Originally Posted by Maxi This is my second JaNorton Shave. I'm up at the cottage, and I pare down my stuff when I come up here. Razor: Dovo Best Quality, 5/8 Round Point Brush: Omega Boar Cream: Palmolive Cream Strop: Homemade traveller, compiled from cut down SRD webbing and a piece of Bridle from Larry A's PIF thread a while back. A/S: None, I'm at the cottage. Two pass shave, from a lovely razor honed off the Norton 4/8. ...
The first shave: Originally Posted by Maxi I shave tested both the WB and the Dovo tonight. My results are: The Dovo is winning. It was smooth, comfortable, and irritation free. It really was great.....I was completely happy with this shave. I was actually thinking while I was using it "Man, why don't I do 8k's more often, I like this...." The WB had a bit of pulling and tugging. I'll go back and tweak it a tad, and see what I come up with. ...
Hi all, The JaNorton thread is getting pretty long, which is amazing. For those who are curious about the honing that's been going on, I've decided to root through the thread and find my posts in which I talk about the honing progressions I've used, and the stropping. Cheers, QUOTE=Maxi;898189]Alrighty then....I'm up and running. The two warriors: 1) Wade and Butcher, 7/8, full hollow. 2) Dovo Best, 5/8, full ...
Updated 01-09-2012 at 12:52 AM by Maxi
Originally Posted by manah Joseph Westby, Sheffield in ivory. The founder of the company was the son of William Westby, who was a manager and then partner at Brookes & Crookes. Joseph was apprenticed at the factory. He was listed as a maker of knives in his own right at Atlantic Works between 1876 and 1888. ...
Originally Posted by manah Welcome to SRP. To identify your razor isn't so difficult. Little Valley Knife Association was founded by Herbert E. Crandall in 1900, Little Valley, New York. On November 7, 1903 H.E. Crandall purchased property in Bradford, Pennsylvania. In about 1905, they became Crandall Cutlery Co. From the W. R. Case & Sons history: 1905: Crandall Cutlery Co. is incorporated as a manufacturing company in Bradford, Pennsylvania. 1912: W. R. Case & ...