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  1. Old stropping technique

    by , 01-04-2012 at 09:00 AM
    Some of us have seen this one before. Old timey barbers used this drill to teach the delicate art of stropping. Give it a try.....

    Get a 2 inch bull clip at the office supply store and attach a 2 inch by 20 inch piece of newspaper. If the paper tears, use two strips of newspaper. Three or more strips is cheating but try to do it with one strip of newspaper. Tie it to a nail, hook or a doorknob and strop a sharp razor without cutting or tearing the paper. Then strop a freshly honed razor ...

    by , 12-28-2011 at 06:00 PM

    Here is my personal opinion about the proper way to turn the razor on the strop.

    Two barbers back in the 1960's told me that I should strop with my thumb on the corner of the tang. And some wrist turning is OK.

    They also told me that if I wrap my little finger and my ring finger lightly around the handle, it would help me turn [manipulate] the razor with very little wrist turning. Those two fingers on the handle give me more ...
  3. Happy Holiday's

    , 12-16-2011 at 03:20 AM
    First off, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "Happy Holiday's to everyone. This time of year brings much welcomed cooler weather to the Sunshine state. I wrote a blog back in August about making some paddles. Big mistake when your shop is also your garage. Waaaaay too hot in August to attempt such a project. Maybe now with the cooler weather that will happen.

    I was looking around Target and Wal Mart recently for some plastic storage boxes for the majority of my razors not ...
    Foobar blogs
  4. About numbers on H.Boker "King Cutter" razors.

    by , 11-24-2011 at 02:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
    I've spent some time.
    And I've found it.
    There were the "King Cutter" models with catalog numbers 1925 and 1926.
    From H.Boker catalog, 1906:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images  
  5. William and John Birks.

    by , 11-24-2011 at 12:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
    So, it's not G. Johnson's mark. I couldn't find a dart near the pipe.
    And it's not a Wostenholm razor, it's not his pipe.
    And now. I'll try to tell my idea.
    I believe the razor was made by William and John Birks.
    It was a very old Sheffield company. The founder was William Birks, who became Master Cutler in 1766. At the beginning it was Birks, Withers & Sykes. It was one of the first enterprises to register a silver mark in 1773. It has a complicated genealogy,