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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #151
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    IMO the easiest would have in order:
    Full hollow
    Straightest edge possible (no smile or frown)
    Wide as blade as possible (7/8 will be easier than 4/8)

    So - a full hollow will be easier than anything else.
    Among your full hollows, straighter edges will be easier than those with curves.
    Among your straight full hollows, wider blades will be easier than narrow blades.

    That's JMO...
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  3. #152
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    On the issue of Soaking and Lapping... Yes

    However since I was doing the initial lapping, and I was either going to lap under water, or under running water, it really didn't make a difference...
    But yes, the stones need to be wet while lapping...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-25-2011 at 03:08 AM.

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  5. #153
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    I'm in as long as it is ok to have only one razor instead of the two. I currently only have three, I'd rather not run experiments on two of them!

    The razor I do have Is, i believe, a prime candidate. Ebay blade, that I made the mistake of breadknifing, and it has a slight warp in the spine, so it was interesting to say the least to get a good edge on it once...then it got some corrosion because I left it in my box while the glue in the box was still setting, so now it needs a new edge again and I haven't gotten around to it!

    I'll be following this closely either way, the only hone I have it the norton 4/8, this could be insanely useful!

    Alternately, if anyone has a razor or a blade that could be made shave ready, I have like $22 in my paypal! It doesn't even need scales, they are easy enough to whip up! Something like a donation to the cause of aquiring more honing information!
    Last edited by nalbonen4; 12-25-2011 at 03:34 AM.
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  6. #154
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    Here are my razors for JaNorton. My brilliant idea was to pick two razors as different as I could without buying new ones. I don't need another reason to do that. Really!

    Also, I needed the motivation to stop just using razors and start restoring some of the stuff I have stored away.

    I chose the Greaves because I expected it to be difficult. So far, it is. But it's also the style of blade I best for shaving. I chose the William Elliot because I expected it to be much easier to hone and because it was long overdue for restoration -- it was one of the razors I got in about the first month of collecting and it's just laid around patiently waiting for me to get off my ass and finish.

    Both of these still need the bevel set. I'm working on that.
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  7. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    ps: Seriously if you watch this whole thing, you can officially call yourself a Straight Razor Geek, because this is not the most exciting video out there
    Okay I admit I am sick, I watched the whole thing!

    I have a question for you. Why don't you lap both sides? The only thing I can think of is to keep one the Dirty Side. My stone is a combo so I don't have that option.

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  8. #156
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    Tim, I can only give you my personal OCD reason because it is the only one I have...

    I just honestly have never found a good reason the lap both sides of any stone/hone, I guess you could, I can't actually think of a reason not to either
    I guess I can't see an advantage to it

    If I had a bad natural stone that I was finding inclusions on I guess I would try the other side.. I have read of people doing that with some J-nats, but I never have...
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  9. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I just honestly have never found a good reason the lap both sides of any stone/hone, I guess you could, I can't actually think of a reason not to either
    That's a good answer. I have a Chinese 12k that for some reason... a Trilobite splashed or the tectonic plates shifted... has a small groove on one side. The other is good so why bother?

    If I had the option with a Norton I would do both sides if for no other reason than to save the water in the laundry tub and only have to do it half as often.


  10. #158
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    This morning was good. Not perfect by far. Give me some thoughts to improve it. LOL

  11. #159
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    I honed my second choice today. A Henckels twinworks Friday. I got thinking and lazy and didn't count the strokes on the 4 k. This was given to me by a friend that got it on eBay. Setting the bevel will vary by the blade and I wouldn't have started with the 4k if not for this experiment.

    Once I got the bevel I did 40 on the 8k with light slurry to none. I have a 50x scope and didn't notice any difference after 25 in the scratch pattern.

    I then stropped 25 on linen and 50 on leather. It took off the whiskers but it was harsh.

    I think for me the challenge is going to be how to finish on the 8k.


  12. #160
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    My entries into the norton. not honed yet but both had been sitting around waiting for a reason to be cleaned up and put into rotation. An old French frameback and an interesting IXL Wosty.
    or after laughing and liking glen's video should it be "Ja Norton"?
    Last edited by Str8Shooter; 12-27-2011 at 03:09 PM.
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