View Poll Results: Which finisher do you use the most?

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  • Escher of some kind

    47 20.43%
  • JNAT of some kind

    35 15.22%
  • Coticule of some kind

    45 19.57%
  • Nani SS 12k

    67 29.13%
  • Zulu Grey

    22 9.57%
  • Shapton ??

    17 7.39%
  • Chinese 12k

    21 9.13%
  • Barber's Hones

    6 2.61%
  • Welsh slate

    20 8.70%
  • Suehiro ??

    14 6.09%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Who uses what finisher on a regular basis.

  1. #81
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    Barbers hone are up there and the only other synthetic I could think of adding. I guess I could have put the norton 4/8k but didnt think that it was a really relevant finisher. What other options are there to make it less skewed towards a natural?
    The Norton is used by quite a few of our members as the last stage in their honing.
    More than any of the ones listed in the poll would be my guess
    I also know for a fact that quite a few of them uses the 13K Sigma Select II.
    I've seen other synths referred to on here from time to time as well.
    Lapping films are used by some too.

    There are even more options out there, so it would be hard to draw any conclusions from this poll
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  2. #82
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    You can still draw certain conclusions from the poll but only 10 options max are allowed.

  3. #83
    Senior Member jfleming9232's Avatar
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    Name:  IMAG0002_zps3b829e73.jpg
Views: 444
Size:  9.8 KB

    The newest weapon in my honing arsenal. Just gave it a try on a Wosty Pipe and WOW. The improvement over a Norton 8k is just beyond description. Will I ever need another finisher? Don't answer, it's rhetorical ..... who ever really NEEDS another finisher?
    Last edited by jfleming9232; 03-03-2013 at 08:25 PM. Reason: Imaging editing
    Hirlau and brooksie967 like this.
    Last night, I shot an elephant in my pajamas..........

  4. #84
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    i have so many finishers to choose from i'll post a few turkish oil stone , american red slate , la petite blanche combo coti , shoubudani asagi kan, fox 44 hone , escher light green it all depends on the steel of the razor for which stone i'll use .
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    MODINE, Geezer, Hirlau and 2 others like this.

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    Euclid440 (04-22-2013), Nikolay (03-04-2013)

  6. #85
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    American red slate? what would you compare this to? Where did you source that?

  7. #86
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    red slate is the hardest among all slates . its around 10k i soursed it from washington county newyork

  8. #87
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ats200 View Post
    This is one of my favorite hone threads ever. It really just show exactly what everyone means when people discuss smoothness and preference in all other hone threads.

    Also, it would be good for beginners to read for the fact that many people rely on synthetics rather than the uber expensive natural stones everyone wants - and looking at the poll right now, the Nanis are winning by a fair margin. Just shows you don't have to spend $500 on that eBay Escher to get exceptional results. (but I probably still will once I master this new JNAT )
    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    The Nani is definitely winning but if you were to combine 'naturals' vs 'synthetics' the naturals would be out front by far.
    Quote Originally Posted by ats200 View Post
    I agree but there are several things to consider. In terms of the poll itself, I would think it is set up to have naturals win simply because there are only 2 synthetics listed. If you take Nani/Shapton and Escher/Coticule, it's a pretty close race. If you look at the voting distribution; you'll see a lot of mods/mentors/senior members are somewhat evenly distributed. Lastly, a synthetic is going to be much more consistent for and in most cases, cheaper (really with the exception of the Shapton 30k)

    I don't think it's really definitive on any level if naturals have any edge (zing) over synthetics.
    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    Barbers hone are up there and the only other synthetic I could think of adding. I guess I could have put the norton 4/8k but didnt think that it was a really relevant finisher. What other options are there to make it less skewed towards a natural?
    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    The Norton is used by quite a few of our members as the last stage in their honing.
    More than any of the ones listed in the poll would be my guess
    I also know for a fact that quite a few of them uses the 13K Sigma Select II.
    I've seen other synths referred to on here from time to time as well.
    Lapping films are used by some too.

    There are even more options out there, so it would be hard to draw any conclusions from this poll
    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    You can still draw certain conclusions from the poll but only 10 options max are allowed.

    I knew I should have posted the bet on the first page of this

    Wanna bet that in less than 100 posts people start to "Draw Conclusions"

    Without fail every single time we have done these threads, I guess it is just human nature
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-04-2013 at 12:46 AM.

  9. #88
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    When I started this thread I had NO intention of there being debate on which hone was better or to determine a "winner" but my competitive nature did seem to fight through and I mentioned 'winner'. I guess as Glen stated, human nature, and apparently he can read me like a book written for kindergartners lol.

    Glen this is for you: As a result of this thread I've concluded that, any and all of these stones can be used as a final finisher and that it's up to the honemeister to determine which works best for him/her. Also, I've concluded that I think I might like hone porn slightly more than razor porn even....
    saitou likes this.

  10. #89
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    My conclusion would be "There sure are a ton of great stones out there" sure glad we have choices hehehehee

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  12. #90
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have only had barber's hones, a Naniwa 12 K SS, and a blue-green Escher. The Naniwa is weapon of choice, but as I hone toward the finisher, I decide which. I do prefer the Escher edge on those which will respond to it, but some need the Naniwa's touch as well.
    I have had great success with barber's hones too! So many fine finishers. Nice to see such diversity in them!
    Hirlau and brooksie967 like this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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