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  1. #21
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    So what happened?

  2. #22
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post
    he could be rumaging through your underwear drawer, and prancing about the living room with your underwear on his head and using your socks for gloves
    The graveness of the situation of course depends on where he would wear those socks
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #23
    Member Scarface Germany's Avatar
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    Hi Jimbo,

    lately there has been some other thread where someone mentioned that he has been fired and how much problems come along with that.
    Not that I would like to compare these two guys with each other ....

    How many hours would that guy have to clean your or anybody elses house to afford such a nice straight-razor? Donīt know but probably quiet some time I guess?

    Even if heīd have saved that much money he would probably never be able to spend it on a straight-razor?

    Just thinking.....

    Why donīt you place the razor, the strop and some antisepticum on a table in room that guy ususally cleans while he is in your house.
    Right next to it a piece of paper and a pen. Maybe you scribble a note on the paper like "NOW YOU!".

    I mean, come on! Who has not dreamed of taking seat in a Porsche 911 which does not belong to yourself?
    I have touched things that did not belong to me without asking

    Just that he has screwed around with your Friodur doesnīt make him a diseased minded underwear sniffer?!!?!?

    As you said, most people did get a second chance on something and were glad and grateful for that!?!

    I would at least ask him what he was thinking while he has messed around with the razor, mentioning itīs value, the hygenic issues and the point of trust that you have had in him and at last that he has dulled it.

    Maybe itīs something like a childhood-dream of him to own and use a straight-razor but he couldnīt afford one?

    As far as I can tell, mostly people tread you like you tread them.
    If not on the same social level, the lower level has to bow and is looking for a way to pay back your "misbehavior" later.

    Have you treated him well?
    Then there might be the chance that he has not shaved his crotch with your Friodur
    Maybe itīs not even half as bad as someone here would like to point it out?

    My girlfriend has once cut off buttons from her leatherjacket once with one of my favorite, freshly honed straight-razor. I didnīt kick her out for that

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  4. #24
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    Converse with him and find out if he is the culprit .
    Offer to teach him the art of Str8 Shaving if he is interested. Give him a freshly honed razor with cheap strop, starter brush,mug and soap.
    Train him and then sever(no pun) your professional relationship.

  5. #25
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Sorry I haven't posted sooner - yesterday turned out busier than expected. I haven't been able to get hold of him - left a message on his service, but no reply yet.

    I'm going away for the weekend this morning, and so probably won't be able to resolve this until Monday.

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  6. #26
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    All around this is just a terrible situation. If I were to trust a cleaner w the keys to my house I would expect him/her to not be snooping in my stuff. My instincts would be to can the cleaner but may have been curiosity. I would want to see hear back from the cleaner and take my decision after a chit chat

  7. #27
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    If this happend to me , I would have to fire the guy . Not only did he screw up your razor and strop , the main issue is that he violated your trust . Once someone violates my trust , I will never trust them again . When I was a child , I was a super snooper , but that's normal childish curiosity . A grown adult should know better .

  8. #28
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    Sorry that happened to you James.

    It seems disturbing that people would do that while they have been entrusted with your values of the house. People's inquisitive actions puzzle me sometimes... It is just like people staring at that red button that they know they should not touch.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarface Germany View Post
    Even if heīd have saved that much money he would probably never be able to spend it on a straight-razor?

    etc etc....
    Really great post !

    Like Scarface (Germany)... I am sure there was no malice intended...

    Most people who see my razors (anyones razors, i guess) immediately want to touch them... they are a fascinating object, particularly for men. I would think the temptation to look and touch would be overwhelming.

    I imagine he's had a chop at stropping the razor, just to see what it's like, and it hasn't worked out too well... the fact that it was the most expensive razor in your drawer is truly unfortunate (i feel you pain) but probably the most likely outcome... it no doubt stands out among the others and would be the first one anyone would pick up to have a look at.

    Others have raised the issue of trust and their comments are well valid, but personally I lean toward this being at the lesser serious end of the scale as far as violations go.

    Going from clumbsily man-handling your razors to shaving his jatz-crackers while whistling show tunes is a stretch too far for me... mind you, I'm just a simple country mouse.

    The weekend to calm down may alter your posture... i dunno

    Greg Frazer
    Last edited by Greg Frazer; 08-11-2007 at 05:58 AM.

  10. #30
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Frazer View Post
    Really great post !

    Like Scarface (Germany)... I am sure there was no malice intended...

    Most people who see my razors (anyones razors, i guess) immediately want to touch them... they are a fascinating object, particularly for men. I would think the temptation to look and touch would be overwhelming.

    I imagine he's had a chop at stropping the razor, just to see what it's like, and it hasn't worked out too well... the fact that it was the most expensive razor in your drawer is truly unfortunate (i feel you pain) but probably the most likely outcome... it no doubt stands out among the others and would be the first one anyone would pick up to have a look at.

    Others have raised the issue of trust and their comments are well valid, but personally I lean toward this being at the lesser serious end of the scale as far as violations go.

    Going from clumbsily man-handling your razors to shaving his jatz-crackers while whistling show tunes is a stretch too far for me... mind you, I'm just a simple country mouse.

    The weekend to calm down may alter your posture... i dunno

    Greg Frazer
    Come on man! He actually had to go through his drawers to find the razor!
    That is a blatant breach of trust!!!

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