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Thread: Neil Miller RIP

  1. #201
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Nice words Steve...

  2. #202
    Member Brummel's Avatar
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    I agree, I'm glad I am not the only who enjoys still recollecting- I enjoy looking at old posts, the banter, the furious exchanges when someone got it wrong and he would blast them with both barrels. And when someone would post wanting some advice or history and you could wait for Neil to come in with encyclopedic knowledge, cuttings, pictures and just settle the argument. We had some great threads, still think about him often and miss him.

  3. #203
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    Indeed, I also read old posts of Neil... And still waiting to be corrected for some generalization I made for some natural stone, with his strict yet in most times elegant remark.
    Strange thing, some months back we've had a meeting at Ardennes coticule shop in memory of Henk Bos. Forgetting for a tiny moment the circumstances and the purpose of the meeting, first two people I would think would be present there would be Neil and Henk. More so than even Maurice, the owner/expert.
    They have that door with a bell above and whenever someone opens the door, you hear it.
    I along with my friend, arrived on time, I think, still, some were there before us. And, every time that little bell sound was heard, I was waiting for him to show up with the impression "I got you all!". As you can guess, the bell from him was never heard. And the same for Henk. When his wife and daughter entered, I was like 99% sure he would walk in there right behind them, that not even death would keep these two gentlemen miss the meeting. I was sure he was just outside the door, in fact after greeting them I went outside to check if any or both of them were waiting outside, or walking towards the building or checking the coarse gravel on the ground for slurry stones (you are basically walking on flakes from Belgian blue and Lorraine there)... Strange emotions, maybe a bit paranoid from my part... the fact is I still miss them both, I would have talked with them for dozens of subjects... and the hones forum is emptier without them... the last year or two I'm starting exploring in depth the Japanese stones world, and their absence is definitely a factor, in one way or another (pleasant, I'm sure), they have changed our lives. And I'm still waiting for one of his paddle strops, he would make me one when he had the time, I've been waiting for about 5 years before... the start of this thread.
    Anyway, sorry for my rumbling and I sincerely hope it's better there, wherever they are from here.
    (And I would definitely ask his opinion for the referendum like the rest of the forum, but let's all forget about this comment)
    Last edited by Vasilis; 07-08-2016 at 03:19 PM.

  4. #204
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilis View Post
    Anyway, sorry for my rumbling and I sincerely hope it's better whenever they are from here.
    (And I would definitely ask his opinion for the referendum like the rest of the forum, but let's all forget about this comment)
    A wondrous eulogy for departed friends. Thank you!
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  5. #205
    Senior Member CanonSterVa's Avatar
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    Will miss seeing some of his beautiful new creations as well as his knowledgeable replies.

  6. #206
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Ya know....I really think that 'Likes' would be OK here....Just me

    Anyway, I like what all are recollecting about Neil. Quite enjoyable.
    Agree with Tom and Steve. Ultimately it will turn into a like fest. In my mind I LIKE all of your posts with regards to Neil.
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  7. #207
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Ya know....I really think that 'Likes' would be OK here....Just me

    Anyway, I like what all are recollecting about Neil. Quite enjoyable.
    Like .
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  8. #208
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    If you are in this thread, you liked Neil.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  9. #209
    Senior Member DaveTheGeordie's Avatar
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    I missed this when I was away. Terribly sad. I'm fortunate enough to have some of his work and experienced his patience rehoning razors when I got clumsy. RIP Neil.

  10. #210
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Has it been two years? Still miss the guy. I don't suppose that's gonna change.
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