Sure you can, you can set a bevel on a 12K stone.

Is the new stone a synthetic stone or a natural stone?

The only stones that are grit rated are synthetic stones, they are made with a specific grit no larger than that size.

In nature there is no control over the grit, so there can be no grit rating.

The stone in the photo looks like a Carborundum Stone , (Silicone Carbide) of a low grit, probably in the 400-600 range.

Now you can estimate about where the grit range is, by honing half the razor with a known grit synthetic, say a 1k, then hone the other half with the mystery stone and compare the scratch pattern. Is the scratch pattern larger or smaller than the known grit?

This will at least let you know where or if the stone can fit in your progression. Here is what a fine Carbide stone looks like. You really can’t tell grit, by looking at the stone.

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