to donate up to $1Million US....

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  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MJC For This Useful Post:

    MikeB52 (11-13-2015), Phrank (11-13-2015)

  10. #189
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Excellent post and great pic!

    To think, down in Texas you're eating a dish from Quebec....sacré bleu!
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  11. #190
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Excellent post and great pic!

    To think, down in Texas you're eating a dish from Quebec....sacré bleu!
    So I tried to talk the SWMBO in to joining me, but she did not want to make the rush hour drive....
    I get there, find out that they have an extensive Poutine menu and I take a picture and send it to her...
    Name:  poutine.jpg
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    The duck fat fries (fried in duck fat) egg, duck confit, gravy, cheese curds where off the hook...

    We had discovered Poutine on a trip to Montreal and Quebec City a few years ago...
    Poutine was one of the reasons that we repeated the trip the next year...
    I have an extensive collection of Poutine Food Porn...
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