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  1. So You Want To Buy A natural Japanese Stone...

    by , 07-14-2011 at 03:19 AM (JimR--Eastern Smooth and Kanayama Strops)
    You've been reading posts about the latest greatest hone, the Shobudani or the Oozuku, the Maruka or the Maruichi, and all those people talking about velvet squeegees and crazy great shaves, and you think "Man, I sure want me one of them there rocks!"

    But you don't know where to start, right? The names are foreign and scary sounding, and they're so expensive, you don't want to get the wrong stone. Indeed, you really really want to get the RIGHT stone, RIGHT NOW.
  2. Packwood razors.

    by , 07-14-2011 at 12:25 AM
    It's very difficult to find any info about the Packwood razors maker. I vainly spent much time to find some info.
    More importantly, Henry L. Lummus, in his article wrote:
    "Date 1828. Maker, unknown, Sheffield. Trademark "Packwood".

    Updated 07-15-2011 at 08:17 AM by manah

    History of razors manufacturers.
  3. Of Microscopes and Honing

    by , 07-13-2011 at 04:57 AM
    I remember when I was learning to hone; I thought I needed a microscope to know what I was doing. I had no reliable tests to tell where I was at in the honing process, and I believed the microscope would open the door to honing nirvana.
    It didn't.
    I remember being totally baffled, confused, and disappointed by what I saw.
    I had no frame of reference at that time.
    My bevels looked good to me. I could not understand why I couldn't get my razors to shave.
    I wish I ...

    Updated 07-13-2011 at 05:08 AM by HNSB

    Helpful Razor Information
  4. Sharpness Tests for Beginners with a bit extra about the HHT

    by , 07-12-2011 at 01:50 PM
    Name:  HHTFAILS.png
Views: 7972
Size:  56.2 KB
    No blogs on the site yet, so here is one. This is just ripped off from one of my posts.

    There are none. Every sharpness test out there, including the shave test, requires previous experience to create a baseline.

    When It comes down to it, as a beginner you just need to buy a shave ready razor from a reputable honeristah and hope for the best.

    Now for some info not in my original thread!
    The HHT is one of the most ...

    Updated 07-12-2011 at 02:16 PM by Slartibartfast

  5. I likez me tape

    by , 07-12-2011 at 01:48 PM (Look ma, dei givz me blog!)
    Name:  b9f755d1-4889-483d-a715-488ade70f74b.jpg
Views: 9633
Size:  31.6 KB

    And I can haz blog!

    Updated 07-13-2011 at 05:55 AM by gugi

    Foobar blogs , Da pink side