Originally Posted by manah For about seven years I tried to find razor with the stamp "Cutlers to Her Majesty". Here're some old threads: http://straightrazorpalace.com/razor...ml#post1009516 http://straightrazorpalace.com/razor...tml#post954706 ....... I've seen different knives and razor boxes with such stamp, but never on the razor blade. And here it is - Harrison Brothers & Howson, Sheffield. ...
I know, this is not how the saying goes. But it should. Recently we had a situation where someone was upset that we deleted his post because he used offensive language. Or as he said it: people say he has a potty mouth, but he sees it as just using the words of a language to express himself, and words don't hurt. This made me reflect. That concept of 'sticks and stones' is as common as it it wrong. Yes, sticks and stones may break your bones. But that can heal. You can learn martial ...
Updated 09-05-2013 at 04:21 PM by Bruno
Here are links I wish I could include in everything I post... Local Help (a list of members who can provide face-to-face help) Meetups (see if there's one coming up near you, or launch one if there isn't) Hanging Hair Test (limits of its utility, how to calibrate your own) For local help and meetups, it's helpful if you fill in the location part of your profile. Include your state; sometimes we'll search the membership lists by state to send out ...
Hey, I can hyperlink to my heart's content here! Just checking. Watch this space.
Originally Posted by manah Joseph Smith was a razor manufacturer, who was born in about 1785. The Company of Cutlers recorded the apprenticeship of Joseph Smith to his father, Isaac Smith, a razor maker in Stannington. Joseph was granted his Freedom in 1810. He first appeared in a Sheffield directory in 1833, trading from Radford Street. By 1852, the enterprise became "& Sons" - presumably with the addition of Joseph's son John. The enterprise employed ten men and three boys. By the late 1870s, it had moved ...