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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm
    she just gota job today with a $14,000 raise
    heck I'd be happy to have a job with $14,000 period

  2. #62
    Senior Member EdinLA44's Avatar
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    Check and see if you have a Container Store nearby. They have all sorts of neat closet organizers and portable storage solutions that may help with your situation.

    As for advice on your other situation, I can't really help much there. Back when I was in the military and a newlywed, I traveled quite a bit and it put a strain on my marriage. Each of your have to have your own hobbies and circle of friends that can help fill in those gaps when you're gone. One valueable adage that I remember is: Happy wife, happy life.


  3. #63
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdinLA44

    Check and see if you have a Container Store nearby. They have all sorts of neat closet organizers and portable storage solutions that may help with your situation.

    As for advice on your other situation, I can't really help much there. Back when I was in the military and a newlywed, I traveled quite a bit and it put a strain on my marriage. Each of your have to have your own hobbies and circle of friends that can help fill in those gaps when you're gone. One valueable adage that I remember is: Happy wife, happy life.


    Right now my wife is unhappy because I am working in an environment that is classified by the US government and when I say "I can't talk about it" she hears "I don't trust you" I swear Im going grey already lol.

  4. #64
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    JL, you're in serious trouble and you want to solve it ASAP.

    Here are my 2 cents:

    Get yourselves a joint account and both of you a personal account. Get your salaries paid into your personal accounts.
    Agree that both of you wiill pay a certain amount of money every month into this joint account. Make sure that is more than enough to pay all the monthly bills and shopping expenses.
    The balance of your salaries will remain in your personal accounts. Your wife and you will both have some playing money that you can spend at your own discretion.

    This worked for me and is still working great!

    I cannot solve the shoe box problem: you may just need a bigger bathroom!

  5. #65
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees
    I cannot solve the shoe box problem: you may just need a bigger bathroom!
    I told her that when we get a house I will have my own bathroom with a lock and key that only I will use, and she agreed to that lol....I think she just doesnt want to have to see my shaving stuff around anymore and thats fine with me!

  6. #66
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Just admit it you f&*ed up and got married. Your life will never be your own. 26 years ago I did the same thing. Before you know it she will be telling you to put the seat down on the toilet. Hold your ground man and then start to shave naked that will show her who is boss..... Don't worry she already knows she is..

  7. #67
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm
    I told her that when we get a house I will have my own bathroom with a lock and key that only I will use, and she agreed to that lol....I think she just doesnt want to have to see my shaving stuff around anymore and thats fine with me!
    The bathroom is the easiest of the 2 problems to solve. Don't let the money thing (who can spend how much on what?) fester on! Deal with it or it'll keep haunting you even in your new home! Or do you want to hide from her behind the locked bathroom door when she gets a fit after she finds out you bought yourself a nice razor again?

  8. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees
    The bathroom is the easiest of the 2 problems to solve. Don't let the money thing (who can spend how much on what?) fester on! Deal with it or it'll keep haunting you even in your new home! Or do you want to hide from her behind the locked bathroom door when she gets a fit after she finds out you bought yourself a nice razor again?

    Point taken lol

  9. #69
    Senior Member EdinLA44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm
    Right now my wife is unhappy because I am working in an environment that is classified by the US government and when I say "I can't talk about it" she hears "I don't trust you" I swear Im going grey already lol.
    I hear 'ya. I'm in a similar line of work and over the last 23 plus years, my wife has never known what I do and she's learned to not even ask questions anymore. It just takes time for them to get used to it and now she couldn't care less.

  10. #70
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I would tell them that even if I worked in a hotdog stand.

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