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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #161
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    Attachment 85918Attachment 85919
    My entries into the norton. not honed yet but both had been sitting around waiting for a reason to be cleaned up and put into rotation. An old French frameback and an interesting IXL Wosty.
    or after laughing and liking glen's video should it be "Ja Norton"?
    Beautiful razors what is the marking on the french frameback?

  2. #162
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    O.K. Glen,

    I'll try with the rest of the beginners. I have a couple of very old and beat up razors that I will use starting in January. Regards to all!!! Tom
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  3. #163
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin103 View Post
    Beautiful razors what is the marking on the french frameback?
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    It's a interesting razor. And I have three blades for it. It cleaned up well
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  5. #164
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    That is a nice looking blade, going to start my honing in a few days, ill have a nice two week beard to get rid of by that time (been on leave for christmas and I dont ever shave when on leave)

  6. #165
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    My Norton is finally in customs here, I will have it just in time for Janorton 2012
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  7. #166
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinnfein View Post
    That is a nice looking blade, going to start my honing in a few days, ill have a nice two week beard to get rid of by that time (been on leave for christmas and I dont ever shave when on leave)
    Co Cmdr 400ish CSH unit. I've got some training to do down there later in the year.
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  8. #167
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Well the 1/4 hollow Wosty was the first to the hones today. Under magnification I found a bunch of micro chips to the edge.
    Start off 1 layer of tape followed by about 600 circles ish on the 4K with about 50 rollingX's just to remove them and set the bevel under heavy pressure. Ugh!
    Next replace tape. I then did a progression of descending X's on the 4K starting at 12 passes then 10 then 8 etc. medium presure
    Replace tape again. Now 4K/8K pyramid's using the x stroke starting at 10 then 8 etc. light presure
    replace tape yet this point in time...BTW nice vid Glen on stone lapping.
    Replace tape.... again.... 8K stone with about 40 passes followed by 2 passes on the 4K. Just blade weight now.
    Yup you guessed it, replaced tape again. Now was strictly by "feel" as to how it gave feedback so I think it was about 20ish passes on the 8K.
    Remove tape and cleaned the blade. 12 passes on HPF strop then 20 passes on SRD webbed nylon strop and finish with 60 passes on SRD IV English Bridle.
    The result????
    Tested my thigh as the hair here is coarse like my beard. They jumped off with no feeling of the blade to my leg. I'll know for sure when I test shave in the morning but my brain is going into overdrive thinking about this. If needed I'll touch it up when I hone the Frameback in the morning.
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  9. #168
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    Hooboy. I took the William Elliot to the Norton today. Shot most of the process with my camera. The battery died before I got to the end, which means I'm currently uploading over an hour of video to the Youtuber.

    To say that my honing technique is sloppy is almost certainly a terrible understatement, and I'm going to be pretty thoroughly embarrassed to show this off. However! My crappy technique did produce a razor I just shaved with. Not the single most comfortable shave I've had, but solidly good. The edge could be more even (the heel cuts slightly less well than the rest), but the length of the blade works.

    To make things extra interesting, I took the Greaves over to Ogershok's place last night and he put a serious edge on it using much nicer rocks than I've got as well as some pasted stropping. I shaved one half of my face with the Greaves and the other half with the Elliot. The Greaves definitely was the nicer shave, no question. But it wasn't worlds apart.

    Once I get the videos uploaded I'll start a thread so people can throw rotten fruit at me and, hopefully, point out the things I'm doing stupid with so I can learn to do less stupid.

    I don't think I'm going to have a chance to get the Greaves onto the Norton before I leave town for a week, so I'll just have to make a slight variant on the JaNorton formula and spend that first week comparing the Norton shave to the Naniwa/Coticule/PHIG/sub-micron diamond-paste shave.

    It isn't a remotely fair contest though. The Greaves is much older steel and probably softer, so it'll lose its sharp faster. Or at least that's the theory.
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  10. #169
    32t is offline
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    I included the quote on the end just so you can see what has happened so far. As I stated the shave was harsh and I got thinking. Laugh as much as you want I might be reinventing the wheel. LOL I got thinking of included angles, pyramid systems, polishing grooves, etc etc. Here is what I did starting with the Friday that had been taped with one layer. I used no tape. That changed the angle from 18.29 to 17.38 degrees.

    On the 4k

    25 "hard"

    30 "light"

    I almost cut the end off my hone to make a slurry stone but because I have a combo and if it didn't work I didn't want to have a short hone. So I made a slurry from the 8k and caught it in a cup. I then poured it on the 4k. It wasn't super thick to begin with so I didn't dilute it as I went.

    50 light on the 8k slurry 4k side

    Then 30 very light on the 8k, just water

    75 laps on my fire hose strop

    and 50 on the Latigo

    I shouldn't have test shaved It had only been 15 hours from my previous! LOL It felt much smoother than before. I should wait at least 24hrs to find out if that is because it is dull.


    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I honed my second choice today. A Henckels twinworks Friday. I got thinking and lazy and didn't count the strokes on the 4 k. This was given to me by a friend that got it on eBay. Setting the bevel will vary by the blade and I wouldn't have started with the 4k if not for this experiment.

    Once I got the bevel I did 40 on the 8k with light slurry to none. I have a 50x scope and didn't notice any difference after 25 in the scratch pattern.

    I then stropped 25 on linen and 50 on leather. It took off the whiskers but it was harsh.

    I think for me the challenge is going to be how to finish on the 8k.


  11. #170
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post

    I almost cut the end off my hone to make a slurry stone but because I have a combo and if it didn't work I didn't want to have a short hone.

    I cut a slurry stone off my combo and have been using it like that for months, it works just fine and I do not find it short at all.

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