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  1. #1
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Default My Friodur has been Violated!

    My pride and joy is my 8/8 Friodur with Papabull scales I got from John Crowley. I shave with it far more often than any of my others.

    I shaved my head with it on Tuesday morning - nice and sharp. My new strop was nick free and beautiful.

    Our cleaner cleaned the house on Tuesday while we were at work (he has a key). Yes, I know I'm a pratt for having a cleaner, but we just never get the time to do a proper job, and he only comes once a month.

    Well, this morning (Wednesday) I go to strop my JR wedge - new strop has scratches and a few nicks on it. Strange, I think - I don't remember doing that. Flipped sides and finished stropping and didn't give it another thought.

    Tonight I was going through my drawer and I noticed the box I keep my Friodur in was upside down. Opened it up and the Friodur was half open and the wrong way round. Checked the edge - completely dull....

    It's possible that I screwed up this blade last time, or perhaps I do a bit of "sleep stropping" at night. But it's entirely more likely my cleaner decided to have a snoop in my drawer, take out the best blade I own, and proceed to ruin both the razor's edge and my new strop in complete violation of the trust we place in him with our home. I'm very dissappointed and, funny though it may seem, feel as though my Friodur has been violated

    I'm going to talk to the cleaner tomorrow - depending on what he says I might only fire him. I'm buying a lock box to keep my razors in, no matter what.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Steelforge's Avatar
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    That's pretty bad, if he's been poking around at your razors then what else has he been doing. There's also the issue of hygene, maybe he tried shaving his face/arm etc with a razor to try it out...

    I think you need to have a chat with him - and consider letting him go if you definately think it was him!

  3. #3
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelforge View Post
    That's pretty bad, if he's been poking around at your razors then what else has he been doing. There's also the issue of hygene, maybe he tried shaving his face/arm etc with a razor to try it out...

    I think you need to have a chat with him - and consider letting him go if you definately think it was him!
    You're right Iwan - I don't want to jump to conclusions until I talk with him. But honestly, I can't think of another explanation (unless I *am* a sleep stropper...)

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  4. #4
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    Might have been shaving his back or butt hairs....who knows....

  5. #5
    Senior Member minstrel's Avatar
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    Man, you have my sympathy. That really sucks.

    I collect swords (not antiques or fancy schmanzy hand forged blades by master bladesmiths, mind you, just ordinary mass-produced swords, but functional ones just the same), and one of my fears is that someone who doesn't know what they're doing will come and put fingerprints all over the blades without me seing it, and that the fingerprints will etch into the steel... I'm much more concerned about that than an idiot cutting themself while handling one of my swords. In fact, I have printed out a warning sign which is posted next to my swords telling people not to handle them without permission.

    People in general can't be trusted to not fool around with your stuff. A harsh lesson to learn when someone violates (which is a good description of what it's about) one of your most prized possessions, when they don't know how to handle it properly.

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    Why don't you offer to shave your cleaner? Strap him in, put that blade to his neck and ask him a few pertinent questions... heh heh... should get compliance no problem!

    Seriously though, that sucks man. This cleaner fella obviously has some issues regarding privacy. Even if you are a 'sleep stropper' you'd never leave your best blade in such a dire state, it's impossible to think!

  7. #7
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    I'll be honest. If a cleaner was snooping around my private stuff i'd report them to the police.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelforge View Post
    That's pretty bad, if he's been poking around at your razors then what else has he been doing. There's also the issue of hygene, maybe he tried shaving his face/arm etc with a razor to try it out...

    I think you need to have a chat with him - and consider letting him go if you definately think it was him!
    Consider letting him go...I trust this is British understatement...

    Unless there's someone else who could have done it (kids being the obvious candidates - if you happen to own any), I would get rid of the cleaner and be done with it.

    Even if you can't prove it was the cleaner, if there's no other likely candidates, that should be good enough - you can't have someone coming into your house if you don't trust them not to snoop/mess with your stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by poona View Post
    I'll be honest. If a cleaner was snooping around my private stuff i'd report them to the police.
    Report them for what?

  10. #10
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by IsaacRN View Post
    Might have been shaving his back or butt hairs....who knows....
    Come on! Let the man have a little dignity....feel a little less violated!

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