I have tried a few Japanese made western straights before and loved them. The steel used by Japanese for tools , knives, planes, saws, razors is always top quality. Because of my great experiences with Japanese straights, I started collecting collecting them, a few weeks back I got myself a NOS Daishi Tamahagane razor. Whether this razor is made from Tamhagane- like steel or not I do not know, but ...
Updated 07-21-2011 at 02:37 AM by mainaman
I said I'd write some about the things that go into making and managing SRP, and now is as good a moment as any. The very first, most important question you have to ask yourself if you want to start a new community is this: 'What kind of people do I want the comunity to consist of, and what will be their purpose'. This little question will be at the root of every decision you will ever make. Failing to have a clear answer will mean your decisions will sometimes hinder or outright ...
A lot of these mini articles originate from customer enquiries. At least once a week I get an email that goes something like this... “Joe, I'm new to Italian shaving products and I can't figure out why the Italians would make shaving soap in 1 Kg loafs? That is a lot of soap!” In Italian barbershops, these loafs of wonderful soaps are referred to as “Panetti”. The most popular of these soaps is called P.160, but these can also be found under brand names such as Cella, Vitos and ...
Originally Posted by sigit666 I love this razor, I just wish they make the 6/8, that'll be perfect I agree with you whole-heartedly!
At first I didn't think I would use my blog. I am not a collector, don't have much gear, and in all categories there are people with more expertise than me, so what would be the point, right? But then I thought about the one thing where I could say something useful: SRP itself. I can write about the way we run things, and some of the concepts and principles that guide us in the decisions we make. The forum itself is not the proper place to do this. This blog is. Or at least it can ...
Updated 07-14-2011 at 08:41 PM by Bruno