Originally Posted by manah The Ford & Medley firm dealt in mass market table cutlery, electro-plate, and razors. It registered a silver mark in 1900 from an Arundel Street address. The owner was Albert Medley (who had been born in 1875 and lived in Meersbrook). In the Census (1901), he was enumerated as a 26-year-old cutlery manufacturer, living in Beeton Road. He was the son of Joseph (a razor blade grinder) and Emily Medley. By the end of the WWI, the firm occupied Emu Works in Eyre Street, with Albert as managing director. ...
Here at SRP, we are a diverse lot. If anything says that clearer than our choice of shave gear, it would be our individual shave caves. Many like myself are content to have just a place for our stuff and leave it at that. My gear has for years taken up most of the left side of my bathroom counter and the drawers and cabinets underneath. When the title wave of soap, aftershave and other assundries becomes too prodiguous for SWMBO's delicate sensitivities she moves some of the gear to overflow ...
My Aunty Jimbo has, on and off, made some appearances here and there offering sound, sober, thoughtful, and caring advice to the many troubled or simply baffled forum members. She has recently returned, refreshed and revived, from an APT European river cruise, and has once again offered her services to the forum. So without any further ado, take it away Aunty Jimbo! Hello poppets! As my nephew Jimbo said, I'm just back from a river cruise of Europe where I had many nautical adventures! ...
I personally own 2 razors that were new, one Dovo, and one Thiers Issard (TI), Both were honed by an Uberhoner. I also own about 4 dozen vintage razors of various makes and styles which I have purchased to restore. I have restored and honed about 2 dozen myself and shave with them frequently. I prefer vintage, here's why: I rarely pay more than $30, and often paid half that or less. I enjoy restoring them. Sometimes you can get a Damn Fine Shaver that only needs honing, ...
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about the power of words. The topic got started because of a remark about profanity, but was not about profanity itself. However, in the comments session we got into a discussion about profanity. Due to the fact it was a discussion, I didn’t have the opportunity to properly formulate the response the topic deserved. Today I started writing a response, but after 2 pages I decided it would be an article in its own right. So, about profanity ...