This is an "At-A-Boy" for the shaving community. I have rarely witnessed a group of folks that are so willing to step up and help folks. It is a bright spot in our world.
I've been playing around in my garage with my new Dremmel scroll saw. The best part was, it was a gift from a friend at work, who received it in lieu of payment for a job, but has no need for it. I borrowed it once or twice, and it works well, especially for those of you making scales. The last time I borrowed it, He told me to just keep it...Very good friend indeed. Anyway, I have some soft pine, and decided to make a few paddles. I have some nice English Bridle leather, ...
Yep thought that title would get yer attention I wanted to take some time to explain the difference between just shaving, and when Straight Razors become an actual hobby...I often relate two of my favorite hobbies Shooting and Straight Razors as both can be taken to the extremes, or can be purely functional, the choice is always yours... How to build an Accuracy load for hunting... First you buy at least 200 pieces of brass in the correct caliber ...
Updated 08-12-2011 at 05:11 PM by gssixgun
I have this little marker next to my name here that says "Vendor." That means I regularly sell things related to shaving, to people who read this (and many other) forum(s). Mostly strops, but also razors. Now, it may be hard to believe (especially for those buying the products) but I don't really do it for money. I have a good-paying job, and so does my wife--between us, we're comfortable enough. The profit is for Kanayama, anyway; it's their sole source of income, these ...
Updated 08-07-2011 at 11:38 AM by JimR
Hey folks, So I've been getting more into restorations recently and have hand sanded up a few blades now, and made some scales. I finally got some time to assemble this one this weekend and I'm really pleased with the way it turned out..! The blade was rusted and pitted to anything when I got it (no before pics stupidly.. I'll remember next time) so I hand sanded it from 120 grit sandpaper through 240, 400, 600 and 1200 then onto 1800, 3600, 6000 and 12000 grit micromesh ...